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Friday, February 25, 2005
sick for two days again. o__o; well atleast I got a 4 day weekend...
"...Drugs are Neat." :'D
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
ahhh well...
o_o I'm a Whore now? no..no. I think not, Okami. That's David D: god. next time we see him, we have to grab his nutsack and twist it(courtasy of my friend, Anna <3). fucking asshole. =____=
anyways. ugh. I don't think i can sleep in my room anymore. something really fucking scary happened. holy shit. I can't exactly explain it with typing...
eep. ): I can tell you in person/on the phone Okami.but it's really hard to explain DDDD':
and I've lost all contact with my friends at school. ah well...
then again I chose a staircase over them, so I guess that makes me a loner. :D
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Monday, February 21, 2005
The headphones to my walkman went missing, so I had to use my dsihgsidwerf old ones. Dir en Grey deserves better than that. Noone can even hear it with the volume up all the way D': how can I spread the pwnage.
I was sitting in the staircase at my school, because I always do in the morning now, and reading the stupid short story for english. So then /Shawn/ is walking up the staires with his friend.
Me: -looks up- o.o
Shawn: :D HEEEY!
Me: O.O -makessmallsqeaknoiseandwaves-
excuse me for a sec...
**)(*)(9 e8tw7e87~~#$EER&8y9fd8yfsoif****^&%%$^%65865&*^%*&090*())**p=[_{LPOOIpuytcyvW%$$@5ytxzcLknxcvxc==+p00o-09*976%^)(^&^#$%#@$#wrtd~edxds5a43s5ww4eddhxg1!143(*7
:D -runs off to take quizzes-
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
took from Okami's site
Which Emotion Do You Most Commonly Feel? brought to you by Quizilla
ah shit. I went and deleted my DEDICATION POST instead of the others. x____x!!!!!! jeez. idiot.
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Monday, February 14, 2005
oh fuck o_o Okami, I be sorry about Sunday. Hatori isn't very polite....=___= but then again. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME OVER ON SUNDAYS". good thing Kuushou still had his knife .___.; -snort-Kuushou...Orion x'D~
ohkay. I made a banner :D a special banner that sucks but oh well. it's just a bunch of random pics I felt fit the theme...

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Friday, February 11, 2005
o_o I died for a bit...
I like Comic Party. it makes me happy :D and having MSN work. <3 that pwns~
and my boots are haunted o__O; one like moved by itself...-kicks it under desk- :'D...
-completely pointless- D:
-turns on radio and drinks coke-
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
"3. I see People you never want to meet. Unless your kitsune (Fucker)" ~Sakuma-Ryuichi(Okami)
:3 you see too many people that want to see D: -coughcoughorioncoughcough- :'D that'll never happen. ah well.
Kusari :|
-cough- I'm sick again. -nodnod- it feels like I've been inhaling sand and pixie stick powder through my nose...-hurts-
 | You scored as Hardcore. Hardcore.
Hardcore | | 100% | Indie Rock | | 92% | Emo & More | | 92% | Indie | | 83% | Industrial | | 67% | Punk and Pop Punk. | | 67% | Classic Rock. | | 58% | Ska | | 25% | Mainstream | | 17% | Britpop | | 8% | Country | | 8% | Hip Hop and Rap | | 0% |
Music Recommendation created with QuizFarm.com |
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Friday, January 28, 2005
well I survived two exams now. :'D Two more to go on Monday and Tuesday~~
the easier classes too: Art and French. -sigh-
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Studying for exams :x
gyah. >-< birthday. -hops around panicking- D:< I'm going to faaaiiiiil my exams. I know it. -studies like mad- >_<
by the way. I'm 15 now. o_o ew.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
special ;D

a five minute card I made for him in the morning :'D but he (obviously) loves the Sex Pistols so....:D
<333 -tackleglomphuglickpetsquooshcling-
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