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Mari Inouye
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Weiss Kreuz, D.N.A. 2
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| ayalovesvidel
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
hehehehe wanna see my pic??
I'm ugly! Hahaha! If you really wanna see my real pic, look below ^^;
yikes!!!! ugly!!!! hahahah
kewl!!! go me!!! j-rocker!! nyahahahahahha
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Friday, July 16, 2004
hey!!! minna-san!!!!
got myspace or friendster account?? hehehehh.... ADD me!!! heheheh heres my addy:
lol... same... hehehehhe miss yah all~~~~ muah muah muah muah~~
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Friday, July 9, 2004
OTAKON 2004 Presents
L'Arc~en~Ciel Live in USA :D
When: July 31, 2004 (Saturday) show 5PM
Where: 1st Mariner Arena, 201 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
aaaiiieee!!!! im shoooo excited!!!!
Comments (8) |
Friday, May 14, 2004
 You're Toshiya!
What j-rock bassist are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You'd steal Gackt's pants--if you can fight him for them.
Whose Pants Would You Steal? brought to you by Quizilla
 I believe in happiness--I'm gonna go bang Toshiya!
Which Member of Dir en grey Would You Likely Bang? brought to you by Quizilla
 Kaoru is a definate keeper! Plus, he'd be a great husband too!
Which Dir en Grey member would be your ideal boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your match made in heaven is Kaoru!
Kaoru may seem very complicated to understand but his words are very meaningful. He'll always be thinking about you, wanting to hold you close.
Which Dir en Grey Member is right for you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Yay! You're sexy singing Kyo! You bust out the angsty/violent/sexy lyrics in that deep sexy warumono voice of yours while everyone stares and drools at your sexy body!
Which Version of Kyo (Dir en Grey) Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You understand Kyo 100% Wow! You sure were paying attention when he said his songs were all love songs--and they are. All of them. Even "Zomboid". ESPECIALLY "Zomboid."
How Well Do You Understand Kyo's Songs? brought to you by Quizilla
 Sensual, classic, artistic. You are Gackt.
Which J-rocker are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 meow, baby... don't ever cut that long gorgeous hair. Although you inevitabley will. Afterall, they all do.
What JRock hairstyle are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 I am one of Gackt's Dears! What kind of Gackt fan are you?
quiz by mcvarmazi
 GACKT should suit you!
Which JROCK male should suit YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
WHERE: San Jose McEnery Convention Center
San Jose Civic Auditorium
Downtown San Jose, California
WHEN::May 28-31, 2004
NAMI TAMAKI:(vocalists from gundam seeds)
HIGURI YOU:(manga artist of Seimaden, Ludwig II,
Cutlass, Zeus and Gorgeous Carat)
FRED SCHODT:(Author, translator, interpreter, scholar)
GILLES POITRAS:(author of the anime companion)
ALLEN HASTINGS:(original developer of lightwave 3D
HIROYUKI YAMAGA:(Founder of Studio Gainax, writer
/ director, Wings of Honneamise)
FRED "Piro" GALLAGHER:(Creator and artist , Megatokyo)
JONATHAN OSBORNE:(man of a million voices)
J. SHANON WEAVER:(U.S. voice of kenshin himura and
Okita Soujiro)
For more information, visit:
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
IF I WERE...........
1. If I were a month I would be:
A: November
2. If I were a day of the week I would be:
A: Friday
3. If I were a time of day I would be:
A: 8pm
4. If I were a planet I would be:
A: Earth~ FIRE!!!!!!!! *mwahahahahah*
5. If I were a direction I would be:
A: North (?)
6. If I were a liquid I would be:
A: Water~ To survive!!
7. If I were a tree I would be:
A: A palm tree (?)
8. If I were a plant I would be:
A: rose.
