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I'm a good artist, a big brother, and a great friend surrounded by great friends.
Anime Fan Since
Poke'mon came out. I hate to say it, but back in the 90's I was the biggest Poke' Freak
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Immortal Rain, Chrono Crusade, Alice 19th and Naruto.
Making my own anime cartoon series, working on art and programing for Nintendo, and maybe being a part time stand up comedian.
Drawing, video games, studies of the paranormal, video games, blowing stuff up, wathing awesome anime, hanging with my friends, and video games.
Drawing, playing Nintendo games, and my friends say I'm very funny. Wakka Wakka!
| AwesomeDude898
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Friday, January 20, 2006
A little bit of ranting, but after that it's all good...
Hey everybody. How's it going?
Sorry I didn't post yesterday.
Ya' see, I had a dental appointment yesterday...for my soon-to-be braces. Nothing major was done yesterday, and I was in and out in 20 minutes, so it was a relatively comfortable experience compared to what going to the dentist is usually like for me (plus, my new dentist is really nice, and he was friends with my mom before he even became a dentist). I get my "spacers" put on a week from yesterday, and I get the regular braces on a week after that.
-_-' I'm really not looking forward to these braces. I know I really shouldn't complain, especially since my case is a cake-walk compared to what most people go through.
But still, it's going to be crap having a sore jaw all day every time I'm wearing those stupid bands. It's hard enough to concentrate on schoolwork and artwork when I'm completely comfortable, and I get migraines really easy thanks to my dad's genes, so the next 14 months are going to suck like Hell & fire if my predictions are correct.
And afterwards, in the car ride to the grocery-store and then to home, my mom of course made it worse. She honestly doesn't care about what my brother puts me through, nor that now I'll be dealing with him on top of my jaw-aches. According to her, "that's life".
I was a dumb-ass for ever thinking my parents were my friends. They're just stepping-stones to bigger things, easily manipulated by those willing to manipulate (and by that, I mean my brother, who's had my parents half-dancing in his palms these past few years). It's a shame really, that my parents are so oblivious. We could have had a good, strong relationship if a certain little faggot weren't constantly lying about me to them.
I've also been dealing with that issue here on The Otaku I vaguely mentioned a while back. Every time I try to push it out of my mind and enjoy something, it seeps back in and saturates every thought. I try to push it out of my mind, because thinking about it makes me very, very angry...
I'm afraid it may boil over soon if I don't bring it up with you guys (like I said, it's something pertaining only to The Otaku), but I'm even more afraid of what will happen if I do mention it here. I'm worried that I may lose friends here, or at least lose my respect for them by bringing this issue to light. I'm afraid of the constant barrage of insults that may ensue. Well, I'm used to that part by now, but this time they'd be coming from people I consider(ed) my friends. If you're a close-enough friend of mine to be reading this, then you're likely involved in some way.
*sigh*, anybody have something that made them feel like this once?
I hate to saddle you with my emotional crap like that. I'm not depressed per say, I'm just...angry.
Ah, I need to stop whining. I'll compensate for the above with some fun stuff. How about that? ~_'
Today marks the triumphant return of ElvesAteMyRamen to The Otaku! She left saying she expected to be back about a week ago, but little did our Elvin heroine know that the Verizon company had it in for the for of a service delay! (*Dunh-Dunh-DUNH!!!*)
But anywho, Lindsey should have functioning DSL service by the 30th, and until then she's gonna' use the lickity-split computers at her recently graduated college. Congratulations, Lindsey-chan, on soon being permanently free from the strangle-hold of dial-up. ^o^
Speaking of dial-up, about how much longer should I wait before submitting my 3 new pieces of artwork? I don't want you dial-ups to get overwhelmed, but I'm eager to submit these new ones, especially since I need to make up for how slip-shod those recent two were.
(In case you're unfamiliar with what I'm talking 'cause you've been absent, I submitted 2 fairly crappy pics earlier this week. Why submit them if they were crappy? I like to keep my work in chronological order, and I want you all to see every pic I finish so you can see my processes and how I improve. So, no need for a critique on these since I know they're crappy, but a quick look would be appreciated at some point.)
I'll comment on your posts later tonight (yet again, I've read them already, I just need to sit down and comment on them @_@). But, I need to vacuum the house and get some homework done first. But I promise I'll get to you all! ^_^
I'll leave you today with the first piece of photography/Photoshop art I've show-cased here on my site: "Consumption pt. 2", by freakyhedgehog...
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This piece was done about January 2nd or so, if I recall.
