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Thursday, December 22, 2005

   Konnichwa mina

Konnichiwa Mina!^^
Long time no see! Well, I�m about to go onto Christmas break and if I do get the chance to update, I shall. I did get some gifties from some members. My dear buddy and pal, Kitabug, sent me a coolie Christmas card of my second favorite pretty boys from Saiyuki. ^^ *heart skipped a beat* =^^= Oooh...Sanzo-sempai is soooo sexy! Well I�ll show it.

I love it sooo much! I also have another one too.
Let�s just say that those are the best!^^ I am so happy! Well, I�ll see ya all later. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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Thursday, December 1, 2005

Konnichiwa Mina!
Kagami is here and it�s been a stressful day. Here has been Kagami�s day so far because currently I�m at school in study hall. First, musical keyboarding, I had to play Jingle Bells as a quiz. I thought that I was going to do crappy and I did better then I thought. U.S. History, we had discussed homework that was on the Kodak cameras. We spent the whole period talking about that and W.E.B Du Bois. We had no notes...YAY! ^^
JROTC-Uniform inspection. We had 6 people out of uniform. 5 of them were absent! And mostly upper classmen. We were 4th in the next quarterly competition for best leadership. DAMN CHARLY COMPANY! David was also being an asshole. He�s a major and I�m a 2Lt. I was going to punch his lights out. He kept on saying that I talked like a guy and said he hated girls that have long hair. Whether or not he was serious...I don�t know.
Algebra- reviewed homework. I had to do #9 and did it wrong and had to correct it. I accidentally rolled my eyes and she got an attitude. BITCH!
Lunch-I came to my study hall and had fun here laughing at videos on starterupsteve.com My god that shit is hilarious!
English-I started writing my short story for my portfolio. I did very little because I don�t feel like writing lately.
Well I have a 2-hour detention and so I will be bored. I�ll update later or tomorrow and let you know how that goes. For now, I�ll leave ya'll with pictures. ^_~

Ja ne...

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Monday, November 21, 2005

   Hey What's Up?
Hey Everybody,
Sorry I haven�t been around in forever. I have been quite busy and I don�t have internet at home anymore. Okay here�s how everything�s going.
The last time you guys heard from me I was getting better with my eating. Now I am back to square one because I almost never have the feeling to get up and feed myself. I am so damn lazy that I really don�t eat unless somebody�s making the food. Luckily the day before yesterday, my mom bought a lot of ramon noodles. I think my eating habit will get back on track but I�ll keep you guys up dated on that.^_~
Next, about two Mondays ago, I had gone to the dentist so that they could do the usual job of cleaning my teeth and saying to my mom that there are no cavities. Well that�s exactly what had happened but I did have the pleasure of meeting one hell of a cute girl. Now let�s something straight�I always admit who looks good and who doesn�t. That�s just the way I am. Now if someone were to ask me if they thought so and so was cute then I�d tell them my honest opinion. That�s what happened, the thing was I didn�t say it to this girl. Wanna know why? Because she was the dentist! Now before you go thinking �what the hell is wrong with you� let me add one more detail. This dentist was defiantly straight out of dentist school because she was only 22! One would assume such a profession is meant for an old person who has been to school for YEARS!^_^;;;; Or is it me assuming things? You guys decide on that.
Okay, next up is Kagami�s grades!^^ Report cards came out on the 14th of this month. Kagami however got nothing but good grades! I was going to have an F in Algebra but I started doing some work toward the end of the marking term and she beckoned to give me a C. JROTC was a B�I wonder what I did to get that? I normally get an A�I think my leadership affected the grade. �Damn, I gotta do better�~_~ In science I got a C+ only because I didn�t do a paper at the beginning of the year and I never turned it in period. That dropped me�also I did poorly on a group project. Let me see, in Creative Writing, I got an A for just writing. But hey, all we do is write in that class!^^ In musical keyboarding, I got a B because I tend to not participate a lot so that costed me some points. >.< And lastly in U.S. History, I got a B+. I had written my paper and she said I wrote like an activist�oh well, be glad I wrote it because I didn�t do the rough draft.(=^_^=) I lost homework points for that.
Okay so as you all know, I am a member of JROTC, well we have had quite a lot of things happening since the school year started. Well let me recap and tell you about everything. We have competition between the companies and it helps give the companies motivation. Well one of them tested us in physical fitness, we had 10 random people chosen to run a mile and they were graded on the army scale. We got 1st place! So that led us to get the PT streamer for our guide-on. Next we have competition based on uniform inspections, we got over 90% every week and so we won the Inspection streamer. Next up was squad drill, this is where they put all 20 squads against each other to see who does the best in unarmed drill and ceremony. We were in first because all of our squads made it in the top 10. ^^ So we had gotten the Drill Streamer. Since our company has some top-notch leaders, we won the leadership streamer. Guess what! Yours truly is one of those leaders!=>.<= I tell you guys, I wanted to cry when we won every single streamer. We even got best company of the quarter! YAY! �dances with joy�
Lastly, our phone got cut off so that�s why I haven�t been online lately. We got our phone back but my mom says that until I get a job, we can�t have it back. I have to pay for it if it does go back on. That�s it! I am getting my own line so that I can talk to you guys for hours on end.^^ I have found a way to access this site from school! Hallelujah! �dances for joy� And even better, I can actually look at everybody�s sites and leave evidence that I was there. >.< Wicked! Sorry, I was getting excited. Also in club, I saw Black Cat! It�s a brand new series in Japan and Ray got it for us to see! ;~_~; I am so happy! Train Hartnet is super sexy! ^^ Okay let me stop. Well that�s all. Kagami is signing out with this post.


