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Thursday, August 24, 2006
yeah story!! part 1
"Every one this is Aya Nizu" Mr. Dule, the homeroom teacher annonced. "She is the new student you have all heard about earlyer this week."
Aya looked around the class room to see if there was an open desk away from the class.
"Hey! Mr. Dule, she can sit here if shw wants" a blonde hair boy asked waving his hand in the air.
"Ok. Thank you Zanbotu for the offer." The teacher answerd "Aya go sit behind Zanbotu."
She walk over to her new seat and sat down. Next to her was a boy with black hair and had his head on the desk.Then Zanbotu turned around.
"Hi, I'm Zanbotu Coron, next to me is Awizzard Shikitami and in front of me is Speed Daichi."Zanbotu indroded him self and his friends."Oh and nezt to u is-"
"Haku Kaji" Haku said putting his head up. "Welcome to blue river high" then put his head down agian.
"Im Aya Nizu..uh will u guys be my friends?" She asked shyly.
"Yeah! Thats why we invited you over here" Awizzard asnswerd.
Aya Smiled and pushed her brown hair behind her ear.
Later on at lunch Aya was looking around for her new friends, when someone tripped her.
i will finish later i need to eat.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
grrrr i left my story at my dads and i am at my moms and know im irrated..oh and i also hate my step mom...she yelled at me after i got off the phone with monkey for a 5 minutes. yea thats why i had to go..when i get home tommarow i have to clean my room befor i use the phone...yea im haveing a crappy day
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
ok they mixed up the sond lol this is from FMA not naruto lol
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
story will be up soon mostlikley by tommarow!! hehe i need to get the note book from my moms first lol
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
bored...*falls over*
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Friday, August 18, 2006
im sad...i feel like people get mad at me if i cant hang out.....and i dont know what to do.......*crys* its not my fault that i cant hang out....so i dont know what to do anymore..
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in stead of blond hair she has brown and has blue eyes. also in sted of the ears things she has fox ears.
Name:Aya Nizu
Info:Aya is the hyper one out off all of her friends. They all know she like Haku. She is the younger sister to Zanbotu. She likes to run around and be happy if anyone is sad.
Weapon:2 Katanas

Instead of blond hair he has black hair also he has demon wings in stead of angel wings.
Info:Haku is calm and can get hyper at sometimes but that is rarely seen. when angery he trys his best to keep his anger in, but when Aya comes around him he seems to calm down alot faster.
Weapon:2 samurai swords

Info:He is one of the oddballs in the group. He is in LOVE with ranch. He injoys to drink Mellow Yellow. He is an older brother to Aya.
Power: Lightning

Info:He injoys torchering every one and drive them crazy. Always wanting to find something to do. When he is mad he dose not like being botherd. oh his friends learned never to get him to laugh when eating pudding...He is best friends with Haku, the two are like brothers.
Weapon:A Seith(cant spell...)
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Monday, August 14, 2006
im hyper!!!!!!!!!!! yeah! i like slurpees and milkyways!
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
im home yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!*dances* yeah yeah!!! i am happy really really happy!!! and i have a slurpee and a milky way! yeah i will be up all night know! hehe hehe! yeah hugs *sarah and monkey* yeah i missed u to!
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Friday, August 11, 2006
1 more day!! i will be home yeah!!!!!!!!! i shall call people when i get home! yeah!
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