As you probably guessed, it's about those pesky Holiday bills. Normally, the tones, camera-angle, positioning and layering in a piece like this is used to convey the overall emotion of terror. But here, it's used for an idea involving humor (though some of you may argue that Holiday bill are coupled with an overall sense of terror XD).
I'll see you all tomorrow! (I hopefully will get to go on a manga-run as well!)
By the way, though it's probably at the bottom of your list of priorities, any prayer you'd be willing to give me would be greatly appreciated.
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Hey everybody. How's it going?
It's 8:43 PM at the moment (when I started typing the post, not when I finished it), meaning I'm posting a lot later then usual.
Mostly, that's due to the fact my mom gave me Hell when she got home from work today. I won't go into details (since most of you already know them from my previous rants), but my parents are in for a rude awakening sooner or later if they continue to treat me the way they are.
OK, on to the fun stuff! ^_^
I discovered 2 new awesome bands the other day. I highly suggest checking out both of these bands if you have access to either someone with CD's from them or to a music-sampling program:
First off, we have 'Dream Theater'. Dream Theater is one of the few modern rock groups that truly impress me. To start off, they have a piano as part of their group, creating an interesting and unique sound. On top of that, they include many other orchestral elements in their music, as well as the obviously necessary guitar, drums and bass (and they have a GOOD guitarist). I first found out about Dream Theater from the kids in my Sci. Vis. class, the same ones who told me about Dragonforce. I finally asked my acquaintances in that class if they had any Dream Theater CD's I could borrow. And, low and behold, Mr. Harrwood (one of my closer acquaintances in that class, who was friends with Kitchen and the two made friends with me) was a massive Dream Theater fan. He loaned me album "Images And Words", which I am listening to right now. He says he'll loan me the rest one at a time, because he wants to have as many as he can at one time in case he wants to listen to them (that's how you know the band is good! =3). I highly suggest checking out "Metropolis", "Learning To Live", "Take The Time", and especially "Acid Rain" by Dream Theatre if you have a music sampling program of some sort.
The second band is one suggested to me by Josh as we talked on the eve of our manga-run (see yesterday's post). Josh clued me in to a great band called 'Symphony X'.
As you know, I am a MASSIVE fan of artists who combine Classical Music with Heavy Metal (Metallica's "S&M" album, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Apocalyptica, Nightwish, etc.). Well, Symphony X is a group that pushes that beautifully sub-genre to its limits. A talented orchestra and a talented rock band combine to create a structured yet elaborate symphonic triumph. It's almost magical listening to the electric-guitar thunder away as the violins sing in harmony behind it. (Heh, I'm pretty poetic today, aren't I?)
Anyway, I highly suggest checking out both "Evolution" and "Inferno (Unleash The Fire)" by Symphony X, if you want a truly pulse-pounding, spirit-raising experience.
Now that my little band-pitch is over, I've got some good news for you all! ^_^
Our friend Rosa is feeling a lot better today! She says she'll go into some details behind the whole deal one her next posting here, so I'm thinking we may be able to help when she does so.
Thank you to everyone who prayed and visited her. b^_^
Speaking of friends, I really need to visit your sites. But, since it's already 9:15 PM right now, it'll probably have to wait 'till tomorrow. X_x Nobody had updated when I got home from school today. Nobody! But as soon as I need to hit the sack, there you go! XD
On a related note, I finally trimmed some of the fat off of my Friend List. And let me tell ya', that bad-boy had some serious fat to trim! It was about time I got around to it anyway.
OK everybody, as soon as Dream Theater stops mesmerizing me with their pounding drums, solid bass, beautiful guitar riffs, and melodic orchestrations, I'm going to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow!
"Forest Of Elves", by Kaizeru:
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Remind me to show this piece to ElvesAteMyRamen when she gets back from her apparently week-long DSL setup-installation. Until then, I'm sure all my other Elvin brothers and sisters will enjoy this piece. b^_^
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Long post, I know, but it's interesting!
Hey everybody, how's it going?
Before we begin, I'd like to ask you all a favor. If you have the chance, please visit and pray for Rosa; Otaku-name Vankala 86. Though she's not into handing-out details, she's not in tip-top shape right now, and could use a kind word and a prayer or two.
Thanks, everybody. ~_^
Allrightie, since that little bulletin is done, lets see what else is on the agenda...
Yesterday and the day before, I submitted a new zombie pic (since that was such an awkward sentence, that means 2 new pieces are in my gallery for short).