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Friday, November 18, 2005

I'm Still Alive
Hey guys...I'll be giving you all the 411 on what's going on with me on Monday!I have a study hall everyday and can now axcess theO!I better enjoy this!


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Thursday, October 27, 2005


So sorry that you haven't heard from me in a while or whatever you want to call it.Who cares?I'm still here!^^AyaKagami will always be here because you guys are my family and I love ya too much to leave.Damn computer!*kicks my home computer*

It's got a slow ass connection and I can only be on to caht cuz everything else is a bitch to deal with.GGGRRR.Well onto more important matters...I don't remember if I told you guys but I saw the Advent Children movie and I will not even tell you guys anything because I might spoil it for all you patient fans.All I have to say is that you'll love it.Everybody looks so sexy.It'll be worth the wait. I continue to wait away.^^

My dear friend FayeAyu is going to help me out with getting Dead or Alive 4 for Xbox 360. I'm telling you guys that this is the best one yet.Get it if ya can...the graphics are FABULOUS!Next up....I wonder.

Oh yeah...my eating habit is back into full swing.I eat like Goku from Saiyuki.Everybody knows how he is.(=^_^=)I'm so totally embarrassed.Also thanks to DrJacalakaAkabane,I was introduced to Hellsing and I love it.Definately chack that out cuz the second series will be released soon and it'll be closer to the manga storyline than the first series. YAY!!^^

Well that's all...oh yeah.I got a letter from a pro publishing company.YAY!I might go pro!^^Now that's all so ja ne.


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Sunday, October 2, 2005


Does this look familiar?Yeah?Good!I can tell u right now that my mood is that right now!

Well very good news to all those that worried about me!I am doing better.I have gained some weight and cannot stop drinking milk.Don't ask why!Cuz I don't know!Hahahahaha!

Next!I changed my site's look!Like it?U better!Hahaha!j/k!I love it!I have been wanting to change it to Weiss for a while now so leave me be on that!

Next!I bought GetBackers Volume 5!Things are looking up for my DVD buying!I wanted to buy the OVA to Gravitation but they didn't have it!GRRR!Anyways...I am going to buy the double barrel volume 4 to Saiyuki next!YAY!More Sanzo!
Sanzo:Shut up!*thwack!*

*Aya is chasing me with his sword!*
Aya:Where in the hell were you?I should kill u!*swings sword*

EEEPPP!!Okay....there's two of them now!Sanzo and Aya!Okay...if u haven't noticed...a new cutie joined these loonatics!He's Ein from Dead or Alive.He's quiet but likes to pick fights!Strange right?

Okay I have over come writer's block but now...I can't stop writing.It's awesome!*dances with joy*Okay...I might sample some more stuff for u guys to read. U might likey!

I GOT A LITTLE KITTY!OMG!She's so mega kawai!I love her!By the way...here name is...
Kagami:Kitty.What a loser.Who names their cat that?

Shut up over there!Anyways...yes her name is kitty and yes she responds to it.I love it...*looks over shoulder*Aya!Stop ease dropping!

Aya:I'm not!I'm just sitting here!What a pain in the ass!

Anyways...I am glad to be back online and thanks to everybody that has helped with their words.Lots of love and definate hugs to u guys!Well I got to go.I'll see ya later on this week.

Ja ne...

