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Look out, I'm right behind you! Just kidding, I'm on the East Coast.
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Real Name
I'm a good artist, a big brother, and a great friend surrounded by great friends.
Anime Fan Since
Poke'mon came out. I hate to say it, but back in the 90's I was the biggest Poke' Freak
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Immortal Rain, Chrono Crusade, Alice 19th and Naruto.
Making my own anime cartoon series, working on art and programing for Nintendo, and maybe being a part time stand up comedian.
Drawing, video games, studies of the paranormal, video games, blowing stuff up, wathing awesome anime, hanging with my friends, and video games.
Drawing, playing Nintendo games, and my friends say I'm very funny. Wakka Wakka!
| AwesomeDude898
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Rant-esque Post (So don't read unless you're in the mood)
Hey everybody. How's it going?
Hate to be negative, but things feel like shit over here.
Not only are all the members of my family on a crusade against my sanity, but school has been MERCILOUS with homework this past week.
For example, I have a Chemistry project (not a big project, but a complicated one) due Monday, and it's on a subject we just learned last class and I totally suck at. Sooooooo...if I don't get the topic under my belt by tomorrow, it's going to be a stressful week-end (and they're predicting an oh-so-lovely ice storm tonight too, and thanks to block-scheduling, if I'm out tomorrow, I miss that one chance!)
Anybody with fair knowledge of atomic hybridization and molecular theory willing to offer advice would be a big help. ^_^'
Every other subject has been a razor-blade massage as well. Essays, tests, and the exams starting early in January have had me in the hot-seat.
It also doesn't help that in January I'll be getting my braces put on.
The thought of those things in my mouth for the next year makes me want to throw-up.
For those who don't know, I get head-aches and migraines fairly often (inherited from my dad :-P), and one of the things that triggers a headache for me are sore teeth. The last thing I need is for my teeth to be in pain (even dull pain) for 5 days out of every 2 weeks. Even if I don't get the head-aches, just how much is the soreness going to affect my concentration? It's already hard enough to focus on school, and even on artwork. I don't need a constant jaw-ache screwing up all the simple pleasures in life that I try to enjoy.
Plus, I get to sleep with a "Night-Brace" for the next year. I've never seen a night-brace, but I already have enough trouble sleeping without some sort of metallic apparatus pushing on my teeth.
True, my case isn't nearly as bad as some people have it (particularly the fact that according to the doctor, my wisdom-teeth are coming in nice and straight), but having this on top of the stress my family causes will be horrible.
I'm sick of my parents not giving two shits what I do or how hard I work.
Sure, I get the "Oh Logan, we're so proud of you!" thing when I bring home an improved grade or something (which I worked my ass off to obtain), but when the rubber meets the road and it's time for my parents to show that they care, they of course treat me like some delinquent pot-smoker rather then a hard working B+ average student. Why should I work so hard if they don't care?
*sigh*, I'm sick of my family and sick of my school-work.
And don't give me any "Oh Logan, we care about you!" stuff, alright?
I'm honestly flattered that people care what happens to me and how I feel, but what does it add up to in real-life?
If I knew you in person, maybe the fact that you care would matter, but for now, you're just people I know on the internet (a fact that would get me laughed at if they new that's where I got my emotional support from).
A sad but very basic fact about the world is that most people in it are full of BS. I'm finding that out first-hand right now, and I'm pissed about it.
Sorry, guys. I'll try my best to cheer up in the coming days, as well as return to the artistic and spiritual aspects of my posts.
For example, in the coming days I'd like to do an art review for this piece, submitted by the ever-huggable Elvin priestess, Lindsey-chan:
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There are several aspects of this piece that make it one of the most impressive pieces I've ever seem, most of which come from the design and thought processes behind its creation.
I'll give it due credit in a nice lengthy review in the coming week, so stick around if you're interested.
I also have some VERY fun pictures from the internet I'd like to show you, so keep in touch.
I'll visit your sites tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
Oh, and Lindsey-chan. I'll be posting comments on all your wonderful artwork I've missed soon, so I'll tell you as soon as I'm done.