However, these 2 pieces that I submitted are definitely not my best work. I wasn't nearly as happy with them as I was with most of my other zombie pics when I finished drawing them. And on top of that, I also think I did a crappy editing job on these after I scanned them.
Before you ask, I know what you're thinking: "Well Logan, if they're that bad, then why did you submit them?".
The reason I submitted these two despite their obvious crappy-ness, is because I want to keep a chronology of my work so I can see how I am improving and learning (and more importantly, so you can see it to).
I also like to submit my pieces in chronological order, which is the order they've been in for the most part up until now. If I decided to wait 'till later to submit them, I'd have a hard time convincing myself to do so (especially since I'd have to fit a "this is really, REALLY old!" in that ever-so tiny caption The Otaku lets you put under your work).
So, feel NO pressure to comment on these, especially right now. Though I would appreciate you at least looking at them, they're crappy enough that I don't really need a critique from anyone (I could probably name all of the flaws on them myself).
But, if you're busy, no need to even look at them now. Just come back and check em' out when you have time. (In case there's one or two of you that actually want to comment anyway, click here for a short-cut to the first of the two.)
Speaking of art, I actually have 3 new zombie pics finished, scanned and edited sitting here on my computer. I'm much, MUCH more pleased with how these 3 came out, but I don't want to submit them right after 2 earlier pieces, especially with how crappy the 2 earlier pieces were. Plus, those of you with dial-up don't appreciate too much art at one time.
*rolls eyes* It always seems that when it comes to my submissions, I'm either:
-6 months overdue to submit something and have a massive pile of scanned pics that still needs the boring editing-job before they can be submitted, or...
-stuck waiting for the proper amount of time to pass for you dial-up people to not get over-whelmed.
Keep in mind I'm not saying it's anybody's fault but mine (I was complaining about my submitting habits, not yours, in case I confused anyone).
As some may remember, I mentioned going on a manga-run with Josh on Monday (yesterday) in my previous post. Well, manga-run we did, and manga-run we enjoyed. ^_^
I know it's a bit long, but I'll try to entertain you with my unique and humorous writing style. Please feel free to put-off reading this until you have time.
Here's the scoop on yesterday:
We arrived at about 10:45 AM at Boarders, driven by Josh's mom. We talked and laughed about Resident Evil 4 on the way. (We LOVE that game!)
Arriving at Boarders, I quickly grabbed my manga I intended to read, and so did Josh. First, I read a neat little black & white comic-book I found (yes, that's technically not manga, but it it's still in the same ball-park) called "The Walking Dead". You can probably guess what it was about. =3 I highly suggest trying to find it the next time you're at the book-store. The story was OK, but the art was SPECTACULAR! The artist draws zombies so well!
While I read that, Josh read the 1st volume on "Negima!", by our main-man, Ken Akamatsu. Josh is a known dare-devil, but he did something a little too crazy at Boarders. He...took off the shrink-wrap of a book he didn't buy. Dunh-dunh-DUNH!!! That's my buddy, livin' on the edge like every day was his last! XD
Anywho, after that we grabbed an early lunch at the adjacent Wendy’s, and decided to eat our Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers as we walked to the video-game store. After we realized how impractical it was half-way there, we stopped for a 5 minute lunch break on a bench outside of some fashion store. As we ate, the store's out-door speakers bombarded us with the worst free-form Jazz I've ever heard.
When our bellies were full, we proceeded to the Video-game store where we browsed and talked of merry video-games. I found the Resident Evil Remake for Gamecube released back in late 2001 (please tell me some of you remember it! It had that kick-ass commercial, remember!?). Guess how much it cost? 15$! Score! But, upon taking it to the cashier, I found out you can't buy an "M"-rated video-game without consent of a guardian present. Grrrrrrrr, damn bureaucracy enforced by the 'Governator' (at least Josh told me that ol' Swartzin-whatever in California had a hand in the policy. Is it true?). Anyway, it'll be there next week...I hope. O_o'
After that, we mulled around Target then headed back to Boarders. I proceeded to read the 3rd volume of "Priest" (you all remember me mentioning that manga back in summer, right?), and Josh re-read "Fullmetal Panic" vol. 1. I read about half-way through FMP's first volume the last time I was at Boarders, and it definitely had its pro's and con's. The characters actions and reactions seem waaaaaaay out of proportion, and the story gets started without giving you ANY back-drop for what's going on. But, the artist draws facial-expressions so well! He/she also creates some of the coolest looking characters I've seen in a good long time, both for major and minor roles. Any FMP fans out there?
