Oh yes, log, log... how does the rest of it go? I think I shall change my blog every other time, because just plain Naruto ones all down the screen ish boring. So, thus, my two favorite anime!
yesh, I disappeared again, at gaia. AND AURORA CAN'T SPELL WOOHOO! used to, but, I think that ability has long since been lost.
wheeeeeeeeee I'm bored.
Oh, yesh, if anyone were to find me a Flonne (from Disgaea) blog, I would love you forever... and give you a drawing... or CG even... ;) Yes Teri, I have learned to CG puhahaha.
Oh, and Teri, I noticed that you don't have any new quizes up, probably because I haven't had any up. Quiz stealler. -.-''
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