9. If I were a kind of weather I would be:
A: Sunny
10. If I were a musical instrument, I would be:
A: guitar
11. If I were an animal, I would be:
A: wolf
12. If I were a color, I would be:
A: black
13. If I were an emotion, I would be:
A: hyper~~ @_@
14. If I were a vegetable, I would be:
A: carrot
15. If I were a song, I would be:
A: sweet vanilla (by: hyde) and fragrance (by:gackt)
16. If I were a movie, I would be:
A: Moonchild (aaaiiieeee!!!!!!!!! gackt!!!!!!!!!!!! hyde!!!!!)
17. If I were a book, I would be:
A: harry potter (?)
18. If I were a place, I would be:
A: Earth~~ FOOOOOD!
19. If I were an object, I would be:
A: L'Arc~en~ciel's latest CD
20. If I were a taste, I would be:
A: yummy...
21. If I were a word, I would be:
A: weird
22. If I were a body part I would be:
A: mouth (Eat, sing, talk!! drink!!)
23. If I were a facial expression I would be:
A: O_O
24. If I were a subject in school I would be:
A: Arts
25. If I were an anime character I would be:
A: Chocolate (Bakuretsu Hunter ^o^ wohohohoh )
26. If I were a shape I would be:
A: circle!
27. If I were a number I would be:
A: 8
J-ROCK QUIZ.......

"You are overly obsessed in kidnapping Hyde."
Which L'arc~en~ciel member would you most likely kidnap? brought to you by Quizilla
my HYDE!!!!!!!!!! *muah muah muah*
Comments (4) |
Friday, April 23, 2004
Haaa... I wonder if it's okay to give out info about me...
*First things first*
name: Kisha Takarai
age: 22
birthday: May 28, 1981
zodiac sign: Gemini
hair color: dark brown
eyes color: dark brown
ethnicity: asian
color: Black
store: anime store eheheheheh... Forever 21, EOS and Bebe
girl's name: hmmm..... Reishi Ann ........
guys name: hmm.... GACKT , HYDE (heheh)
mascara color: black
nail polish color: Black .. heheheheh hmm.... black cherry
place to chill : ref
day of the week: Friday
month: May, December
number: 28, 666
*This or that*
red or pink: red
pepsi or coke: neither
black or white: black / white ^o^ (hehehe)
lip gloss or lipstick: both
sprite or seven up: sprite
kings dominion or six flags: ...neither...
curly or straight: straight
clean or messy: clean
cute or hot: hmm.... BOTH!!! hehehehe
love or crushes: love
msn or aim: aim
tv or computer: computer
vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
young or old: young
hawaii or alaska: hawaii
*Do u consider yourself...*
cool: hmm... yes
pretty: lalalalalalala............
popular: hmm...........
nice: yes
energetic: not really...
hyper: sometimes... when I eat hmm... chocolate.. (oiiiii!!!!!!!!!!) heheh
mean: no
busy: homework?
lucky: ......
flirty: no
*Random stuff*
what shampoo do you use?: Dove
is your hair long?: yes!!!!!!!
do u bite your nails?: NOOOOOOO!!
are you bored?: YES!!
what time do u sleep? 2 am
do u have a bf/gf?: nope
if not, do u want one?: YES! mwahahahahahahaha





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Friday, April 16, 2004
Congratulations! Your ideal Alpha Male is...  Two words normally come to mind when dealing with the Wild Card Alpha Male--good luck. Generally seen as the 'self absorbed', 'eccentric', and 'highly sexual', this Alpha Male usually isn't associated with monogamy. However, once he does settle on someone they should consider themselves either blessed or cursed. His behavior can often be unpredictable, irrational, and quite bizarre in nature, and as the object of his affection, you will soon find it impossible to escape. And yet, underneath the egoism and the absentmindedness, it is very apparent that it won't do to have you taken away from him, or leave for that matter. Provided you have the patience and endurance to put up with his attitude and appetite, you'll eventually come to find you wouldn't want to anyways. Which Alpha Male is right for you? Brought to you by Alexandra and Matrim
aaaiiieeee!! GACKT!!!!!