Afterwards, Josh tried to read the first volume of GTO (but didn't like it too much), and I finished reading Hellsing vol. 4. I swear, Hellsing has some of the ugliest female characters I've seen in a while! *shiver* Neo-Nazi vampires aren't famous for having the prettiest girls, are they? XD
Well, that was my (manga and video-game related) day yesterday! Sorry that took so long. Hope I didn't bore anyone to death. *sweat-drop*
Here's a quick poll before I go:
"Do you suck d***, soldier?!"
"Sir, no, sir!"
"I bet you do! I bet you could suck a golf-ball through a garden-hose!"
"How tall are you, private?!"
"5-foot 9, sir."
"'5-foot 9'?! I didn't know they stacked sh** that high!"
-from, "Fullmetal Jacket". XD
OK everybody, I'll see you tomorrow!
"His Shopping Obsession", by MangaLoca:
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Is why Cloud uses "Oh my planet!" as an exclamation something only a Final Fantasy fan would understand? I don't play FF, so I'm confused...
Anyway, I'm sure most of you will get the humor in this, since most of you are FF fans. The clean lining and bright colors make this a solid yet smooth piece, worthy of some attention. Cloud's facial-expression is very well done, but his clothes here sort of make his body look a little feminine, even if he is in semi-chibi form. Did Cloud ever wear something like that?
Comments (2) |
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Hey everybody. How's it going?
It's 2:30 in the afternoon and I still feel semi-asleep. @_@ Probably because I stayed up late last night playing Resident Evil 4 and re-skimming Chrono Crusade vol. 2 (you all remember how I mentioned buying that back in late September/early October and how it was a big deal that I actually bought a manga).
That manga-run with Josh didn't work out yesterday, and it probably won't today. But, when I talked to him yesterday he opted for tomorrow (Monday), because we have that day off. I tried to call him today, but nobody's answering.
Ah well, I'm sure I'll get to see my buddy again before Wednesday.
In a related story, I'm now addicted to the CD's Josh loaned me the last time I saw him (which was 2 weeks ago. Exams have prevented me from having enough time to enjoy the CD's 'till now).
I probably forgot to tell you, but Josh has loaned me 4 CD's of his to scan and cherish for eternity, which are:
-"An Answer Can Be Found", the newest album by CKY (released in June, '05)
-"Powerslave", by Iron Maiden.
-"Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son", by Iron Maiden.
-And "Dance Of Death", Iron Maiden's newest album (released in September of '03).
"Dance of Death" is the only one I haven't listened to yet, but I'll put it on my computer later today (I'll make sure to do so, because "Dance of Death" the song, from which the album gets its name is about zombies! =3).
Anyway, as far as enjoying the CD's goes, I'm having fun listening to them. I'm completely addicted to the first song off of the Powerslave album; "Ace's High". @_@ I've listened to it so many times! I may just have to put it on and let you guys listen to it, because it's so well written and so darn catchy!
And on a side-note on Iron Maiden, I have a special tid-bit for all you other Maiden-fans out there (if you're not the slightest bit interested in Iron Maiden, you can go ahead and skip the following paragraph).
I've heard rumors that Iron Maiden's new album is coming out this summer! =D They've been on tour since late '03, and with the 'Death On The Road' tour coming to a close, they'll finish playing and producing the new songs for the album! I sure hope Derek Riggs does the album cover for this one! (Especially after the fiasco with the "Dance Of Death" cover. Other Maiden fans know what I'm talking about.)
OK, now that that's out of the way, who saw Fullmetal Alchemist last night?
8D Oooooooooh, that was awesome! And I thought last week's ending was a cliff-hanger!
Was anybody else on the edge of their seat again like I was? Ah, FMA is so deep and so full of action! I can't wait for next week's episode either!
I've been trying to get myself to draw, especially since I wanted to draw sooooooo badly while I was studying for exams.
I know it's a relatively minute thing to ask for prayers for, but I'd really appreciate any prayers for my inspiration to return, as well as prayers for other people on the prayer list. :)
Thank you, and I'll see you tomorrow!
"Because I See You", by 'nimbusthedragon':
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To be honest, I can't quite tell what this is a picture of (I know it's a reflection, but a reflection in what?).
Nevertheless, this still captures that clean, creative vibe that most pics lack. The mechanics and technical aspects are well done as well.
Comments (3) |
Friday, January 13, 2006
Done with Exams!!!!
Ah man! Photobucket screwed-up that piece of art I put on the end of yesterday's post! Is mine the only computer where it's showing up as about the size of a playing card? (Please scroll-down and take a look if you haven't already.)
