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Full time daydreamer. I have no life XD Gender • Female I think... wait male... who knows. Lifes confusing nowadays =)
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Charlie and no, that doesn't answer the gender question =P
Getting sunburned without the sun insight. Amazing right?
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9... I think, when I was flipping through the channels and saw Sailor Moon and thought, "Whoa, this is the bestest show ever!"
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Being completely bored. It seems to be what I'm best at.
Being sarcastic and I have this ability to burp right after I eat something! It’s such a rare talent right? Best Friends •xbleachx •J2 •Ayame rulez •prettykitty1013 •sango fan 4ever
| Ayame-meimei
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Changed Again!!
i changed my site again!!^ ^ though... i don't like it as much as the other one. but this ones darker that's what i like about it and its a cowboy bebop theme^.^ i wrote a poem!!! about my quote "a black rose never dies" its above my gif!!! hope u guys like it!! and that's it i have nothing more to say...-.- bored...oh! but i would like to thank xbleachx (remember my very good bff) for helping me with my gif and avi.^ ^ thank u xbleachx!!!
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
ahhhhh!!! my friends list has gotten shorter.... i deleted ppl that didn’t add me as their friend... ah well!!! u can’t be liked by everyone *sniff* anyway!!!! enough sad stories!!!
ok the title of this post isn't exactly what it sounds but its a really cute story and i would like to share. *clears throat* i was at the pool tonight... or last night depending on when u guys read this. and i saw the cutest family!!!!! it made me feel really happy inside^ ^ they were a young couple and they had a little boy. they looked so happy and they also played some kind of ball game and they looked like they were having so much fun. i wish for the best for them!!^ ^ it was also really beautiful out there. the moon was out and there were stars. the pool was also glittering cuz of all the dim lights. great... now i sound like a hopeless romantic... (how i got the title of this story, if u haven't noticed) im not usually like that but it really was beautiful!!!! to me that really would be the perfect date and the guy can save money ^.~
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Monday, July 18, 2005
im mad at my stupid boss he's not nice to my friend lisa>< STUPID GUY!!!!>< he said... *in annoying mocking tone* “i don't treat u guys the same way... its better to work alone” and today it was reeeeeeeeeeeeaaally hot and u know those squirt thingys that also come with a fan? well what ever they’re called he bought my brother and me one but he didn't buy lisa one!!!!! left her frying!!! of coarse we shared but still!!!!! and when he asked do we pick up lisa? i said yeeeeeeeeeeaaah and he was like uggrrrrr like he didn't want to>< THAT FAT HEAD!!!!! the only reason why i took this stupid job in the first place was cuz i had a friend along!!!! he should be happy!!!! if it wasn't for her i would of said no sorry get some else to do this job>< if this keeps up i don't care what happens i’ll QUIT!!!! then what huh!?!?! U LOSER!!!!! TRY FINDING SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!
NOBODY TREATS MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT!!! lisa's nice!!!! she’s a really good friend and he goes of and treats her like that!!!
not only that but on our first day he told my mom and me that “lisa can do nada!!!” TALKING ABOUT HER LIKE THAT RIGHT IN MY FACE!!! all cuz on her FIRST DAY she made $10. IT WAS HER FIRST DAY!!!! i was really tired this weekend and last week i did better and lisa couldn’t come to work then, so he assumed that i did better alone!!!! he was like u did better alone when last weekend he made most of the sales!!! this weekend he barely did anything!!! THAT JACK_SS!!!!!!! HE’LL PAY!!!! but u know what really sucks guys? he’s gonna be my stepfather... T^T THAT STUPID OLD FART IS GONNA BE MY STEPFATHER!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! it’s a good thing though that i live with my biological father!!!!^ ^ DADDY!!!!
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
lately i've noticed a lot of people having friend troubles. it's either cuz they're mad at their friends or their friends are mad at them or their friends are just plain miserable. it makes me sad!!!! i want to be happy again!!! so many sad stories!!! PLEASE NO MORE!!!!! be happy people!!!!!! T^T there's just too many sad stories in the world... THAT'S SAD!

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Friday, July 15, 2005

she's another AYAME!!!!!! GIVE IT UP FOR AYAME RULEZ!!!! she's really cool and we've only just met!!! im glad to know her and she's very understanding^_^ she's an awesome friend and if u get a chance visit her site!!! yay!!! DOUBLE THE AYAME!!!!^ ^ *hugs* to my bff Ayame rulez!!!^.^
and my other friend!! Ayngela she's also really cool!!! we've been talking for awhile now!! and she's really friendly and really sweat!!! one of the sweatest friends i know!!!if u don't know her already visit her site!!! i also send my love and hugs to her!!! i luv all my friends!!!^ ^
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Thanx Everyone!!!^ ^
thanx for all your comments everyone!! i really appreciate it^ ^ im glad u all like the changes i did to my site, plus the chinese song!! and if u guys didn't like it!!! I WOULD OF STILL KEPT IT!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! talk ta ya guys later!!!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Like it?^.^
i changed my site!! thought it needed to change after all this time. like it? it feels really different^ ^ but i like it!!
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Monday, July 11, 2005
I know I'm stupid XD
xbleachx and i are really good friends and we know each other in person
^ ^ so i gotta show my LUV!!!! LOVE YOU XBLEACHX!!! really stupid i know but anyway!! comment on what u think about this. i really do feel stupid though, but we thought it would be fun to do anyway. check out her site. i think she shows more love than i do ^.^; MY BEST FRIEND xbleachx
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The Cloud has Lifted!!!!
Omg!!! The cloud has lifted and i can see the sun!!! today was actually a good day^ ^ my brother stopped being a brat and i sold a few things at work made $50 Shopping spree!!! and it wasn't even that hot. haha not bad for a 15 year old, right? i mean im not even allowed to work yet. it's a good thing the boss is my mom's friend ^.~ i didn't end up having to wake up at 5:30 more like 8:40^ ^ BIG TIME DIFFERENCE!! anyway im kinda happy today and the only down side was that i saw a fat girl walking and she was wearing something that was really sluty and it was showing a lot of her fat XP i hate that!!! it's really gross. anyway no more dark cloud to ruin my day im just really tired and yesterday for my brother's b-day we had cake and i kinda ate it to quickly and my tummy hurted really bad. but i didn't puke XD and today i ate dinner after i had boba but im ok i just didn't have much of an appetite.
Yesterday i also saw Fushigi Yugi for the first time. it looked like one of those older anime, am i right? it was good but there were some parts that seemed kinda lame and becuz i've never seen it before i kinda got lost. Hope everybody's day was as good as mine^ ^ ttyl
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
And it goes on!!!!! T^T
today was a pretty bad day too. i came back from work all tired and sweaty and sticky XP only 15!!! god!! ppl!! to much!!! it was hot!!! and i think my dad is still mad at me for no good reason...>< but my brother wasn't so bad and he didn't tease my cat today.... much. my friend ditched me for Shamu so i was stuck doing a lot of work just when we moved to a new location!!! and tomorrow im afraid will get worse!!! i have to wake up at 5:30 A.M. 0o0 T^T someone just shoot me!!!!
One good thing though^ ^ one of my wallpapers became the most popular out of all my others in 4 days 131 downloads so far. it may not be much to most of u popular artists but it's an achievement to me!! and im getting a lot of downloads for one of my new ones. thank u to those who downloaded and uh... to the ones that at least... looked. at least there's one good thing around here!!! lol anyways... tell u how it goes tomorrow. maybe it'll be better-.-; just gotta keep rolling, right?
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