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myOtaku.com: Axiom

Friday, January 21, 2005

whoo~ O:
oh yes. STARBUCKS. :D though Okami, you won't be reading this until monday. and *IT* has nothing to with Thomas or Shawn D: so leave them alone.

ANYWAYS. o_o my shoulder is like killing me. it's not good to use the computer and play video games all day when you're home sick. x.x; owwww. today. I went and hit that same knee AGAIN. but this time on my locker >_< geh... well okay besides being in great pain, I've had a pretty good day. o_o; -nodnod- also I find it amusing to listen into other people's conversations, because they don't even realize you're listening and they go on with personal stuff :D muwhaz. sometimes it's really disturbing though...

well okie. finished my daily useless posting. -runs off-

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