>_< I really wanted you guys to see that one in it's entirety, because it served as a fine example of how I don't have a narrow-mind about art, and won't condemn something the first time I see it before I understand what it actually is (I could have gone, "Oh! She's glorifying Charles Manson!" and called her twisted, but that's not what the drawing is or what the artist meant). It also served as a nice contrast to how most of the art I show-case is soft and friendly. I'd really like you to see this amazing portrait of religious and psychological perversion (of the subject, not the artist ~_') in all it's ominous glory, so please click here if you're interested (please read the little mini-review I posted yesterday before doing so, please, if you haven't already).
Okie-dokie, now that that's over, how are you all doing today?
Me? Well, I'm doing GREAT!!!
Why? Because EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!
\^o^/ I finished my final 2 today! No more studying for me! ^_^ Now I'll be able to draw again! Even better, me and Josh (as far as I know) are gonna' do a manga-run tomorrow! I love my buddy Josh. He's the coolest!
Better still, Josh has Monday off, and I have Monday and Tuesday off from school! Things are looking up for Awesome-sama, aren't they!?
If a may take a second to plug a dear friend, Living Doll has put up an AMV she made herself on her site! Please take a second to check it out, especially all you Fruits Basket fans! Here's a hyper-whatever to make it a little easier for those of you with slow-poke computers: ”Who would listen to a band called “The Bare-Naked Ladies?”.
I'd love to critique Karen-chan's obviously inspired and well-put-together AMV, but not being one who has experienced Fruits Basket yet I would be unable to fully grasp the depth of her artistic aspects in making it. So, any critique I could give would either be meaningless or completely incorrect.
On a side-note to that, I just realized I could upload my own video-files into for you guys, rather then just searching for stuff others have uploaded. >:D It'd certainly be a nice alternative to*starts thinking about the possibilities of not having a 5 MB limit or bandwidth that's gone in 20 minutes*
Any who, on a side-note to that, has anybody noticed my new Video Of The Week? Trust me, it's worth at least one watch even if you normally can't stand Hip-Hop. All the explaining you need is in the little paragraph below the video. Enjoy. :D
I think my recent discovery of is the start of a grand new chapter in the story of my site. Being able to share my videos with you opens up some bold new possibilities.
So, who here is stoked about Fullmetal Alchemist tomorrow night?
:3 Last week's episode was the SHIZ-NICK!!! No spoilers for those who haven’t seen it *but there will be teasers*, but last week's episode had me on the complete edge of my seat! I'm especially glad we're getting to see Rose again. She had a lot of potential with her character development that I'm glad is getting a chance to be explored. Plus, the ending of that episode (and what that ending had to do with Rose herself) reached an unbelievably high climax in my opinion. X3 I can't wait to see what happens next!
***Feel free to discuss last week's FMA in more detail in your comment, but put a warning before you say something that would spoil it for those who haven't seen it up to this point yet, and DO NOT say anything that would spoil it for who haven't seen the series beyond this point. I DO NOT LIKE IT when some jack-off thinks it's funny to spoil one of the best anime series for me, just because they pirated all the episodes off the internet and thus have seen the entire series. Spoil it for me in any way on any level and DIIIIIIIIE!!!***
*ahem*, anyway, watch FMA on Adult Swim, tomorrow (Saturday) at midnight, Eastern Standard Time.
Before I go, I want to be the first to admit that I confused Miyoko-chan's proposed character design concepts on her post yesterday (the 12th) for a girl. Erin admits to making the character like that on purpose (like Momiji), so I don't want to hear any wise-cracks about me being gay or something!
It's a completely different feeling of awkwardness and humbling stupidity when a guy mistakes another guy for a girl then when a girl mistakes a girl for a guy (Not that that ever happens! No fair!). This is true even involving a guy/girl that's just a drawing.
So, I don't want any sh*t from you people, you got that? Now let's never mention this again, OK? Good.
"Chinese Food Girl" (gift-art) by Neolucky:
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I don't know why, but I find this pic unspeakably charming. I've always adored people who can create a character, giving them the theme of a specific idea or object. Neolucky is an example of that kind of person, and as you may have guessed, the theme she combined a human character with was that of Chinese Take-Out.
What are your opinions? Thoughts? Comments? C'mon! We're artists here! This is the stuff we need to do!
Comments (3) |
Thursday, January 12, 2006
One more day to go!
Hey everybody. How are you feeling today?
Well, my algebra exam went OK. There were a lot that I had to guess on, but I still think (and hope) I did OK.
