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Saturday, October 29, 2005
hei guys^ ^ sorry... all this week i've only been visiting random sites. im really sorry if i haven't been to yours at all and i want to thank those of you who bother to visit me. i mean i look at my friends list and only about an average of 10 of you actually come and visit my site. so thanx guys and im really sorry that i haven't been returning the favor.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
hei guys!^ ^ hugs to all of you too. um... im not sure if all of you got my comment;something's up with my otaku. sometimes when i would comment on a post my comment wouldn't show up T^T so... im sorry if you didn't get my comment. i'll try again tomorrow if i have the time, but anyways! at school it was pretty fun^ ^ in chinese class some of my classmates brought chinese food! i finally ate a decent meal at school!^ ^ then all my friends and i got all hyper cuz i brought some of those carmel apple lollipops. they're so good!!-^.^- ok! well, i'll try and visit your sites today. take care!!^.~
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Monday, October 24, 2005
sorry guys that i've missed so many of your posts. i've been really busy, but i'll try my best to visit you all this week ^ ^;; but anyways i changed my layout for halloween. do you guys like it? mmm... i think i've could of done better but im just going to stick with what i have now. -.-|||
so, what are you guys doing for halloween? i don't know how all of a sudden they just thought it up, but my friends want to go trick-or-treating. i haven't gone trick-or-treating for 3 years. it sounds like fun cuz all my friends are going and i won't be a kid for very much longer, but i might not have the time to go. T^T well ok anyway, i'll visit you guys today for sure ^.^
oh! and for those of you who know xbleachx for some reason she's missing again. she told me to post for her on her returning but then she goes off and disappear again!! >< *sigh* maybe she'll come back one day... btw yesterday was her birthday... and i didn't get to say happy birthday T^T
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
hei guys!! i hope you're all doing well!!^ ^ hmm... today at school was boring and it was really cold outside!! i had forgotten my sweat shirt and all my friends were calling me stupid T^T so mean!! AND IT WAS EVEN COLDER IN THE CLASSROOMS!!! i mean!! WTH!!! and omg!! in chinese class it was like a freezer!! my arms went numb and i was turning purple!! my friends were like omg vivian!! do you want my sweater? i said nono!! i don't want you guys to freeze to death like im going to. then one of my friends were like here take my sweater and i refused to take it. then this guy that's a friend of my friends took off his jacket and gave it to me... i mean i barely even know him and we hardly ever talk and i usually embarrass myself every time we do -.- it was really nice of him and i probably would have died if it wasn't for him... but i kind of wish he hadn't done that. you guys know what i mean? grr you guys probably don�t... i just mean i don�t want to end up liking him or anything, cuz he's really nice unlike some other guys i know... =.=|||
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
XBLEACHX IS BACK!! isn't it funny though, just when i start talking about her? ahaha. man... her school is evil, they call it the hardest school in the district... at least she doesn't have to wear that really scary... ugly... strict dress code anymore.
but anyways! it was really funny at school. during pe my friend was making fun of guys cuz our pe shorts are really long so she pulled them down and started walking and talking like a guy. oh! no offense to the guys ^ ^; but it was so hilarious!!! then we started talking about how she was really attracted to guys and not girls, and that's why she was in the girl's locker room we found this out when she yelled out "HEY JOE YOU'RE SEXY" lol!!XD but now my throat hurts... haha i wish i could tell you guys everything we said but there was just too much. i was laughing through the whole period XD until we had to play kick ball >< ok well im off to visit you guys! you all have a good day!^.^
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
HEI!!^ ^
*sigh* sorry, i missed your posts again except i managed to get to one or two ^ ^; i had to go to chinatown to get my friend a mashimaro for her birthday. jeez! stuff in morning glory are so expensive >< i was going to buy something for myself but i decided not too. =.= but i did get some stuff from chinatown's bakery!! so nummy!!!^ ^
at school it was pretty boring -.- i have a new history teacher >< which makes me mad, i liked my old one but it turns out that he was just a fill in until a permeant teacher was found. no wonder he was so young. now i bet my history class will be harder for me. my last teacher made it so easy, the new one im not so sure of. he was funny too, but ah! well... hei this is kinda random but has anybody heard from xbleachx lately? she hasn't been online in like forever and im really worried. i would ask my stepsister to see how she is because they go to the same school but she doesn't know her so... T^T and xbleachx used up all her minutes on her cellular phone!!! ><
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
New Layout!