I've owed you some nice long comments for some time now, so I'll be getting those done soon. First up is "Sex Me". XD
OK everybody, I'll see you soon!
Comments (3) |
Monday, December 5, 2005
Hey everybody. How's it going?
....What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Do I have something on my face or something?
........Crap, this is about me being more then scant for last week isn't it?
^///^ Eh heh heh, well, things have been damn hectic around here recently... Lots'a tests, lots'a family issues, and lots'a general distractions have made time for posting and not-mundane and boring things to post about pretty rare.
Plus, when I was on, I saw very few of my friends on as well, and I didn't want to throw a post into the open air.
So, I'll make up for lost time.
Here we go!:
We put up our tree last night! ^.^ It looks so pretty!
Of course, my douche-bag of a brother made the entire process a living Hell (big surprise). It wasn't 'till the very end that he finally got sent to his room like a little 5-year-old. But, of course, even that was after he had stressed my mom, dad and myself to the point of splitting his head open with a lawn-mower blade. He ruins everything! >_<
But, on the positive side, my brother has now been banned from my room (ie: the computer and Gamecube) for 2 weeks, due to him screwing with my lava-lamp while I was at Barne's & Noble's on Saturday.
The problem was that he didn't care when I scolded him for coming close to breaking my lava-lamp, which could have ruined every drawing I've ever made (my files are on the shelf below it, so if it had broken due to his clumsiness, all my archives would have been soaked). Luckily my dad heard the whole deal-io go down and did the only thing that gets my brother's attention: preventing him from bugging me!
>=D Don't you just love it when the villan gets what they deserve in a story?
Speaking of B&N's, I bought something down there for once!
Since Josh didn't go with me this week...again (I'm so lonely! ToT), I spent about an hour at the near-by GameStop reading a Resident Evil 4 strategy guide.
So, what did I finally buy after an hour of loitering? A new memory card!
Hopefully now I'll be able to completely hide Resident Evil 4 from my family (It's more for my sister and bro. My parents would be OK with it, but my brother's another story).
Allrightie everybody, that's about it for now.
Today I'll leave you with a pic of my current Desktop:
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This one features the lovely Samus, out of her ^@#$%!ing awesome Power-Suit for a change. This BG captures the more epic and fantasy-side of the classic Sci-Fi series known as Metroid.
Are there any other Metroid fans out there?
OK everybody, I'll see you tomorrow!
If I haven't already, I'll comment on your sites later tonight!
P.S.: I submitted some new fan-art the other day!
I don't think anyone's seen it yet, so votes and comments would be greatly appreciated! (In the meantime, I'll be voting and commenting on any of your work that I've missed).
For those with dial-up, I'll make it a bit easier: click here for a short-cut to the first piece, then click "Next Picture" from there to move on to the second piece!
I've got more to submit, but I'll give you all a break for now!
See ya' soon!
Comments (7) |
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Hey everybody. How's it going?
My bro's in my room right now playing Gamecube. >_< Grrrrrr...he's driving me crazy! He just won't shut up! Every 3 seconds he either narrates his game-play or spouts some of his normal random gibberish.
*Hmph*, it's times like this I wish Leon or HUNK was here to teach him a lesson; government agent Kung-Fu style, that is. Many a time I've silently envisioned him getting the snot beat out of him by some of my favorite anime and video-game characters. I remember sitting in the car imaging him getting the 'Oh-no Mr. Bill' treatment from Dr. Salvador.
>=D Heh heh, don't tell anyone I said that, or they might sick the Fed's on me to search my locker for weapons. After Columbine and what-not, people are really touchy about kids and violence.
Anyway, let's move on.
I haven't done one of these in a while, so why don't I give you another look at what goes on in my computer.
Here's what my current desktop looks like:
"I-Tunes" is only on there because I downloaded Quick-time (there were too many awesome video-game trailers out there that required it for me not to get it).