The Principles of Business exam wasn't too hard, but I didn't do quite as well as I thought I would. Since it was only 100 questions and a 2-hour and a half block, the teacher was able to go ahead and put the Scantrons though the machine and give us our grades before we left. I only got a 71%. -_-'
Ah well, let's just hope my Algebra exam as well as all the others come out better.
Tomorrow is my last day of exams! ^o^ I'll be really happy once this is all over, and I'll be sure to do a manga-run with Josh on Saturday! We've got some catching up to do since I was studying all last weekend! ~_^
All I have tomorrow are my Spanish and Chemistry exams. Now, those definitely aren't going to be easy, but they're also definitely not my hardest. At least with what I'm expecting tomorrow will be the day in the exact middle of the easiest-to-hardest scale of how this week went. I won't have to study nearly as much as I did for Civ. & Econ. and Algebra, since I'm particularly good in the classes I have exams in tomorrow. ^_^
Please continue to pray for me regardless, tonight as I study and tomorrow as I take the exam. Thanks everybody, I really appreciate those of you who are doing so.
I've already read your posts, and I'll try to comment tonight after I finish studying and before I go to bed.
Again, sorry for the delay, Erin-chan, as well as anyone else that might think I'm ignoring them. --' I'll make it up to ya', though! ^^
I'll see you tomorrow!
"Helter Skelter", by Badtaste:
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Anybody here seen the original or remade documentary, "Helter Skelter"? I'd like to, but it would probably creep me the #@$*! right out. O_o' Regardless, Charles Manson was an...'interesting' case. The artist did a great job of portraying just how sick in the head this guy was in his twisted expression, as well as Manson's fleeting attempt to look as much like Jesus as possible. His 'family' (the people in the background) also adds to the ominous and evil vibe. This looks like a very well-done and, in my opinion, successful attempt by the artist at making an original cover for a DVD of the "Helter Skelter" movie. Both the artist and I share a feeling of disgust about the fact of how many people still believe Charles Manson to be Jesus (or some other deity) as he claimed to be.
But as with any art piece I show-case on my posts, I want your opinion. What do you think?
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Hey everybody! How's it going?
First off, I'll get the run-down of my exams out of the way:
Today was my easiest day, because it was just Art and English. This is good, because I barely studied at all last night. ^_^'
Anyway, art was easy as heck, despite the fact that someone has taken my folder that has all my study material in it (as explained in a few posts ago). We did have to draw a realistic face without our guide as a part of the exam, but I still feel I did very well. By the way, that current project I mentioned in that class with the girded photo being done on the back paper with pastels...well, it ain't going to good for me. I have to draw some girly little house covered by an INSANE amount of vegetation from some magazine. The pastels are making it look like a piece of artwork from Van Gough that someone tried to flush down the toilet. -_-' And those pastels get dust everywhere!!!
English was easy, but half of the exam was an essay (meaning that one essay counted 10% of my semester grade!). The prompt was for us to write an article on the long-term and short-term effects of a natural disaster. It was a work-out, but I was one of the lucky ones who was able to go to the computer lab and type out my finally copy rather then handwrite it. ^_^ I hate handwriting stuff! XP
For tomorrow, I have what is probably my second-hardest exam for this week first, then one of my easy as Hell "blow-off class" exams.
For those who don't remember my schedule, that means Algebra and Principles of Business.
I need to get to studying for algebra, though, because I didn't remember nearly as much as I thought I would in that class! O_o' In fact, that's why I'm posting at 4:30 rather the 7:00 so it's not a distraction.
Please pray for me tonight and tomorrow, namely that I can do well tomorrow on the exam and study well for it tonight!!! Thank you! ^o^
OK, as I still have some stuff to do in order to fully make up for yesterday's whiny post, I'll now do something fun for you guys!
I think it's about time I give you another bit of insight into what goes on on my computer, neh? ^_^
Here's my current desktop:
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For those who don't know, it's a screen-shot from the recently released game, 'First Encounter Assault Recon', a first-person shooter that my buddy Josh will soon be getting for his PC. I am extremely excited about this, because 'First Encounter Assault Recon' is a game in a genre that Josh and I both heavily enjoy. (I'm not going to tell you what I mean quite yet, because I'm going to post about the game in a very in-depth fashion after exams are over. However, if you want a hint to get you excited, just turn the game's name into an acronym (that means abbreviate it).)
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A pic of my Media Player Library (from the Friday before last, I believe). Heh, gotta' love Pink Floyd. ^_^'
By the way, please ignore O-zone and Sum 41 on there. I have no idea where those came from. I really need to delete those...
