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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hey everybody!
Guess who's goin' to Barne's & Noble's at noon with Josh...
Nicko McBrain? Nope, guess again.
Superman? Nuh-uh.
Me? YEP! We're gonna' go manga-late for this afternoon!
Josh is even going to let me borrow his Iron Maiden albums "Killers" and...um, "Iron Maiden", plus his Cowboy Bebop Jazz collection! Plus, He's also going to let me borrow Ruroni Kenshin vol. 9! ^_^

Since I'm leaving in about 30 minutes, I just want to ask you to please go check out the 2 new pics I submitted yesterday. Ya' know, George Walker and "Wicked Sid"? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase?

As you know, a lot of the pieces I've drawn are works where I went a little crazy with the detail. Well, to make sure you guys don't miss any of the tiny little surprises I hide in my drawings, or the reasons behind them, I made little diagrams for 2 of my pics. I did one for the 'maggot zombie' El Ganado, and one for the chemical-slinging El Ganado. Check out this in-depth look into my artistic insight! (Boy, I'm really full of myself, aren’t I?) The different segments are different colors, so you don't get confused:
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And here's my acid-slinger Ganado:

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So, what do you think?

Before I go, here's a kickin’ picture of Eddie for Iron Maiden's hit "Aces High", off their album "Powerslave".
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See ya' tomorrow!

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Friday, August 12, 2005

   Hey everybody. How's it going?
My mom apologized for what she said the other night. She was stressed and what-not from all the work she's been doing.
But my brother and sister have absolutely been clawing my @$$ all day long. I have a stress headache from dealing with them. I hate the both of them. If my parents expect me to keep then under control, but don't give me some manner of control, they need to hire a baby sitter. What they ask me to do now is basically to tame a lion without a whip. It's total sh** in my opinion.

I'm so stressed out and depressed right now. This coming school year along with everything else is total BS. I wanna' f***ing kill somebody right now.

Regardless, I submitted 2 new pics today. 1 is one of the ghost-serial killers, and the other is one of his victims. Please at least take a look, and maybe vote and comment.

In other news, check out what xSakurax submitted for me today, for my recent birthday:
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Thank you very much, Sakura! Isn't it pretty?

*sigh*, alright everyone, I'll see you tomorrow.

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Thursday, August 11, 2005

   Hey everybody. How's it going?
Things are at least looking OK for me about my brother ruining my manga runs. My dad agrees with me on the fact that my brother isn't mature enough to be left in a store alone, especially not with someone like Sean (the kid he wanted to go with). However, my mom completely freaked out when she got home yesterday. My brother was on the couch with one of the cordless phones on his dirty feet (you put your hands on a phone, by the way), so I politely asked him to take it off of there. He flipped out and started screaming, so my mom started screaming at us. Apparently, I'm a "despicable" and "un-Christian" person because I don't like my brother. WTF!? Excuse me!? That's BS! It's not my fault I don't like him! He's a jerk, and NOBODY likes a jerk! But my mom says that since he's my brother, I have some sort of obligation to like him despite that. And here's the kicker: My mom hates HER sister. They got in some fight over a piece of furniture, so I haven't seen my cousins in about 8 years. Then she tells me I have to LIKE my brother!? Psh, like I said, she can be a major hypocrite sometimes.

*sigh*, I'm still fighting off the depression. I feel really crappy right now, and if you remember back a month or so, you'll know why.

As far as interesting news goes, ElvesAteMyRamen finished her new Yuki drawing! Click the link to see it, as well as vote and comment!: The Emotional Boiling-Point.
I'll be posting an in-depth art review tomorrow or the next day (I know I pretty much always do that for EAMR's artwork, but it's not to suck-up or anything. I do that because Lindsey is one of the few artists whose artwork contains that kind of complexity.)

In other news, I've been working on more song tags.
Here are 2 for the song "Fuel", by Metallica. Which style do you think looks cooler?
The normal text...
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Or the replacement symbols and alternate spelling...
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Here's another one for "For Whom the Bell Tolls".
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I know that the L's in "Bell" are actually the number 1 while the L's in "Tolls" are regular L's, but I thought it looked better to change it up.

And my first Iron Maiden tag, here's the last segment of "The Trooper".
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I know the pink letters are kind of gay looking, but that's the font and color they use for the image of the single.
So, what do you think? Please check Tuesday's post (the one at the bottom of the page) if you want to see some more of these tags.

