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• Ayame_Clyne
Yahoo! Messenger
• angelprincess146
• 1987-11-14
• My own world
Member Since
• 2005-04-07
• Still a high school student, and a crappy one at that ^^'
• Still working on those
Anime Fan Since
• I was born
Favorite Anime
• ooOOOoooo Dangerous question here they are (in no particular order): Inuyasha, Gundam Seed/Destiny, Fruits Basket, Ranma 1/2, Fushigi Yuugi, Yu Yu Hakusho, DnAngel, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Ayashi no Ceres, S-cry-ed, Full Metal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin
• To become an animetionist and/or manga artist and/or Voice actress for anime
• Drawing, playing on the internet, Painting and traveling
• I think i can draw pretty good, and paint
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Hi everyone....
Well nothing much to say here, Im in an extremly good mood, didnt really do much today, sorry for not being active in the last few days, I have just not been up to getting on the computer lol. It was so funny the other night, it was like 3 in the morning and my sister, step-sister and i were up and extremly bored, so we decicded to make a dinky little movie, so we decide to get the camera out and well at the last scene, the house we were in had to "explode" so we decided to use a leftover fire work we had from the fourth ( yea i know cheap effect). So we lit it, and the freakin thing was the bloodiest loudest damn banchi was the world has ever heard. We we tried finishing off the movie, but my freaken two actors ( i was the camera man) ditched me and ran into the house! so here i was, there, alone, while this thing was screaming its head off, at 3 in the morning! and i live in a really crowded neighborhood at my dads, so as you can imagine, i was scared i was gonna get told off, so i hide behind the car while i hear my dad telling off my sisters (it was funny, we dont take my dad to seriously so they thought so as well) plus he was half asleep. i guess lighting a fire work that says "cricket" on it wasnt to smart, and it also turns out i caught the whole thing on tape! the whole tape is probably about 30min, including our crappy movie and little incident, in the back ground when the fire work was going off you can hear my sisters in the back ground saying "oh F**K!!" then the doors slaming, ahem a 17 and a 13 year old ditched me! Wussy's! LOL so that was my exciting sunday night, i'll always remeber it as a funny memory. but thats all i have to say for now, bye bye, i poise i'll visit everyones site today! Here's your funny pic of the week!:

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