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myOtaku.com: AwesomeDude898

Thursday, June 29, 2006

  Hey everybody. How’s it going?

I just got done talking to Josh. We’re going to the anime-convention this Friday. =)
We’re going at 11 AM right when it first opens, because as you remember they sell tons of manga and stuff for super cheap at the convention, so we wanna’ be able to browse and buy what we want before it gets all picked-over by the other guests.
Woo-hoo! Cheap manga for me! ^o^

I went to work-out Tuesday, and I’ll be doing so again today.
Just as I promised, now that school’s not in the way I have time to go and work-out and get back on my schedule. Lord knows I need to build a little muscle. *looks and sighs at wiry, tooth-pick body*

My parents spent pretty much the whole day driving my sister up to her Sunday School Camp (She’ll be there ‘till Saturday) and then driving back down again. 2 hours each way plus traffic, stops and drop-off, it ended up being almost a 9 hour drive for them. @_@ Thank goodness I didn’t have to come.
That left me and my brother here alone from 1 ‘till 8 today (Wednesday, I mean), and it was surprisingly painless. They must have medicated him or something, because he wasn’t doing his normal obnoxious stuff to me. I played on his Gamecube (“The Four Swords Adventure” Zelda game, which is by the way a stellar game ~_^ ) while he watched movies. Then while I kept playin’ on the cube I let him on my computer for a good long while as appreciation for being peaceful with me all day.
I sure as Hell hope his behavior’s this mature and passive on our week-long vacation next week. @_@

I’m not all that excited about it, to be honest. -_-;
Miyoko-chan’s been to both the places I’ll be going, and she confirmed just as I suspected & feared: Colonial Williamsburg is 9 hours of boring Hell. -_-;
I hate Colonial stuff anyway, so that’s gonna’ suck pretty bad, especially with how hot it’ll be. Keep me in your prayers as I go on my vacation.

Well, as you remember in my last post I finished the EVA series the other night.
As for last night I watched the movie (“The End of Evangelion”), which is known as the “real” end of the series as opposed to the last 2 episodes in the series.

Too be honest…..I’m still really confused. =/ Thank goodness Josh was there beforehand a few weeks ago explaining the concept of the premise and whatnot, ‘cause otherwise I would have been completely clueless rather than just confused.
Meh, more on that to come.

Here’s today’s Art-Feature.
“Twisted Reality” by garrit:

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Though I think the title’s a bit strong for the surreality of the subject-matter, it’s still relatively fitting. Plus, you’ve gotta’ love the colors and the use of lighting.

OK everybody, I’m off to visit your sites.
Oh, and make sure to check out yesterday’s post if you haven’t already.

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