Before I go, I thought this was really cute. It's a quick little fan art in the form of a manga segment (reads left-to-right, by the way) for Inuyasha. Though it's short and a little out of character, it's so romantic that I'm willing to let it slide.
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Isn't that beautiful? The coloring and lining is well done, yet still soft and light, thus giving it a very dream-like quality. -///- Awww, it's just so sweet. (Alright, if you're a guy, you're probably going to call me gay at this point. Well, screw it. I'm a dude that doesn't mind romance, so deal with it >:P)

Alright everybody, I'll see you tomorrow!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ya' know how I go to Barne's & Noble's every so often to relax (sometimes with Josh, sometimes alone)? Well, my brother has alerted me to the fact that he thinks that he'll be going to Barne's & Noble's every week or so now with his friends.
I can't let that happen. That little turd gives me no other place to rest. He cannot just waltz in and say that B&N's is his new little hang-out. That's the only place I don't have to deal with his obnoxious crap or his stupid friends. And don't think I can "share" it with him either. That brat ruins everything he's a part of, and I'm not willing to be in the same store as him if my goal is to relax. And don't think we can "share" the number of times a week we go either. I rarely ever get to go, so I'm not willing to have that cut in half. He's not mature enough to be left in a store alone anyway. I was going to ask my mom if I could go first thing when she got home, but my brother's already thinking he's "gotten dibs". He called her at work and left her a message (but that's almost worse, since we won't get a clear answer from her till she gets home).

I'm seriously so stressed out that I'm trembling. My manga runs are the only thing that have been keeping me sane the past year. They're too important to me for him to just up and take them away. I hate my brother. All he ever does is case stress (by either doing selfish things like this, or just doing things for the purpose of being annoying). I can't take his crap anymore. Jeeze, this is total BS. I sure hope my mom isn't too stressed out that she can't decide properly. She's had to work extra hard and extra long this week, so she may just do what's easiest to settle the argument by letting my brother ruin the last thing I have. She isn't very fair or that good of a listener when she's even the slightest bit stressed. She's said (very lightly) before when my brother asked to go with me on a run, that he couldn't go because he'd drive me crazy. At least she realizes that, but that only gives me so much hope. My mom is hypocritical at times, and her decision can hang on something as minute as what she had for breakfast. And with how stressful it's been for her at work, it doesn’t look good.

This is so unfair. I knew he'd ruin or at least taint (strong words, I know, but he's THAT bad) the last thing I didn't have to have compromised. I feel like total s#!t at the moment, if you couldn't already tell.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

   Hey everybody. How's it going?

Did anyone check out MadamRyeka's new b-day/otak-versary pic that I talked about yesterday? I gave you the link and everything. *sigh*, please check out yesterday's post if you didn't.

Time of Post: 3:02 PM
Listening to: "Fuel" (S&M version), by Metallica and the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.
Man, so much energy in this song!
"Ooooooh, and on I burn...
Fuel is pumping engines,
burning haaaaard, looooose, and cleeeeean.
And on I burn!
Turning my direction...
Quench my thirst with gasoline!"

Alrighty then, let's get down to business!

Miyoko-chan has a really cool-lookin' new character to show us. This guy's name is "Nanashi", which Erin-chan says means "Nameless". This is one of the 4 pics she's submitted of him:
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Rock on, Erin-chan.

I really need you guys to pray for me. I haven't drawn anything productive in over a week. @_@ That's not normal for me. Please pray that my creative juices will get unblocked some how (I'm serious about this).

Well, though I haven't drawn anything, I have been making a few little lyric and song tags in my spots of boredom. I haven't done any for Guns N' Roses or Iron Maiden yet, but I do have several that were inspired by Metallica. Check em' out...

This one is a lyric from "...And Justice For All", off of the album of the same name:
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Those familiar with that album will understand the style choice.

Here's another lyric segment from "Whiplash" (off the "Kill Em' All" album):
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Here's a tag for "Blackened" (off the "...And Justice For All" album):
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Here's a text-art title for "The Thing That Should Not Be" (off of the "Master of Puppets" album):
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And finally, here's a quick elaboration on the song "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (off of the "Ride the Lightning" album):
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That line isn't actually in the song, unlike the others. But I thought it sounded cool.
So, what do you think?

Before I go, please take a look at my 8 pics I submitted last week. A few of you were absent when I submitted them, and I could really use your comments. 4 are ghost pics, 3 are zombie pics, and 1 is a special pic. =^^=

OK everybody, I'll see you tomorrow!

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Monday, August 8, 2005

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Hey everybody. How's it going?