Your Sex Dream Is Miyavi
 | Miyavi is a solo artist that knows how to rock. You like a guy with lots of personality, and really stands out. Miyavi is a guy that jokes around but still can be a sexy guy. You like things to be hot a steamy but want it to contain a bit of innocence.
Good Bands: Miyavi, Gackt
oh my!!!!!! MIYAVI!!!!!!! kawaii!! *muah muah muah* heheheh
YOU ARE DIR EN GREY! You most likly have some disease but it is all good. We love you for you absolute insanity. Your sick and twisted and basically the Marilyn Manson on Japan in band form. If you are into hard rock and visual kei then Dir En Grey is a kick ass band for you! Just be carefull when downloading videos- they can be very scary and very disturbing. I would stay away from Raison Detre- ickness with eye! Lets leave it at that. TAKE THE QUIZ AT OOH-LA-LA.NU!
waiii!! DEG!!!!! cooool!!! i lyk Kyo!! hohohoho~~~~~
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Monday, April 12, 2004
Hiya all!!! last friday I went to San Francisco, Japan Town ^_^ and I bought Gackt cd "Moon" .. yay!!!! The album was extremely good ^_~ .. I like Lu:na, wasurenai kara, speed master, Soleil... ^o^ ....... since I got it.. hmm.. I've run 4 batteries for my cd player... ... listening to it.... hehehehehehehe....
Gackt Camui..... Who is he??

Name: Gackt Camui (Kamui Gakuto) - he says his real name is Camui M. S. Gackt
Sex: Male
Age: He claims to be over 400 years old...
Birthdate: July 4, 1540, he says; rumors say the actual year was 1973 (further sources have said that this birth year is not far off, though Gackt will not release the actual date for publicity reasons)
Birthplace: Okinawa
Hometown: Kyoto
Height: 180cm (about 5' 11")
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs.)
Bloodtype: A
Waist: 68 cm (about 27 in)
Ring size: 10 - 14
Inner leg (inseam): 90 cm (35.4 in)
Shoe size: 25.5 cm (10 in - size 8)
Eyesight: 3.5
Foreign Language: France, Mandarin Chinese, English.... he's also interested in other languages like Italian, Spain, Cantonese and Korean....
Special skills: hand to hand fight, karate, boxing and judo .. however he cant beat his father

Competetive - he always wants to be the best at everything
Hates electric lights - he says they hurt his eyes, so he prefers to use candles
Prefers written mail to e-mail - he says that written letters (and sent photographs, choice of stationary, etc.) all say a lot about the writers' personalities
Likes to be clean and neat
Gackt on the goal of his music - he says he wants to move people emotionally with his music as well as express himself
Likes incense (coconut milk flavor - he eats(!!) and burns it), wine (Gavi di Gavi, an Italian white wine), cars and driving, women (with "strong eyes"), a brand of cigarettes called Joker [don't smoke! it's bad for you! ^^;], and a comic called BANANA FISH
Wants to know everything about everything - the first thing he did when he went into a room was go through all the drawers and look under all the furniture. He also reads instruction manuals very thoroughly.
Musical instruments Gackt has mastered - trumpet, tuba, horn, euphonium, trombone, piano, guitar, bass, percussion
He composes his own music and originally wanted to be a conductor
He reads all his fanmail and even occasionally responds to lucky fans
Gackt was once part of Malice Mizer, a well-known J-rock band but later went solo. Although he is no longer part of the group, he says he still loves all members of the band in their own special ways.
Gackt wrote a song called "For You" as an elegy to the late Kami (may he rest in peace), former fellow member of Malice Mizer. It may not be released to the public. (This might actually be the track "Emu~for my dear~" on Gackt's MARS album.)
Gackt says that he became psychic after a near-death experience during his childhood. He also says he used to be possessed by spirits.
Gackt's parents were very strict and only allowed him to watch educational TV programs and listen to Classical music.
Gackt has pets - a Maine coon cat named Mey [read "mei"] and a miniature dachshund named ["berukonsutantin chapii" -"BelleConstantine" or "Belle" for short
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
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