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myOtaku.com: Ayame Clyne

Monday, July 18, 2005

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Im SO SORRY I DIDNT GET TO ANYONES SITE TODAY! Or in the Past few days, but i swear I'll make it up to you, Some time today I'm going to visit everyones site who has updated in the past three days. I promise ^_^'. Oh, um.. I was wondering if you guys could do me a favor ^^', on my site on top of the thank you theres a link to my sister's site "Sakura Jurai", can you guys go sign her guestbook. She needs some help getting started on otaku please, please, please, dipped in sparkles?? T_T. Well today was the party...it was okay... I had to be the camera girls though, meaning i had to chase every guest (mind you there was like 150 people) with a camera for 4 hours T_T. Oh well alot of them were very understanding and waved. And my sister hid in the corner like the chicken she is �_�', oh well, i guess its okay, i already beat her up for it (im not mean to her, we're twins, we're both 17, lil FYI for you there)PLUS THE FOOD THERE WAS GREAT..I had pie.......lots and lost of...PIE!! lol so that was my day. I hope your was goods. Well thats it for now, see you guys later! ^o^. Funny Pic of the day:

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