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Full time daydreamer. I have no life XD Gender • Female I think... wait male... who knows. Lifes confusing nowadays =)
Real Name
Charlie and no, that doesn't answer the gender question =P
Getting sunburned without the sun insight. Amazing right?
Anime Fan Since
9... I think, when I was flipping through the channels and saw Sailor Moon and thought, "Whoa, this is the bestest show ever!"
Favorite Anime
Bleach addict XD
Achieving euphoria without having to get high
Being completely bored. It seems to be what I'm best at.
Being sarcastic and I have this ability to burp right after I eat something! It’s such a rare talent right? Best Friends •xbleachx •J2 •Ayame rulez •prettykitty1013 •sango fan 4ever
| Ayame-meimei
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
i got a few comments that are telling me they like my current layout. but i still want to change it. so i guess for those of you that don't want me to change... i might consider bringing this one back. sound good? ok well that's all i really have to say... sept... something really weird happened to me.... it was really disturbing. i take my little brother to school every Wednesday- Friday and there are these two crossing guards. as i was walking home after i dropped my brother off... one of them said something i forgot and then "babe" 0.0 he was an old guy... and it really really bothered me. but i know his personality and im pretty sure he had no idea what he was talking about... poor guy, think he has been spending a little to much time in las vegas.
Comments (6) |
Friday, July 29, 2005
Changing my Theme
usually i change my theme without telling u guys... but this time i decided to tell u in advance. im probably changing it next week or tomorrow maybe if i get my avi. though... i must warn all of u, it will have nothing to do with anime but it will be pretty... uh.... i think ??? it'll have a new song and everything will change. hopefully for the better... ok well i'll talk ta ya guys later and i hope you'll like the new theme.
and please no more chain letters... -.-
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
ok ok fine im pretty lol ok enough of that... i forgot what i was going to say..... ???? hmm... well last night i did the most unusual thing... i was really bored... and so i cleaned -.-; cleaned the house.... boredom is a very scary thing.... it can do stuff to u... i mean cleaning.... scary.
pretty soon it'll be my last month of vacation -.- i don't wanna go back to school... homework... and evil TEACHERS!!! and we have a strict dress code. i mean its so ugly!! its like we work at McDonalds or something. but i'll have drivers ed. im looking forward to that... then pretty soon i'll turn 16 then 17 then 18 then im off to college and no longer a kid *sniff* NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! GO BACK!!! BACK!!!! BACK IN TIME!!!!! T^T EVIIIIILLL!!
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Thanx Really^ ^
i don't really have anything to say but i want to thank all of u for your comments^ ^ didn't think i would get so many compliments on the way i looked. its a little hard to believe. maybe the pics to fuzzy...??? xbleachx also wants to say thank u too. she was a little suprised some of u actually thought she was pretty with the way she was posing. but she is very pretty. uh... someone asked me if i was asian??? right?? well... im half chinese but i don't look the part cuz im also part taiwanese aborigine that's probably why... uh long story ^ ^; anyway when i read all your comments they really did make me feel better cuz earlier... uh... well lets just say i slipped and my butt hit first -.-; well thank u guys!!^ ^ and im sure u all of u are very good looking.
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

i saw dark water it was ok the ending i didn't like... i hate imaginary friends-.- they give me the creeps. anyway the day before yesterday was xbleachx's bro's birthday we went to a park to celebrate^ ^ it was pretty cool. i'd didn't think i would get invited on the count of it was her bros party. someone took a pic of us as u can see above ^ that's me in the right and xbleachx on the left we were suppose to make a silly pose but hahaha guess i didn't make one ^ ^; im not much of a looker but when xbleachx isn't trying to look silly she really is very pretty. we had fun actually the most fun i had all summer... didn't really get to go anywhere oh!! and the cake!!! yum!!!! but xbleachx thought it was too sweat. sorry pics a bit fuzzy. something happened when i put it up. yesterday i tried to fix it... didn't work-.- ah well!! talk ta ya guys later!
Comments (14) |
Monday, July 25, 2005
im back!!!! im ready with my keyboard and ready to comment!!!! hope u guys have some good stories!!^ ^ and today or tomorrow ahh!! so confusing ok on monday whether that's today or tomorrow... or yesterday omg!!! ahhh!! ok monday!! im going to watch Dark Water i hope its good!! ok see ya guys in your sites!!
Comments (10) |
Sunday, July 24, 2005
im really sorry but i won't be able to visit your guy's sites today im really busy!!! so if u don't get a comment from me today im really sorry!! i'll try to visit them on monday... im sorry. but anyway i got my 6th Harry Potter book!!!^ ^ reeeeeeeeaaally happy!!! can't wait to read it... that was a quick change of subject... ^ ^; ok well again im sorry!!! FORGIVE ME!!! -.-; talk ta ya guys later!!