As you can see, Safe-Eyes is on there as well (*Grrrrr*), and my BG is, of course, from Resident Evil 4. Oh, and if you're wondering about the "Television" thingies in my toolbar (or whatever that little bar is called), it's because I'm currently multi-tasking looking up an article I need for English class on Tuesday. We need an article on "The Effects Of Too Much TV". I just can't wait to find out what "fun" activities my teacher has planned for us (that's sarcasm, by the way).
By the way, I need some help from all you Net-Wizards out there.
I need help with
Though photobucket is now working for me (I guess it was just a glitch on Thanksgiving), I've always had trouble with anything other then JPEG images.
The pic of my desktop above had to be in JPEG format, because leaving it on Bitmap form makes it show up like this:
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Making it a JPEG makes it so much duller and less detailed.
Any help on how to make Bitmaps or any other more detailed picture files show up as the right size on photobucket would be greatly appreciated.
Well, it's Sunday, meaning I get to go back to school tomorrow. Oh, the sheer joy that thought brings to my heart (utter sarcasm). I can't wait to see all the smiling faces in my Princ. of Bus. class (more utter sarcasm). And I'm overjoyed that I'll have to get up before 10:30 AM tomorrow and have homework (so sarcastic it hurts).
What really sucks is that in the 5 days I've been off from school I've barely been able to do any drawing! Well, save for a mediocre zombie from Wednesday night. *sigh*, things are really looking up, ain't they?
OK guys, I'll see ya' around.
Comments (6) |
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I love my hair! (Don't you? XD)
Whew! Just got out of a nice hot shower a second ago! ^.^
Anybody else here like nice hot showers? Though it's mostly my brother and sister, I definitely contribute to using up all the hot-water at my house. ~_' My legs are always bright-red after I get out (thus the nick-name my mom gave me at such times: "Lobster-Boy")
Tonight was especially nice because I got in first, which means I didn't run out of hot-water. Plus, I had just come in from a bike-ride, so I was both cold and sweaty, so a hot shower was the perfect remedy!
Speaking of which, my hair is getting pretty long.
Normally I'm a stickler for having short hair, because it's easier for me to manage.
I loved having short and fuzzy hair 'cuz it looked cool, like Chris Redfield's hair.
(*If you don't remember Chris Redfield, this should help you out:
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I've always thought that this hair-style looked cool.*)
But when I was thinking of getting my regular cut, my dad suggested at least trying out longer hair.
So, I tried it out, and I'm liking it!
Please feel free to nuzzle my hair on your way out of my site today.
It's soft and fluffy.....*puppy-dog eyes*.
Darn, I spent most of this post talking your ear off about something random, didn't I?
Let's see if I can't get in something useful today...
Ummm...ooh, I'm loving one of RE4's extra features!
One is a game called "The Mercenaries", where you destroy as many enemies you can within a certain time-limit. There are 4 levels, 3 of which are locations in the each of the 3 main areas of the game (The Village, which has villager zombies, The Castle, which is swarming with cultists, and The Island, which is full of soldier zombies). I haven't tried out that 4th area yet (as said, I like to savor my games), but I'm sure it's something special! =D
I've already unlocked 3 secret characters to use: Ada, Krauser, and even HUNK from previous RE games!
HUNK (which is an acronym, by the way) is the leader of one of the teams of Umbrella's Biohazard Countermeasure Service, meaning he's specially equipped and trained to "Clean-up" the side-effects of biological nightmares.
I wouldn't swear on it, but I think HUNK was the one who killed William Birken in Resident Evil 2.
I'd appreciate it if any RE2 buffs could help me out here.
Allrightie everyone, if I haven't gotten to your site yet, I will later tonight.
I'll also try to comment on all your recent artwork (Gomen-sai, Erin-chan! I know I'm behind!).
I'll leave you with a pic that really caught my eye here on TheOtaku by an artist named Firefly:
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I don't recognize the character, but her name's Rebecca.
I was really impressed by the smooth lining and beautiful colors, but even more so with the life-like expression she has.
