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myOtaku.com: Austin

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Hi........... ummm........ *thinks*

Ohhh! I haven't listen to anything my teachers have said. I mean it is so hard. We where doing a thing about the Ten Commandments and we need one more, so the teacher asked.....
"So do we have ten?"
*insert raised hands and talking*
*teacher faces board*
*Austin wakes up*
"Yah! We have ten now!"


I also think I am losing faith in God. To think, my family hasn't really been faithful. I never liked to read to Bibile unless I needed a large fairy-tale.... Mesh.....

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:God of Lazyness
Worshippers:Monks (think Shaolin Kungfu)
They show devotion by:Blowing up followers of other faiths.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Ah! I took a test o_O;;;;

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