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>=D Ya' gotta' love Metallica, too! Enter Sandman is the theme for 'Ghost Hunter', after all!
More of those to come in the near future.
Before I go (and study @_@), I want to apologize to Erin-chan for not commenting on her site in the past day or so. I got to everyone else, but poor Erin didn't get a comment from me.
Be assured, Erin-chan, I have been reading your posts though, so please know that I'm not ignoring you. I'm just a little busy right now, OK? Plus, I'll comment on your post(s) tonight or tomorrow as soon as I have time.
But, I'll make it up to you. How about that? ^_^ This piece was done by the artist "paintpixel".
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For those who don't know, Erin's a big Duo fan. ~_'
I'll see you tomorrow! (Please be praying for me tomorrow, and especially tonight!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Eh heh, sorry...
Well, my first day of exams is over. A big, big thank-you to all of you who were praying for me.
Though the Civ. & Econ. exam was really, really tough, I still think I did very well on all 254 questions (yep, you read that number right, 254). In addition, the Sci. Vis. test was a breeze, just as expected (Sci. Vis. is what we call a "blow-off class").
However, that's definitely not to say the road there was smooth. -_-' I'm proud of how well I think I did, but I went through Hell & High Water last night.
First off, my partners didn't e-mail me with their end of the answers 'till 9:45 PM.
Even worse, my first partner (named Jenna) was supposed to do #1-20, but all she had sent was #1-10. Don't get me wrong, she had good answers, but ironically I had already done #1-10. And getting it at 9:45 the night before an exam didn't help. >_< (and believe it or not, this woman is a senior!)
Secondly, my other partner (named Kathryn) also waited 'till the last minute to do and send her answers, but guess which ones she did...
#41-60, the ones I was assigned by our group to do and had had ready since Friday night. Worse still, I read over her answers that she sent, and what questions she didn't skip she answered totally wrong!
Grrrrr, fat load of help my team was, neh?
So, I was up 'till about 10:30 or so (on a night before an exam) scrambling to answer as many as I could, since the study-guide's completion itself was worth a major grade. Naturally, I had to skip a lot of them (I had limited energy and needed to go to bed at some point), but I learned a lot of stuff because of it.
I'm really glad I tried my best on that thing, not only because it taught me what I needed for the Exam From Hell, but also because a bunch of the lazy kids in my class did nothing...and thus lowered their average from an 81% to a 64% for the semester (as announced by Mr. Dickerson to the whole class).
=) So I came out on top of that situation, didn't I?
I also came to Mr. Dickerson this morning and basically told him what I've typed above. He said he'll "probably cut me some slack on the assignment", if I heard him correctly. ^o^
However, I'm pretty surprised I could study last night, considering the other event that took place...
To make a long story short, my obnoxious little brother pulled another classic stunt to piss me off on exam night (keep in mind I was already dealing with the whole partner thing), I had a problem with it, and it escalated into a fight between me and my parents.
What did he do? When he was sent to get me for dinner, he started humping my door.
To answer your question, yes, he is a total faggot, and he does stuff like that on a regular basis.
Anyway, there was a bunch of shouting between me and my parents, mainly because they didn't care that he deliberately tries to generate stress in our household every day. They did what they did every day they came home from work this summer: "I wasn't there to see it, so I can't punish him", "leave me alone, I've had a stressful day", and all that crap.
I work my ass off trying to keep the stress down in my house, because my dad's on the verge of a heart-attack (he has high blood-pressure), and he said that he and my mom may be on the verge of a divorce.
But when the rubber meets the road and my parents can easily do something to reduce the stress that I have to deal with (i.e., punishing my brother for deliberately, not inadvertently, pissing me off for the sake of pissing me off), they take my hard work and shove it in my face.
Basically, they don't give a shit if I love them and want them to stay alive and together. For whatever reason, they don't care that I'm basically at the mercy of my own little brother. But whatever, if they want to let my brother manipulate them, then they can just have-at-it.
I was in a COMPLETE rage last night afterwards, but I somehow was able to concentrate enough to study.
I'll reward you guys for sitting through that whining session with a cute and funny comic by Youkai Yume.
2006 started just recently, and for those who don't know, it's the year of the dog. I'm a snake myself (my favorite animal!), but are any of you out there dogs?
Anywho, I'm sure all you Fruits Basket fans will love this:
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Some weird-looking figures were used to show how the characters emoted themselves, but this still goes far, FAR beyond the average fan-art. Plus, it had blood! Yay blood!
