Aurora Dragon
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Saturday, October 25, 2003
Okay, can anyone help me here? Btw, this is all about Disgaea: hour of Darkness. ;)
~What level do mages gain their "Tera" powers?
~About what level should all your characters be at in Chapter 10?
~How do I get a Prism mage or any other mage past star?
~Should I get a ninja?
~What does NekoMata mean? I know neko means cat, but what about the mata?
Phew, okay, that's that. Many thanks to anyone who can answer any of these.
Anyways, not much else to say. Got a camofire tonight. We're gonna play football!
This morning was bowling again. The oposing team was making fun of my friend Jessica's bowling. That's when I got pissed. (pardon my english) Ended up with a new average of 112. I bowled like a 162 because of my anger. However, my other teamate, Lisa, didn't do so good that game. What I learned:
In bowling, anger makes your score better for: 1) Jessica 2) me.
worse for:
Stephinee, because she never shows up. *eyeroll*
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Friday, October 24, 2003
yet another.....

this is my way to live
What about yours?
made by rav-chan
That is so me!
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A new backround. If it makes you dizzy, after like a month, I'll change it. I was just getting tired of the white backing.
Oh, wait, I should go take a quiz so I can brighten up this place more. brb. *browses*
 You're Uriko from the 'Bloody Roar' series!
Which Video Game Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Is that a boy?! I am not a boy!! OMG! One of the answers was Nanami from Suikoden II!! I read it, and I'm more like either her or Rena fron Star Ocean II. I was supposed to be Nanami!!!!!!!!!!!!! *curses at quiz* I'm not this Uriko person!! Nanami is just like me!! GRRRRR DIE QUIZ! Here, have the list so you can read Nanami's and Rena's:
Let's try another. I'll take that quiz again at a later date.
 You're Lieza from the 'Arc the Lad' anime!
Which Anime Female Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Hmmm....that's me.
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Thursday, October 23, 2003
just had to shaw all this
 You're the half-breed / ancient race! Some may see you as looking a bit awkward on the outside, what with your furry ears and/or tail or your scaly dragon wings, but many will probably find you adorable as well! You tend to be a cheerful one and rather good at athletics that have to do with agility and stamina, and often times you have some sort of special gift that either allows you to communicate on some level with wildlife or cast some sort of rare and powerful spells. Ever helpful, you'll eagerly leave the home youve always lived at in order to help your friends on their quest, even if you dont get approval to do so. You have an innate desire to see the world and you never quite seem to lose your cheerfulness for too long or your childlike innocence, proving to be quite refreshing to your comrades when things turn too somber.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Hizya. Yup, another word my friends came up with. Enough about them though! [I'm so mean]
Ummmmmmmmm, yeah. not much to write. 'cept my friend Shilin! She's so awsome with CGs. I dunno if she would consider me a friend, but I chat with her every once in awhile. No, I don't live Canada too. Though I wish I did, the U.S.....*shudders* is pitiful, scary, and has THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER. Sorry 'bout that.
Well, enjoy. Ttya'lll.

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Monday, October 20, 2003
puhaha, more posts
Okay the image code obviously didn't work. Son't mind my typing today, I'm sick. I went home sick from school. I had to go down to my science teacher because she is the "permanent substatute for when the nurse is absent". I got inmy science leason while waiting for about a half an hour for dad to pick me up. he is so slow sometimes. ugg i must get off the ccomputer brecause i dont feel good. some other time ill figure out the pic thing/ once again pardon my typing. I heard from sarah that the french test was moved to wesday. oh well, i already dtudied. im so vored .
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Sunday, October 19, 2003
(no subject)
I putting up some pictures....because this page isn't very colorful. And I don't know what I would do without color. *searches google* Doeas the image code work on this thing?
ooo, here we go, it's a pic of Omega Wind from Disgaea. If anyone can tell me on what level a mage learns their Omega Poweres it would greatly be appritiated! I've only got the Mega Powers, not Omega, OOO.
let's see what else we have...Aww! sweet, lookie at the Omega Star!!
Oh, now look, we even have Giga Star! How many levels of sars are there?!
Wooo, woo, hold on there now, level 9999?!!!! My highest level is 31!!
Okay, okay, I'm boring you with pictures now. And on here I talk way too much about Disgaea. You guys probably think that's all I do every day. But, seeing as how someone has a level 9999 charater, what do you think that person spends their time doing? possibly playing Disgaea ALL FREAKIN' DAY. EVERY DAY. Yup. Probably. How long is this game anyhoo?
Oh well, I'm boring you all to death. Why are you still even reading this?
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Saturday, October 18, 2003
Life going a lot better! All A's in school! yays.
The lock in at youth group was last night, We're talkin' ps2 on the high resolution projector!! BOOYAH! Five vollyball games, one soccor, journey into the woods, plenty of other stuff, AND TWO HOURS OF SLEEP. Oh and did I say Disgaea on the ps2 on, like, a 300in?
No major school prjects coming up, yays.
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Saturday, September 20, 2003
Feh, life sucks right now
::sigh:: Nick left for Japan today (correction, technicilly, yesterday), won't be back 'til Febuary. It won't be the same without him. All of my friends were saying that I must be happy have on older brother leave, but I'm not in the least bit. Last friday I got him mad in his last week of being home - went and accidentally wrote over his Disgaea file.....I didn't mean to. His legendary sword, super prinnie, rare sword, super ronin - gone. Grr, I'm so mad at myself still for doing that.
Nick said that'll try and get me a Yukata, yays.
I'm gonna play Disgaea to get my mind off things. ::sigh::
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Monday, September 1, 2003
I haven't had any posts here at all, except that one. At least now I'm in a better mood; thanks moon-scar demon!! Chocolate can make anything better.
Omg, my brother is watching Spawn. Oh, come to think of it, I still can't believe that in Soul Calibur II they chose Spawn as the extra character in the XBox version.
On the other hand, that one new game, Disgagiea (yes yes, sp) is awsome. I love the prinnies, "Dood!! C'mon dude!!" LoL. Flonne is funny too. hahaha.
Ugg, I'm so pathetic right now, as Teri-Ann would say: "yup, yup, high on chocolate!!" or, "weeeee we're hypeeeeer, not really, but oookaaaaay!!". But, most likely: "YAY YAY......ALRIGHT!!" big time isiders joke on that one.
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