It looks like you're about to receive a stern lecture, doesn't it?
This piece really reminds me of a portrait by an artist named Chuck Close. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
Comments (4) |
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Turkey Day! Err...Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Sorry I'm posting so late, but I spent the day up north at my Aunt Catherine's house. We had a mini-reunion of our family (on my father's side, by the way) for Thanksgiving. Though, we actually had a Thanksgiving lunch rather then the usual Thanksgiving dinner. I actually prefer it that way. ^_^'
Anyway, it was great to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents again.
This morning started out very, very, VERY rough. Though I won't go into details on why, getting ready to leave today was absolute Hell. However, things seem to have cooled down since then (thank goodness), so I guess things are OK.
Circumstances are still really sticky though regarding the larger scheme of things (i.e., my ranty post from the weekend before the most recent). I do feel a tad less distraught about it, but things have failed to get better over here. I can only pray that things don't go any further down-hill. (Well, I'm not the only one who can pray that things get better. *hint-hint*, *nudge-nudge*)
OK, that's enough of my hormone-soaked angst. So here's the sentence you all look forward to after crap of that nature: Let's get on to the fun stuff!
I beat Resident Evil 4 the other night!
WAAAAH!!! This sucks! There has to be more to the game! It's too good to be over yet!
Ah well, all good things must come to an end, neh?
It lasted a good long time (but part of that is because I like to savor my games). And man, what a ride it was!
^_^ I can tell you, that's the best game I ever played! If you have even the slightest liking for epic action-packed Sci-fi crap-your-pants style horror, then you have to get this game!
Nay, if you own a Gamecube, you MUST get this game, period!
Though I'm sad it's over, I did unlock a lot of new features by beating the game. Features that I will be fully enjoying later tonight. >:D
I'll give you some in-sight into the fun new features as I play them, so stay tuned.
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but things have been tough over here, as you know. I'll get to your sites tonight, and if not by tomorrow, OK?
I had a lovely Thanksgiving pic for you guys, but of course, won't let me upload it (probably the fault of "Safe Eyes"). I'll show it to you as soon as my mom gets this piece of crap to function.
Thanks everybody, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Question for Today:
What are you thankful for? ~_'
Comments (3) |
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Hey everybody. How's it going?
Thanks for your concern yesterday. Things still suck really, really bad over here, but I do feel just a smidge better. Thanks again for listening. I know it's no fun listening to me whine and all, so I owe you guys big for how much I do it.
Well, Safe-Eyes is being a ^@#$&!, just like I expected. It's stopping me from using, as well as several art sites. *sigh*, oh well, maybe I can convince my mom to un-block them.
Anywho, onto the fun stuff!
I stayed up late playing Resident Evil 4 last night! I'm finally on Disc 2 now! ^_^
I'm on the 3rd major area in the game (the first was the village, and the second was the castle). This time, it's a small, off-shore military installation, and as you could probably guess, everyone's been infected with Las Plagas. Now rather then crazed villagers with farm-tools or cultists with medieval weaponry, I'm now dealing with military zombies coming at me with stun-rods and gatling-guns. ^_^'...meh, if I were Leon, I'd be scared.
Worst of all, this island was a Biological Weaponry research center, meaning experimental genetically-engineered weapons are now souped-up with the Plagas virus and are running free.
This is the part of the story that brings RE4 back to its roots; the theme of a biological nightmare.
I can safely say that the military installation is by far the most well-designed environment in the game so far. The creators put a butt-load of detail into everything, making it look like a real out-break in a real facility.
There are pipes in the ceiling (many of which leak), mounds of crates, supplies and moving-materials, tables full of chemicals and un-eaten military food, desks full of paperwork, and spooky bio-labs filled with downed wiring, busted cooling-pipes and computers that have been left running. I spent half the time examining every detail of the design, and I was fully impressed.
I highly suggest checking out Resident Evil 4 sometime if you haven't already. It's an extensive, fun, addictive, epic crap-your-pants Survival Horror adventure, and it's the best in its genre.