I've already visited Vankalla, and I'll get to everybody else as soon as I finish studying (which shouldn't take too long, since it's Art and English tomorrow for exams. *Pfft!*)
I'll see you guys tomorrow! Please continue to pray for me!!!
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Hey everybody. Thanks so much for all the help and support yesterday. It really helped me out. I really appreciate the fact that I can share my honest feelings with you guys at the end of the day.
My first 2 exams are tomorrow (Civics & Econ. and Sci. Vis.), and I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks to you guys.
Though, I'm still a bit miffed that I have so far to go on my Civics & Econ. study-guide.
*Grrrr*, my teammates still haven't e-mailed me. Well, at least not with the answers they're supposed to share, anyway. I ran into one of my partners in the hall today, and she apparently sent me an e-mail late last night to check and see if my e-mail was working.
Of course my e-mail works, and I replied that message with my end of the notes, but she's still yet to reply that message, which I even sent 1st thing when I got home. It's now 6:55 PM, and I'm stuck in study-guide limbo 'till they send me their end.
*Hmph*, it just pisses me off I had the questions ready the first day they were assigned, and now my teammates have waited 'till the night before the exam (which will probably be my most difficult exam as well) to send their end of the project to me. Now I'll have to handwrite about 60 questions before I go to bed. Yippee.
I did my notes ASAP to avoid just that! *sigh*, and now it's already 7:02! *pounds head on keyboard*
I'll probably update again tomorrow, because we have a half-day every exam day. Plus, tomorrow all I have to study for is Art and English. *Psh*, piece of cake!
Please continue to pray for me as I take my exams throughout this week (and maybe that my teammates will e-mail me soon >=P).
Also, please say a prayer for MadamRyeka. She also seems to be going through some tough times right now. She details the events on her site, here.
Heh, it's interesting that I start the whole prayer thing back up as soon as exams get a little close, isn't it?
For a while, I sorta' have been skimping on my duties as founder of the Prayer Ring, haven't I? I should probably apologize to The Big Man Upstairs...
OK everyone, I'll see you tomorrow.
Comments (1) |
Sunday, January 8, 2006
Hey everybody. How's it going?
*sigh*, whelp, I go back to school tomorrow. My exams start Tuesday morning (with Civics & Economics, then Scientific Visualization). -_-' I gotta' say, I'm really worried, especially about that first day. Sci. Vis. will be no problem, but just like Mr. Dickerson said, the Civ. & Econ. exam is going to be a bitch.
You remember how I explained that our study-guide was comprised of 82 massive questions, and that according to Dickerson I was supposed to do 20 and have the other two members of my group also do 20 each, then e-mail each other with the answers?
Well, my teammates haven't e-mailed me yet. I had my questions done and e-mailed on Friday, but I keep getting a weird HTML style return message saying that they "don't have an account on Yahoo" or what-not. So, my only hope was for them to e-mail me, so I could successfully send a Reply with the answers I've been trying to send.
But naturally, that didn't happen.
Even worse, I don't even know the names of the people in my group, so I can't look them up or something (we had to scramble and get our groups together in about 15 or 30 seconds before the bell rang, and that time was taken up by frantically trying to exchange e-mail addresses). All I know is the useless address they gave me, so my only hope now is to run into them at school tomorrow (but, it's a B Day, so I doubt I'll see them at all since Dickerson is an A Day class for our group).
Getting this massive study-guide done by Tuesday was a total pipe-dream of Dickerson in the first place. We should have had far more time to work on it, and a way to check our answers (the next time we're in Mr. D's class is the day of the exam). Plus, getting it done would take all weekend, and we have 7 other exams we need to study for!
But, now I probably won't even get the study benefit from the study-guide, in addition to the fact that having only 20 or 30 questions completed on it is going to hurt my grade.
I took a break from studying to comment on ElvesAteMyRamen's newest submission (please check it out by clicking here if you haven't already).
And...I'm taking another break to type this.
Needless to say, I'm having trouble concentrating. -_-'
I'm really, really starting to worry about this, guys. I usually make great grades and my parents still make my life suck. I can't imagine how far my life is going to go down the tube if I screw-up my exams. If I don't do as well as I should, they may even nuke my access to The Otaku or something.
These things count for 20% of our semester grade. CMS is a fool for making it count so much, and for giving us less then a week to review and catch-up after Winter Break.
I could really use your support and prayer right about now, guys. A single thread is separating me from utter failure.
Please pray for me tonight, tomorrow and throughout the week, OK? I'd really, really appreciate it.
Thanks guys, and I'll hopefully see you tomorrow.
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