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myOtaku.com: ayako266

Monday, May 3, 2004

Name:Ayako Motou (in role-playing. Real name: Andrea)
Height:5' 0" yeah, I know I'm short...don't rub it in
School:Middle School....what do you want me to do, give the molestors an open invitation????
Names and Ages:Name: Neal Age: 20 (although he acts 3)
This or That:Neither???
Coke or Pepsi?:Dr. Pepper
7-UP or DnL:DnL
LiveWire or Code Red:Code Red
Coke with lemon or coke with Lime:Coke with Lemon and Lime!
Good Charlotte or Mest:Both
Brintney Spears or Christina Aguilera:Neither
Jessica Simpson or Mandy Moore?:Mandy Moore
Benji and Joel, or Paul and Billy?:Benji and Joel
Have You Ever....
Cried to get attention:Ummmm....no
Fell in front of alot of people:Hah! Who hasn't?
Said something really stupid?:Like I said...Who hasn't?
what was it?:Are you coming to my play?...Wait...you're in my play....^__^;
Wished you were someone else?:Not really...I'm pretty content with who I am....Besides, everyone has their faults.
Wished you were SOMEWHERE else?:Who hasn't?????
Have you ever been to a concert?:No
How Many?:None
Who?:No one
What was your favorite?:None
Your life
Is there ONE CD that describes your life, or that you identify with well?:Not really....I love all music!!
If you could make the sountrack to your life, what 6 songs would you pick?:I don't know....
Ever wonder what life would be like if you made different decisions?:Of course...I think everyone does...
What was your favorite age?:12
Why?:I loved 6th grade!!!!!! It was the funnest year ever!!!!!!!!
Would you travel back if you could?:Definately
Is there anyone from your past that you miss?:Olivia, Lauren, Jaclyn, Zach!!!!
What happened to that person?:They are still in AZ
If you could see them tomorrow, would you?:of course!!!!
First Word to come to mind when you hear....
nose:wipe it!
booger:flick it on someone...just not me....
tissue:used to wipe your nose
G Unit:50 Cent in da Club!
fuck:Honolulu...only Ichigo would get that!
Who was your first crush after the age of 10:The question is not who was...the question is, who wasn't!
What did you like about that person:Ummmm...He was fiiiine!
Was that person famous:No
What for:HE WASN'T FAMOUS!!!!!!!
Do you STILL like that person today:no....he's a fag
Do you normally admit to liking that person?:no
Who was your first best friend:ummm..........Megan Whitman
Still friends?:Not really
If no, why?:We moved away and I lost touch
Kindergarten teacher:Ms. C
Did you like that teacher?:She was ok.
Final Questions
Did you like this survey?:Yeah.......it was ok.
How long did it take you to do?:like 10 minutes
What could of been added to make it better?:Fireworks? Free money? Fireworks AND Free money??
Would you reccomend it to friends?:Sure
Would you lick a TV?:Possibly...how much are you gonna pay me?
What if a hot guy was on it?:Heh heh heh...who hasn't??

Boreddddom brought to you by BZOINK!

Take this...it was fun.....

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