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S.C. Umbi Jr
Gaia...(where else? xD)
Member Since
Tailor/Poet/Pickpocket/Sword-Swallower/ Alien Invader
Real Name
S.C. Umbi, yo!
Bieng borne! My life itself is an achievment! Ho! Without my very exsistance the world would probably shrivel and die like a rosebud deprived from water....except with lots of bloode....and gore...and maniacal laughter....(did that even make sense?)
Anime Fan Since
I was Borne
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket. I've tried several others, but that's the only one I like...wait...does anime include video games....? o.O?
To win a cosplay contest at AWA, to go on distant adventures with my party consisting of only my CLOSEST BFF, yo!, to become a renowned comic book writer, to lose 30 pounds xD, to someday cosplay as Yuna in her wedding dress (ultimate fantasy cosplay), to
Sword-Chuckery, yo!,guitar hero, Final Fantasy, comic book reading, flying,blowing bubbles, spaceship repair, checking foriegn movie's subtitles for grammatical/spelling errors.
I am the master of ALL talents.
| Ayame Sensei
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Emmah (05/05/07)
Hey!! Awesome site you have!! I notice you're a fan of Ayame? And a fan of Fruits Basket? Yeah, me too XD I saw on someone else's guestbook that you were speaking to him in French. Do you live in France then? (Ok, that's a big assumption, lot's of people can possibly speak French XD). Well, I hope you can come by my site sometime. Toodles.
♥ Emmah
SolemnSerpent (04/29/07)
Beau site!
Such a lovely site you have. =^-^=
I just adore the Ayame theme, isn't he just so kawaii sometimes? X3
And nice choice for a color theme, it reallly brings out the beauty in your site and Ayame eyes! ^^
Interesting.... you know French? It's such a complex yet, beautiful language don't you think?
I'm studying French in one of my classes. ^^
Well, keep up the nice work and see you around MyO!
Au revoir, mon ami! ♥
kyolover05 (04/29/07)
Hi!!!!!!^-^!!!!!Wooow!You know French^__^!That's coool,even though I can't read it it looks awesome^___________^!!Anywho,I added you as a friend!Please do the same^-^!PM me anytime!
Yumi 22 (04/29/07)
Hei there I was just passing by and i saw ur site.I din't expect that i would see a very cool site.I'm adding ya.
Bye for now....
ash34 (04/28/07)
hello i lik eyour site my sister annie B. send me here pm me
darkdragon776 (04/12/07)
hey checkin out random sites adn i found urs. Like ur site. gonna add u as a friend adn stuff. Catch you around!
Slave1 (04/01/07)
great bg it's cool0_-
doctormister (03/31/07)
Woah I love your site, it's such a cool concept! I'm going to add you, kay? :D Hope we can be friends! Please visit my site if you like sometime. Hope to see you round! =^..^=
kittyqueen16 (03/26/07)
hi i love your site,you know we have the same pattern on the chat box!!!ttyl:D
kaname chidori13 (03/26/07)
hello nice site its nice
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