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Tuesday, September 6, 2005

   Hello Na No Da!XD

I am back and alive still.After the passing out inccident however...I have stopped eating.I have lost a lot of weight.I am now about 98 lbs.Yes and I am no longer that bottom less pit I was.*cries*Okay I guess it was my fault though.When I get depressed or worried about someone,I tend to shut down in different ways.I am so happy to know that Yaoishoujo is a ok.She had me worried to death and I have been dealing with a lot of shit here at home.I guess you could say I'm being a coward by not facing my problems.It's just like me though.I guess I should stop crying and get my damn head in the game.Ok more important news for u about me...I have started school!It's so good...for now.Most of my teachers are laid back.I haven't gotten homework yet.All my friends have though.*losers*lol.j/k I am a Lt.in my JROTC class.It's so awesome.I skipped pass my goal...the 1st seregant.COOL!^_~ I also saw the first fight of the school year.It was on Friday and I was dying of laughter.It was over some ugly guy.Let's see...I am trying to keep myself entertained as I write this so I'm listening to Battlecry from Samurai Champloo.Kick ass song!I know half by heart.YAY!^^ Let's see...I bought another Saiyuki DVD to see that damn Sanzo get hurt again.He made up for it by beating the hell out of Goku with his fan.23 times!NEW RECORD!lol.XD I fought with my brother and well that ended in a shitty mess.I am still upset but I am going to get over it.:PWell that's all.


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Sunday, August 28, 2005

   I am so bored!
Konnichiwa Mina!
Hola Amigos!
Hello Everybody!

I was bored so I used the three languages I know.I have not over come writer's block with my second story...however I have BIG NEWS!I started writing another story and I am on chapter seven already. I write one or two chapters each day. I am so happy!*does a dance*

I also over came drawer's block.I drew Sanzo,Aya and Ken.I felt like I had accomplished something important.I feel good.*starts singing the song*Oh...sorry bout that.

I went to the doctors a few days ago to see if there was something wrong with my stomache and the damn doctor said I had to gargle!What the hell is he talking about?I don't know...maybe it's his old age.Well he is retiring and I have had him since I was born.Well that's all I know.

I went to the park with my mom and siblings yesterday and we had walked and walked.My mom scared my bro about the Blair Witch and I just ignored them.I was thinking about more important things.

I had passed out yesterday while I was making breakfast.I am okay now but my mom almost had a heart attack.^_~ I didn't mean to do it.Well I also tried to convince my mom to let me sell my PS2 so I could start saving for that Xbox 360.She said no.GRRRRRRRR!OH Well.

Well Kagami is out of things to say.So I'll see ya all later.Oh yeah,I start school Wednesday.


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Monday, August 22, 2005

   Nothing much
I can't really say much but I can say that I am okay with life. I am at writer's block and at drawer's block too.I can't find a damn scanner and so I can't say that I will be able to show you guys what I have drawn anytime soon.Well I haven't gotten anybody to the weiss club so that sucks.I am very tired and I feel pretty lazy.Isn't that so dumb?I think so.My last post had gotten 17 comments.I thinks that's something cool.Well I don't have very much more to say.
So I'll end this post.

Ja ne...

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Sunday, August 14, 2005

   Yay!I finally got back onto the internet!
Hi hi na no da!^^

Yes,I am alive and yes I am back to update after two weeks and yes I am sorry that I died for a while.lol.

Aya:No she can't be here 24/7 but we were able to get her in.
Sanzo:No she was just in a lot of pinches so she got in cuz K put a gun to her head and I decided to do so as well.

Do you all see what I deal with?I can't take it sometimes.Oh well.

All you Final Fantasy VII fans get ready to buy the new movie!YAY!*dances like a happy little kid*It is due for November after pushing it back again!GRRRR!Whatever you do go out and reserve a copy for yourself!I believe it is worth the wait.I reserved a copy and want it now!GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRR!Oh well.I'll wait.CLOUD IS SO FINE!AND SO IS SEPHIROTH!AND DON'T TELL ME HE'S NOT DAMN IT!lol...sorry.I can't help myself.

Let me see...I got another computer!This one is silver and has a flat screen monitor.Oh man do I hate the fact that it was so expensive!Oh well,I am grateful anyways.^^

Also...I have JPop news.T.M. Revolution has a new album out called Vertical Infinity.The album comes with a dvd containing all his videos!YAY!^^

Gravitation fans must wait til September 13th to get the OVA.GGRRR!Another Gravitation update.Those who want Kumagoro plushies have to wait cuz the entire stock sold out!And really fast too!~_~And I want one too!

Inuyasha fans rejoice for the 3rd movie comes out September 13th as well.It'll be based on a new sword and the two brothers will be trying to kill each other to get it!I can't wait!

I beat Kingdom Hearts one and found out that I have to play Chain of Memories otherwise I'll be lost when the second part comes out on December 4th.GGGGRRRRRRR!!!I don't have a Gameboy Advanced.Damn.Oh well...I'll borrow one and the game too.
Also I still can't beat Sephiroth in that game. He's so damn good that I've played that game for 12 hours straight 3 days ago!It was really pissing me off!Oh well

Well to close this post...here's some stuff of the Final Fantasy Advent Children miove!I hope you enjoy!

Let's see...the good guys are gorgeous!The bad guys are hot as hell!The ladies are definately opening the cans of whoop ass!And this is one fantastic wait!I'm loving it so much that I drool sometimes.haha!

JA NE...

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