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myOtaku.com: ayako266

Saturday, September 4, 2004

Last night, I bought an Utada Hikaru CD called Deep River! It is sooo good!! My other friend, Susanna, bought an Inuyasha CD, and she's gonna let me burn that...so I'm happy! And we have a 3 day weekend! Which means doing nothing, AND I'll have time to work on that story that Ichigo's been waiting for me to write...for 4 weeks...I kind of feel bad, cause she's been typing all this stuff, and I haven't typed very much...I just didn't have any very good ideas...but I just got a good one, so I think that I may be able to type some more. ^___^ I also bought a pencil! ^___^ And some Burt's Bees Lip Balm. I love it because it's peppermint-y! I like peppermint! (Ichigo: Uh huh...O.o) Also, the CD has Simple and Clean on it!!! Japanese version, of course. But when I heard it, I'm like, 'Omigod! I know this song!!' It was funny. And I sung along, except in English...I wish I knew Japanese!! That would be soo cool! Well, gotta go eat breakfast! I'm sooo hungry!

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