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myOtaku.com: ayako-chan

Monday, February 14, 2005

   Sleepy on V-Day
I've been so tired today. I thought it might be a good day because it's V-Day, but I guess I was wrong. It was just the average day when people give other people cute little stuff to show their affection toward each other. The only thing I got was a little hello kitty card from a girl that doesn't even go to my school anymore. I feel like I don't exist. No matter how nice and quiet I am or loud and crazy, people never seem to care. I can't understand why no one likes me. The only people I ever really hang with is my brother's friends and all I do is listen. I'm just there. I walk the halls alone and sad because I'm feel so distant from the world. Why does everyone look through me? Even I expected to get a few cards, but all I got was a little kitty card stating the day and saying who from and to. I feel like I think too much on these things, but I just can't help it. I don't want to ignore that people think I'm weird in a bad way. The only one that seems a little concerned seems to be the one that most people don't like but can still get along with people. Somehow I think he might have feelings for me, but then again I never seem to be right. He's nice but he doesn't show it. I want to be his friend, but I doubt that'll happen. Who would want some weirdo like me hangin' around after all? Kiyoshi-kun seems to feel the same, but he has friends. He can get along with people. He's unique. I am strange. I feel corrupt and demented. Sometimes I want to be like normal people. I want to know what it's like to laugh again. I want to feel a real smile come across my face. Sometimes life seems to good for me. I feel like I'll never belong. Never is such a strong word. What will life be like when I have a job? Will I still be pushed away? Will I still be invisible and unimportant? Will people still think me a foolish child? People think I exaggerate too much. Is it possible to exaggerate when you can here people talk about you behind your back? Is it possible to exaggerate when you can hear everything that people say about you even when you're standing behind them? Is it possible to exaggerate when people see right through a person that only wants to be loved? Is it possible to exaggerate how you feel if no one will listen? Is it that hard to understand that I don't like being alone?! Why am I hated? Why aren't I normal? Why can't I laugh? Why am I such an idiot for thinking I could fake who I am inside? I knew all along it would come out in tears. I knew from the beginning I would never fit in. Kiyoshi-kun is unique. I am strange. I am strange. Strange.
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