Comments (7) |
Saturday, July 23, 2005
had a cheesy day^ ^ thought this was kinda funny hope u guys think so too
ayame258: um... k... now i want bread with CHEEEEEEEEEESE!!!!
myfairywings91: ok...........
myfairywings91: CHEEEEEEEEEESE!!!! IS GOOD
ayame258: yes yes
ayame258: it is
myfairywings91: lol
myfairywings91: cheese
myfairywings91: ok
ayame258: cheese
ayame258: i want cheese
ayame258: cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
myfairywings91: ok
myfairywings91: cheese good
ayame258: cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezze i bow to u @_@ cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeee
ayame258: @_@
myfairywings91: okkkk...........
ayame258: *drool*
ayame258: @_@
ayame258: yuuuuuuuum cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseee must worship @_@
ayame258: WORSHIP THE CHEESE!!!!!!
myfairywings91: i hav cheese
ayame258: CHEESE!!!
ayame258: GIVE ME THE CHEESE!!!
ayame258: WORSHIP!!!!
ayame258: NOW!!!! @_@
myfairywings91: *gives u the cheese and runs away* ahhhhhhhhhh
ayame258: LOL!!!!!!!!! now worshipping the cheeeeese!!! BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! CHEEESE RULE THE WORLD!!!!!
myfairywings91: ok.......
ayame258: CHEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEE WORSHIP!!!! *mumbles unknown words*
myfairywings91: ok.......*backs away slowly*
myfairywings91: *runs away screaming*
ayame258: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ayame258: MY CHEESE!!!!
ayame258: CAN'T HAVE MY CHEESE!!!
myfairywings91: *still running*
ayame258: CHEEEEEEESE!!!!!! YES RUN!!! MY CHEESE!!!!!
myfairywings91: waaaaaaaaaa
ayame258: MINE!!!!!! MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ayame258: MINE!!!!
ayame258: CHEEESE!!!!
myfairywings91: okkkkkkkkk
myfairywings91: no.....
ayame258: YES!!!
ayame258: MUST WORSHIP CHEESE!!!!!
myfairywings91: noooooooooo
ayame258: YEEEEEES!!! THE CHEESE IS TALKING!!! @_@ *runs around, talking to the cheese*
myfairywings91: ummmmmmm ok
ayame258: lol^ ^ CHEEEEEEEESE!!!
ayame258: WORSHIP!!!! NOW NOW!!!! THE CHEEESE IS TALKING!!!! IT SAY!! *puts ear next to the cheese* IT SAYS IT WILL DESTROY THE EARTH IF U DON'T!!!!
ayame258: CHEEESE!!!
ayame258: MUST OBEY CHEESE!!!!!
myfairywings91: no
ayame258: YES!!!
myfairywings91: okkkkkkkkk
ayame258: OK!!^ ^
myfairywings91: ok
ayame258: YES YUM NOW!!!
ayame258: I EAT CHEESE!!!
ayame258: CHEEEEEEEEESE!!!
myfairywings91: ok...............
ayame258: lol
ayame258: ok im done
ayame258: i ate the cheese
myfairywings91: lol ok
Comments (8) |
Friday, July 22, 2005
History of anime
Though filmmakers in Japan had been experimenting with animation beforehand, the first widely popular anime series was Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy in 1963. During the 1970s, anime developed further, separating itself from its Western roots, and developing unique genres such as giant robots (popularly known among English-speaking fans as mecha). Notable shows in this period include Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Lupin III and Mazinger Z.
In the 1980s, anime found itself accepted in the mainstream in Japan, and experienced a boom in production. The start of the Gundam franchise, and the beginnings of Rumiko Takahashi's career have their roots here. Akira set records in 1988 for the production costs of an anime.
words related to ding dong:
ass, fool, idiot, imbecile, jackass, mooncalf, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, simple, simpleton, softhead, tomfool. Informal dope, gander, goose.
Slang: cretin, dip, goof, jerk, nerd, schmo, schmuck, turkey.
And right now i think theOtaku is being a DING DONG!!!!><
Comments (7) |
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Glad u guys like the changes^ ^ i changed my avi thought it was too bright for my site. it was xbleachx who made it^ ^ THANK U AGAIN xbleachx!!^ ^ uh... again im bored and have nothing to say sorry to bother all of u...-.- well... all i can say is that i hope u guys are happy and living life^ ^
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