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myOtaku.com: Ayame-meimei

Friday, August 5, 2005

Endless Journey

part two is even more boring-.- but it'll get better. thanx for all your comments. i actually got ideas from some of them^ ^

Amaya- picture her with long black hair a little past the shoulders and dark blue eyes almost black eyes. she wears a purple kimono and a yellow flower decorated sash. she has a young and beautiful face, about 18 years of age.

The Beginning of an Endless Journey (part two)

man: Yeah... well. There�re just some people that are like that.

Amaya: Has anybody in your village been killed?

man: Killed!? NO!! Why?

Amaya: (No... That couldn�t be him... Besides I've seen the way he swung his sword, he�s a well educated swordsman. He would have killed those villagers chasing after him.)
Amaya set off once again. As it got darker Amaya worried about finding a place to stay, but not only that, she had not eaten all day. Night came and it started to rain.

Amaya: Oh great... Just great! Now where am I going to go? There doesn�t look like there�s a place to stay for miles. *Amaya looked around and saw a small house on the edge of the road. Amaya looked into the house.* Hello? *in the middle of the room she saw a pot siting over a fire, on the left was a small bed. Nothing else seemed to be in the room except a few folded up clothes.

Amaya: Great nobody�s home. *Amaya heard horses coming from the back of the house* Hello? *She saw a young woman putting horses away in a small stable.*

woman: Oh! Good! Miss, could you help me with that horse? He�s stuck in the mud.
The woman�s request made Amaya think back to what had happened before her father died. He was asked to help a horse that was stuck in the mud as well.

woman: Miss?

Amaya: Oh! Uh... of coarse.
The woman tied a rope around the horse.

woman: Here, hold this end and we�ll pull together.
After putting the horses away the woman and Amaya walked to the small house.

woman: I want to thank you for helping me with my horse.

Amaya: *looks down* Uh... It was nothing.

woman: *looks at Amaya strangely* Um... would you like to come inside?

Amaya: Yes! Thank you!! (Now I won�t have to walk in the rain.)

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