Well. I haven't been on this website in about three years so yeah. :>
I kinda forgot about it but I'm back. Maybe when I'm not lazy anymore I'll post some of my fanart.
Well to start off, my name is Cristin. I'm on the internet most of the time considering I have my own computer in my room. :3
I play habbo constantly because so do other awesome people. :D
Also, you should message me sometime. :]
wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Why, hello there Cloud.
What do we have planned for today? Saving the world you say?
..Well not really. Tomorrow is the first day of school. Not very happy about that. I still have to read some book and do a whole math packet. Way to procrastinate, Cristin. 9_9
So anyways, I've rediscovered [if thats the right word] an old friend on habbo the other day and we've been talking all the time ever since then. We were really close a long time ago and we're regaining those bonds. :] But he has a girlfriend now. She gets really jealous when I talk to him and she tries to make me jealous. [It works]. D:
Thats about it for now. :]
<3 Cristin.
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
I took my first quiz that I'm posting up here! It is exactly correct because Sheik is my best character! ^_^ What is Your Super Smash Bros. Fighting Style?
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I'm soooooo bored! School is out for the longest time and I have nothing to do so I actually want to go to school... GRRR!!! And my mom recently grounded me from the computer for reasons some people shouldn't know so I haven't been on the computer for ever.... I want to go to school to see all of my friends....
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Monday, August 23, 2004
I'm back!!! The Mall was very fun and cool and big. Camp Snoopy was fun. (Camp Snoopy is the theme park in the mall) The wedding was nice to. We went to a lot of parties and ate a lot of food. Yummm...... I hope I can come back there soon. It was my first ride on an airplane and that was fun. Minnesota is beautiful. There is much green there. More that Florida at least... I saw christmas trees growing there! ^_^
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Tomorrow my friend's mom is taking me out of school early like around 11:00am and I'm going on an air plane for the first time and we are going to Minesota! It is going to be fun! We are going to fly in first class and go to a wedding. The the Mall of America is right next door! It will be fun...^_^
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Wow... I got so bored after I finished my homework I was looking for more homework... Weird.... Then I cleaned out my backpack even though we have only been in school for four days it was a mess.... I'M SOO BORED!!! My brother is leaving to go to college Wednesday... It's sad that I wont be able to see him for a while...
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