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myOtaku.com: AwesomeDude898

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

   Rant-esque Post (So don't read unless you're in the mood)
Hey everybody. How's it going?

Hate to be negative, but things feel like shit over here.
Not only are all the members of my family on a crusade against my sanity, but school has been MERCILOUS with homework this past week.
For example, I have a Chemistry project (not a big project, but a complicated one) due Monday, and it's on a subject we just learned last class and I totally suck at. Sooooooo...if I don't get the topic under my belt by tomorrow, it's going to be a stressful week-end (and they're predicting an oh-so-lovely ice storm tonight too, and thanks to block-scheduling, if I'm out tomorrow, I miss that one chance!)
Anybody with fair knowledge of atomic hybridization and molecular theory willing to offer advice would be a big help. ^_^'

Every other subject has been a razor-blade massage as well. Essays, tests, and the exams starting early in January have had me in the hot-seat.

It also doesn't help that in January I'll be getting my braces put on.
The thought of those things in my mouth for the next year makes me want to throw-up.
For those who don't know, I get head-aches and migraines fairly often (inherited from my dad :-P), and one of the things that triggers a headache for me are sore teeth. The last thing I need is for my teeth to be in pain (even dull pain) for 5 days out of every 2 weeks. Even if I don't get the head-aches, just how much is the soreness going to affect my concentration? It's already hard enough to focus on school, and even on artwork. I don't need a constant jaw-ache screwing up all the simple pleasures in life that I try to enjoy.
Plus, I get to sleep with a "Night-Brace" for the next year. I've never seen a night-brace, but I already have enough trouble sleeping without some sort of metallic apparatus pushing on my teeth.
True, my case isn't nearly as bad as some people have it (particularly the fact that according to the doctor, my wisdom-teeth are coming in nice and straight), but having this on top of the stress my family causes will be horrible.
I'm sick of my parents not giving two shits what I do or how hard I work.
Sure, I get the "Oh Logan, we're so proud of you!" thing when I bring home an improved grade or something (which I worked my ass off to obtain), but when the rubber meets the road and it's time for my parents to show that they care, they of course treat me like some delinquent pot-smoker rather then a hard working B+ average student. Why should I work so hard if they don't care?

*sigh*, I'm sick of my family and sick of my school-work.
And don't give me any "Oh Logan, we care about you!" stuff, alright?
I'm honestly flattered that people care what happens to me and how I feel, but what does it add up to in real-life?
If I knew you in person, maybe the fact that you care would matter, but for now, you're just people I know on the internet (a fact that would get me laughed at if they new that's where I got my emotional support from).

A sad but very basic fact about the world is that most people in it are full of BS. I'm finding that out first-hand right now, and I'm pissed about it.

Sorry, guys. I'll try my best to cheer up in the coming days, as well as return to the artistic and spiritual aspects of my posts.
For example, in the coming days I'd like to do an art review for this piece, submitted by the ever-huggable Elvin priestess, Lindsey-chan:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

There are several aspects of this piece that make it one of the most impressive pieces I've ever seem, most of which come from the design and thought processes behind its creation.
I'll give it due credit in a nice lengthy review in the coming week, so stick around if you're interested.

I also have some VERY fun pictures from the internet I'd like to show you, so keep in touch.
I'll visit your sites tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
Oh, and Lindsey-chan. I'll be posting comments on all your wonderful artwork I've missed soon, so I'll tell you as soon as I'm done.
I've owed you some nice long comments for some time now, so I'll be getting those done soon. First up is "Sex Me". XD

OK everybody, I'll see you soon!

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