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myOtaku.com: ayako266

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Hope (03/04/04)

Thank you for signing my guess book and add me as a friend. I will do the same. I guess you realy like quiz. Nice site!

See ya!

liam mc (02/29/04)

I'm sorry ayako266 but your guess on #2 riddle is wrong, but please keep trying. Oh i like your site and i really enjoy the quizzes, i've added you as a friend if you dont mind.

Hanyou Kagome (02/21/04)

thanks for signing and adding me as a friend. i added you as one also.

sparkling diamond (02/21/04)

hehe! im glad your a fan of quizes too! i used to have lotz more on my page, but i had to delete some....! im adding you as my friend ok! toodlez! ttyl!

Harpelady2003 (02/03/04)

lechon de leche (02/02/04)

wow!!!you have a cool web page! and i just love your quizzes! i'veseen your drawing and it looks good! why don't you post more? anywayz, thanks for adding me to your friends list!!! *huggles* more than happy to add you to in mine ^_~ hehehe!

DarkKagome (02/01/04)

Thanx! i love your site too!! its awesome, especailly those animations! oh man!! kish is sooooo HOT!!!! you can draw him sooo well! wel, im gonna add you as a friend, k?

Sara (01/31/04)

Your site is very, very colorful. Wow.

Why did you choose your username? Is there a story behind it? I'm curious.

Psyconorika (01/31/04)

thanks for signing my guest book!!! and adding me as a friend! i will do the same for you! ^^

Wolfy (01/30/04)

Hey!! Many much thankys for signing my book o guestyness ^__^ I lurve your site!! and thnax for liking my Ichi piccy ^_^ *hurrah for old piccys! ^_^* well! I would be honored to be your friend ^_^

Wolfy ^_~

Love and Peace ^_^

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