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myOtaku.com: AyaKagami

Thursday, June 1, 2006


Hey hey mina!

It�s my kid brother�s birthday. Wow�scary enough�he�s the only one I get along with.

Well I changed the theme�I don�t know if this�ll work. I say it�ll do for now. I don�t mind�I might change the avi. I�m not sure�I think I�ve grown fond of it�^^

Anyways�I�m glad everybody is doing okay. I hope that you�ve all had good days. We had our parade on Tuesday and I think our battalion had done a great job. My company, Alpha, had gotten best company of the quarter and of the 2005-2006 school year. We also got the best inspection and the PT company as well. I think that we all did a good job. Bravo, got the squad drill and Charlie company got the Leadership one. ^^ I congratulate everybody that did good.

Anyways�I hope you all have a good day.

Kagami: Wait.


Kagami: What about that question you�ve been itching to ask�that day is coming.

Fine. Okay�so everybody knows that on 6/6/06�supposedly the world is going to end. Because it�s the devil�s number�666. Anyways�does anybody beside me think that this is just like Y2K? Also does anybody believe that? I mean seriously.

Anyways�I�ll see ya later.

Ja ne.

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