Yesterday, MadamRyeka submitted a really sweet pic for my recent birthday and Otaku-versary. ^///^ It's a lovely pic of me with her Naruto character Sayoko (Park’s style is to take an existing anime and create a new character that fits the mold for that series. Ex: Ryeka for Yu-Gi-Oh, Miyuko for Saiyuki, Sayoko for Naruto, etc.). Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if you voted and commented on the pic. Please click the link to do so: *blush*.

In other news, my buddy Josh (DrunkenMaster) is back from his grandparent's house! And guess what he bought while he was up there...
Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil: Code Veronica, and to top it off, Resident Evil 4!!! He's even going to let me borrow it when he's finished with it! (Though that may take a while. Though Josh is notorious for finishing 14 hour games in one sitting, he says the game is FANTASTIC and beyond anything he or I could have hoped for!)

I've been talking with Ami recently about what she's been going through. We came to the subject of a song I know of that I thought she might relate to (along with maybe a couple other people out there). The song is called "Dyers Eve", and it's preformed by, who else, Metallica. I'm going to post the lyrics here so you can tell me what you think. This is one of Metallica's fastest songs (especially for the drums), and is the last song on the "...And Justice For All" album. The song is definitely classified as Thrash Metal, which gives you an idea of how the song contains so much rage:

"Dear mother,
Dear father,
What is this Hell you have put me through?
Day in, day out I lived my life through you
Pushed onto me what's wrong or right,
Hidden from this thing that they call life

Dear mother,
Dear father,
Every thought I'd think you'd disapproved
Always censoring my every move
Children are seen but are not heard
Tear out everything inspired

Torn from me without your shelter.
Barred reality,
I'm living blindly.)

Dear mother,
Dear father,
Time has frozen still, what's left to be?
Hear nothing,
Say nothing,
Cannot face the fact I think for me.
No guarantee, it's life as is,
But damn you for not giving me my chance.

Dear mother,
Dear father,
You've clipped my wings before I learned to fly...
I've outgrown that f***ing lullaby…
The same thing I've always heard from you:
‘Do as I say, not as I do’


I'm in hell without you.
Cannot cope without you two.
Shocked at the world that I see,
Innocent victim, please rescue me.

Dear mother,
Dear father,
Hidden in your world you've made for me.
I'm seething,
I'm bleeding,
Ripping wounds in me that never heal.
Undying spite I feel for you,
Living out this Hell you always knew…"

I've even done some Metallica word-art for this song. Check it out:
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I especially liked this one:
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I'm open for discussion if anyone's interested. OK?

I'll see you all tomorrow.

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Sunday, August 7, 2005

   Hey everybody! How's it going?

First off, I need to ask you to pray for Penny (Akane the Fox). Why? The poor girl has to go back to school tomorrow. @_o' That's friggen' messed. Sorry, Akane.
Please also continue to pray for Ami (AmiGouchi) for her grandma and aunt's health.

Oh, and if you haven't seen the 8 new pics I submitted earlier in the week, please check those out.
And if you didn't read yesterday's post, please do so.

Whoa! I just realized something really freaky! Like I said, I was reading Immortal Rain yesterday. I won't give any spoilers (as usual), but the date "August 6th" is a really important date in the manga (those who have read it know why). Well, yesterday was when I found out why that date was so important. And guess what yesterday's date was...
August 6th! How crazy is that!?

So, how many of you are now interested in Silent Hill? I've got another cool Silent Hill pic for ya'! This one's from "Silent Hill 4: The Room". If you didn't know, Silent Hill 4 is the game about Henry Townshend, and his apartment: Room 302. Henry soon discovers that Room 302 is infested with a deep-rooted demonic curse, and the spirits of 18 serial murder victims have returned to haunt it. Bummer. Anyway, here's the pic:
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Ya' ever get the feeling that somebody's watching you? *shiver*

Anyway, I thought that this little pic I made was pretty cool. It took about a minute to make, but I like it. It's a quick little tribute to Metallica for my site:
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So, what do you think?

Alright everybody, that's all for today. I'll see you tomorrow!

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*sigh*, parking violations just keep getting more and more expensive! XD

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Saturday, August 6, 2005

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Heh heh, bet this reminds some of you of your routers, eh?

Hey everybody. Sorry to post so late, but I was busy all day. @_<

Guess where I just got back from.
Barne's & Noble's, baby! First time in over 2 weeks!