Whoo! Sorry about that! I really need to quit talking your ear off about RE4!
OK everybody, I got a Chemistry test tomorrow I have to study for, so I'll see ya' later!
And by the way, please visit ElvesAteMyRamen for me, will ya'?
Details are on her site, but I think we should give her some support and prayer.
Thanks everybody!
Comments (4) |
Saturday, November 12, 2005
And so it all ammounts to nothing...
Hey everybody. How's it going?
Things have gone to utter crap over here.
I don't want to bore you with my stupid angsty stuff, so I'll make this quick. Why does life suck right now?
-Remember that crappy "Be Safe" Blocker I got in April? Well, when my computer went down in September and was fixed a week or so later, my mom didn't put Be Safe back on. So, for the 2 weeks between getting it fixed and today, I didn't have to deal with a blocker.
But, being the kill-joy my parents are, they installed a new blocker last night. Some piece of crap called "Safe Eyes", so that right after a quick taste of freedom, they take it away again.
The blocker isn't even the worst part. The worst thing is how insulting it is. Kids my age are expected to do well in high school (or as I like to call it, the Shark-tank), learn to drive and even get jobs, but I still have to ask my mommy before I can visit a site. Apparently I'm too stupid and to ignorant to avoid or handle the smut on the web.
-Even worse, my brother is getting his Gamecube back.
For those who don't know, he was being a total turd back in May, and my parents were fuming about how things were gonna'change. Naturally, they didn't, but that's not the point. The point is, they were preparing to sell his Gamecube. But, me being the diplomat that I am, I was able to convince them to let me have it.
But now, just as I'm getting Resident Evil 4 from Josh, my parents are taking the Gamecube out of my room (meaning I basically can't play it.
-The ban on Tanner being in my room is now over, meaning he can basically use my computer whenever he pleases.
I hate it here. I feel like crying. It's just absolutely not fair.
Things were looking great for a while, and that's all gone down the drain.
All the hard work I do doesn't matter to my parents. I'm literally back to square-one with them, for no reason at all. Though they might say different they don't give me any more trust or rewards then my perverted, moronic, immature, spiteful, mean, dishonest brother.
On top of that, I'm of course getting those God-forsaken braces later this year. I'm not too happy about that.
Nobody gives a crap about how hard I try or how well I do. It's all just dust in the wind to anyone that matters. It's the start of another vicious cycle with my siblings and parents, just like the one they started back in January this year (I'm sure you all remember that).
I hate my family, and I hate how my life is going right now. It's all just utter crap.
For anyone that cares, I'll see ya' later.
Comments (2) |
Friday, November 11, 2005
I'm off from school for Veteran's Day!
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Happy Veteran's day, everybody!
Today's a day to remember all the men that fought for our freedom.
We also give a special shout-out to the boys fighting bravely in Iraq.
OK everybody, how's it going today?
I just got in from a bike-ride and now I'm waiting for my mom to finish sweeping the hard-wood floors so I can vacuum.
So, is anyone out there able to appreciating the fall-colors like I can? It is SOOOO pretty over here right now!
^_^ All the lovely reds, oranges and yellows look wonderful down here, especially at sun-set! And we had a warm-front come in this week! It was between 60 and 80 every afternoon!
Heh heh, it's times like this I'm glad I'm a Carolina-boy. I bet I'm making Lindsey-chan pretty jealous, since we rarely get snow at all down here (save for the 2 or 3 BEAUTIFUL snow-days we get every other year). >:D
*laughs at EAMR as she shovels icky, yucky New York snow and slush*
Ah, but it's not all good. Sometimes the actual ice can be pretty vicious.
Some of you, especially in neighboring states to me, may remember something called "Ice-Storm 2004". In January of 04', we had an ice-storm that was so bad the whole state went into a state-of-emergency! Power was out EVERYWHERE! Not to mention some roads had become slick death-traps due to a lovely thing called "Black Ice". And man, you should have seen all the downed tree-limbs! *shiver* It makes me cold just thinking about it!