hi guys!! it's been awhile -.- sorry i missed so many posts but im sure my comments weren't such a great loss. at least you guys had one less site to visit. XD well anyway, i changed my theme. it's the same format and stuff, but i think i just wanted to change it because of the song ^ ^;
something else new, i got a hair cut on thursday. it's like a little above my shoulders; shortest i have ever cut it, but it's not like a boy cut or anything. my friends say i now look like an anime character. haha^ ^ which means i look good!! lol! XXD well, i don't really have anything more to say, so you guys have a nice day and i think i'll be able to visit your sites today! but right now im going to watch naruto!!^ ^ (posted 9:00pm saturday)
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
im soooo mad right now!!! >< i was talking to tiffany and she asked me what did i think when my mom and her dad first started dating. we talked about it and then some how it led to gossipers and tiffany told me about two really evil people that were talking crap about my mom!! they were really nasty stuff that were so not true!!!! and that was only half of it!!! there were so many lies!! i can't believe how awful people can get!! IT'S SICK!!! i mean what do they get out of all this?! it's like they enjoy playing this sick little game! they mess up peoples lives!! and some of them call themselves my moms friend but the second her back is turned they start talking crap about her!!!! she didn't even do anything to them!! it's disgusting!! i mean people who gossip just have no right to live. they're like children of evil!!! im so mad >< THEY'RE JUST SO MESSED UP!!
the next person that says anything horribly wrong about someone, i swear i will attack them!! i mean i don't care if they hate that person for some reason or not but they just have no right!! if it is true then just shut up about it. keep out of other peoples business, it's just not our place.
grrrr... anyway im sorry for dumping all this on you guys but i really needed to let that out. sorry if it was confusing or what ever and im sorry for missing all your posts yesterday. im really busy and i might not be able to again today, but i'll try my best.
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
hei guys!! sorry i haven't been visiting for awhile, i've been sick but i feel pretty good now so i can visit again. i just found out about Do As Infinity, which, im sure all of you have all ready and it's so sad!!! they were like my all time favorite!! T^T HOW COULD THEY LET DOWN SOOO MANY FANS LIKE THAT!!???! THEY WERE LIKE PB&J!!! T^T *sniff* which, i might add is really good together...ah! well who knows maybe they'll get back together... tch!
ok, well besides that i guess my week has been ok except in english, it was kinda funny yet kinda sad. remember how i told you my english teacher was over emotional? well, she gave out some homework. we had to turn in our coarse expectations and bring in a notebook and a novel. some kids forgot and i swear she was about to cry! she started to give us a loooooooooooooong speech about homework and her hurt feelings and then her eyes got all puffy and red. then she told the kids that forgot to tell her why they didn't bring in the supplies and it couldn't be "because i forgot" why not!? i forgot but i was saved cuz i borrowed my friends notebook. omg!! argh!! there should be a law preventing emotionally unstable people to teach!! ><
p.s. im sorry, after reading jiggleyness's comment i forgot to tell you all why im so upset about Do As Infinity. if you haven't seen the otakus home page lately go to:
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
sorry i missed all your sites yesterday or uh... earlier today. i was really busy. i went to the mall with my friend, mabel and my stepsister, tiffany and her boyfriend. i guess she and my mom decided not to break up with their boyfriends -.- jeez... so annoying! anyway! back to what i was saying when we were driving to the mall i introduced mabel to my mom for the very first time she said her boyfriend was my dad ><*** as if!!! NO WAY!!!! i told my friend "she meant stepfather" HE IS NOT MY DAD!!! my mom is such a hypocrite!! my older brother is my "half brother" meaning we don't have the same mother and she makes sure that everyone knows that. but she doesn't let it be known that my stepfather is my stepfather. like i want to look like his daughter? eww!! and he's not even really my stepfather yet!!! i swear my mom can be so sizlhs;ieb!!! grrrr!!! sorry, but i think im suffering from stepfather resentment syndrome lol. XD
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