Though I've glurged about it before on my site, it was on days that few people were here. So, under the never-before-wrong advice of ElvesAteMyRamen, I've picked up on the Immortal Rain manga.
Holy friggen' crap, it is awesome!!! Its artwork is beautiful and the characters are loveable, plus the ideas are deep and the plot is engrossing.
Today I read the second half of Vol. 3 through the first half of Vol. 5. Those who have read the series know that means I found out all about Yucca (sp?). Oh man, you can just look at the guy and tell that he's twisted. That guy gives me the creeps. And his plan for his "bet" with Rain, *shiver*, pure genius how he plotted it so that Rain would have no way out. I won't give any spoilers, but it had me guessing to the last minute about what he was trying to pull off. And when I found out what it was, it was like a Twilight Zone episode! Ya' know, his "endless game of 'tag'" with Rain? Just such genius writing.
I'll gush a little more about IR later this week, so keep your eyes open if you're interested.

I also read the first volume (and only volume yet to be released) of a manga called "Priest".
Imagine if HBO combined their original series "99 Ghosts" with their series "Deadwood".
It was pretty violent and pretty vulgar, but it was worth it for the zombie-blasting, gun-slinging, scripture-reciting goodness! Its style is kinda' scribbley, but it's still awesome. I highly suggest checking it out.

If you haven't seen my new artwork yet, please take a look. I really need your votes and comments.

Alright guys, that's all for today. I'll see you tomorrow!

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Jill Valentine (from Resident Evil and Resident Evil 3) in chibi form. Sooooooooo CUTE!

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Friday, August 5, 2005

Hey everybody! I've got a ton of good news today, big and small!

On the big side, Ami is now feeling a lot better! Thank you to all who visited her and helped her out! She has a post about it on her site, which you can read by clicking here! (She's even posted a picture of herself as well!
The thing about Ami is, on the rare occasions she's depressed, it's never just hormones. Lord knows what Ami goes through is worth feeling bad about. But Ami has persevered, and has promised to continue to persevere through whatever may come her way. Gosh, such stories really get to you, ya' know? *sniff*

And on that note, Ami has posted another 3 pics, 2 of which are for me! Thank you so much, Ami-chan! Along with the dragon pic, she submitted this for my recent birthday:
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So pretty! I love the wings and hair, and the outfit looks so cool!
And secondly, she submitted this for my Otaku-versary!:
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It's just so cute! Thank you so much, Ami! I love it! That's Ami (her OC) on the left, Rui (another OC) on the right, and the anime-version of herself in the middle. =^^= It's too cute!

In other news, my mom got my new scanner up and running! And in effect, I've posted 8 new pics! Please take a look in my portfolio and check out my new pieces! I really enjoy reading the comments you leave, and I really need your advice on how I can improve. (Special thanks to people like Living Doll, Miyoko-chan, ElvesAteMyRamen, AmiGouchi, Vankala86 and many others for sticking with me on my art!)

So has anyone watched that video of the week? -_-' I thought that commercial was really cool. OK, how about the new Quote of the Week? Please check it out if you haven't already.

Before I go, I need to post a quick review for EAMR's latest creation! Have you all gotten to see this yet?:
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How cool is that? Lindsey's newest portrait more then lives up to our already high expectations. EAMR said on her site that Yuki's hair contains 8 layers of different colors. Yep, 8 colors. According to Lindsey, it's a combination of grays, blues and lavenders. If you look reeeeeeeeeal closely, you can see the lavenders in the darkened shadows on his bangs. How freakin' cool is that!? Please visit Lindsey's site for more details on the layers, including a laundry list of skin-tone combinations that you may want to try yourself.
Also, take a look at the depth and detail in the folds of Yuki's over-shirt. I can see the same complexity in the shadows and highlights in Ayame's jacket. Elves always puts so much detail in clothing and clothing-texture.
I'm really impressed with the richness in the colors of Ayame's jacket and Tohru's hair. Lindsey commented that there are actually 5 colors used in Ayame's jacket. I can only spot a pink and lavender-brown, aside from the obvious red and white, so the last color is a mystery. @_@
Lastly, take a look at the special effects and background. The cherry-blossom petals and the butterfly are especially nice additions to the pic. Lindsey actually did the beautiful background in acrylic paints, which makes it looks so natural and flowing. Lindsey's only done one other pic's background in acrylic paints. Which one? *cough cough*
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That's all for today, so I'll see you tomorrow!

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Thursday, August 4, 2005

   Hey everybody. I really need your help.
Our friend Ami is really, really depressed. She has good reason to be, though. The most recent post on her site details everything. Please take a look by clicking here.
I'm really worried about her. She really needs our support and friendship. Will you please PM her and pray for her? We're really going to need to pull together for this one.

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