OK everybody, if I haven't already, I'll visit your sites later tonight.
I'd appreciate any comments you could give on my recent submissions if you haven't already.
I've got some new stuff to submit, but I've heard that many of you prefer commenting on 2 or 3 fan-arts at a time as opposed to a whole butt-load of them. Is it better to submit sparsely and regularly rather then rarely and en masse? I'll re-vamp my submitting habits according to your answer.
OK everybody, I'll see you tomorrow!
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Heh heh, the members of Metallica are known as "the Beatles of speed-metal", after all.
I'm a fan of both the Beatles and Metallica, so this pic scores bonus-points with me. ^_^
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Hey everybody. How's it going?
Long, LONG boring day today. I've got a test in Civ. & Econ. tomorrow that I have to study for. Plus, I've got a test in Chemistry on Monday that I'm not prepared for!
Bleh, I hate school. But at least I'll have this Friday off! ~_'
Anywho, how are you all feeling? Have any of you taken any pictures using that little trick I taught you yesterday? I wanna' see 'em! ^_^
I'm SOOOO glad that I wasn't the only one who didn't know about that feature! I swear, I've been having a blonde-week this week.
Err, no offence to you blondes out there, of course.
On another note, Erin-chan's sick today! Please pray for her, OK? (I'm also hoping Rosa's sickness isn't coming back)
And speaking of the loveable Erin-chan, I thought you might find this interesting.
Here's a fine example of how much she's been improving.
Erin-chan submitted this piece a little over a year ago for Halloween:
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Then, for this Halloween, Erin-chan redid the piece, and look how it came out!:
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*pets Neko*
I may be jumping to conclusions, but I'd bet that the Neko in the second piece is Erin's original character Akaii after a hair-cut. Akaii is definitely one of my favorite characters done by an amateur artist. I love her color scheme and overall design so much!
Anyway, I gotta' be going.
I'd appreciate any comments on my recent artwork submissions!
If I haven't been to your sites or art yet today, I'll do that as soon as I finish studying, OK?
See ya' tomorrow!
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A very accurate yet original piece of fan-art for Inuyasha. Incredibly well-designed clothing and facial structure, wouldn't you say?
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
My Dad made BBQ last night! ^^ <3 I LOVE my Daddy-O's BBQ!!! We got him a smoker for his birthday last year (and on that note, his birthday THIS Sunday), and he's been using it to its fullest!
But today when I got home from school, I was REALLY hungry, so I made myself a small BBQ sandwich. I've washed my hands like 10 times, and they STILL smell funny! How can just barely handling a little cold BBQ make your hands smell so strong!?
Boy, that was random, wasn't it? Oo'
Sorry about that.
Anyway, I had a slightly rough day today. Not because of actual events, just from what I was thinking about through today, especially this morning. I won't go into what I was thinking about today, but it was pretty heavy.
Anyway, on to the fun stuff!
Today in SciVis, my senior-student classmate Steven showed me how you "take a picture" of whatever your screen is displaying at the time with a mere push of a button.
>:D I'm gonna'have fun with this, baby!
Was I the ONLY one who didn't know that you could do this? If you're as clueless as me, it's done with the key that says "Print Screen" over a dash, and beneath that has "SysRq". It should be on your top-row of keys, in a group of 3 over your arrow-keys. Just press that, and then select "Paste" in MS Paint.
Anyway, here are some of some pics I took of my computer today!
Consider this your sneak-peak into the inner-workings of AwesomeDude898's PC!:
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Hee hee, I'm such a Metalli-freak. ^_^
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Where else would I learn how to draw zombies but the video-game world?
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Here's the folder containing the images I use for my screen-saver. Some of you may recognize some of your art in there!
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Heh, I'm a Maiden-fan, too! ^^
Anywho, more of those to come. I'm surprised that I haven't seen any of you use that feature on your computer. I'd love to get a look at what my Otaku-friends; computers are like!
OK everybody, I'll see you tomorrow!
And if you haven't seen yesterday's post yet, please check it out.
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