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Saturday, March 31, 2007


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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Part 5 (Where Zim and Jos Join In)

Last Night I spent the night over at Gure-sans. It was great fun, and we had a chance to talk together, which the occasion hardly ever appears. *sigh* But, I must not become down-hearted, for my loving admirers are depending on me!!

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Part 3 and 4

Whoah!! There's alot of Irkin Invaders on Earth.....(pointing out the obvious)

Jos heard this loud comment... She wispered something to Zim, and then, they both walked over to where Twinkie's voice had come from...
"Sooo... Twinkie??? Wow... How did you get to Earth??? I thought you where in Foodcourtia..." Jos exclaimed... She looked at Zim, who nodded, and then, she looked at the SIR unit that was standing beside Twinkie. "How did you get your hands on a SIR??? I thought only the Invaders got SIRs... Not Foodcourtia Workers!" Jos exclaimed.. She wispered something to Zim again... He looked at her, grinned evily, then looked at Twinkie.
"Twinkie! How DID you get out of Foodcourtia?! Do the Tallest know that you are here?!" Zim said quite loudly, still evily grinning. "I'm SURE the Tallest wouldn't like to know that you are no longer in foodcourtia! Also, the especially would just HATE to find out that you STOLE A SIR..."
Jos and Zim obviously had a plan to do something... but they wouldn't...

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Part 2

"Whee!!!!" squealed Twinkie as blue fames trailed out behind her. They were flying. Looking up into the strangley blue sky, Twinkie spotted a large, metale figure floating above them. "Oooh!! Look! Look, Gigglebot!!" she screamed into his grimacing face. "They have flying machines too!!!" She waved vigorously at the plane flying above. "But of course they aren't as advanced as our Irkin equipment." Twinkie added unnesassarily. Once again, Twinkie started to wave. "HI!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!" Thrown off balance by this sudden movement, the SIR unit known as Gigglebot tipped over, throwing Twinkie into the smoggy city below. She let out a little yelp before hurtling to her most certain doom. Gigglebot on the other hand was glad to have all that dead weight off of his back, but since he was programmed to, he half-heartedly flew after her.

Wham!! Twinkie had somehow, miracolousley, managed to survive. Once more. She was behind a human mailbox next to a strange building, with5 human hyrogliphics engraved on the top. All of a sudden, an ear-peircing bell rang, and small earthlings came pouring out. Twinkie was shocked to see that many children could fit in there. Suddenly, her sences slammed back to her. She clambered into the mailbox next to her. Twinkie was so entranced by this strange planet, she didn't even notice that Gigglebot had landed, and already climbed in. Feirce red eyes glowed, faintly lighting up her surroundings.
"There are other Irkins coming out of that "Skool" as they call it. "
"Really? Who are they?"
"Zim and Jos."
Zim. Twinkie strangley enjoyed his company on foodcourtia before he escaped back to his mission. Though Twinkie had never really been propperly introduced they exchanged a few complaints once and a while. Her cofidence was somehow boosted by the fact that she knew someone here. So she opened the flap on the top and peered out, blue and green eyes obviously glimmering in couriosity. Gigglebot did the same, uncaring if they got caught.
"See that one right there, Twinkie?"
"Thats Zim, and that other one next to him is Jos."

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Wow, I'm A good Writer....

Crawling out from under the smashed Voot Cruiser, Twinkie collected herself. “I’m not dead....”. The words kept pulsing through her head. She could feel the rhythmic drum of her own heart, but even so, found it hard to believe. ...Skarch! All of a sudden, everything she had forgotten at the moment poured back into her mind. Searching through the scattered remains of this once proud ship, Twinkie found Skarch’s Pak detached from his body. Dead. “Probably too late to reconnect it anyway...” She thought, too stunned for it to impact her. Searching again, she spied a faint red glow. “The S.I.R unit!” She thought hopefully. Uncovering a metallic body, she managed to salvage it out. Reaching fertile ground, The SIR unit immediately jumped up and saluted, “Reporting for du-...” He didn’t finish. Red eyes flashed blue for a second before gathering itself together again. Twinkie stared at him mouth agape, uncaring about her tragic surroundings.
“You don’t have a name do you?...”
“No Sir!”
“I’ll call you Gigglebot!!!” She shrieked, hugging the SIR unit hard. He twitched angrily before murmuring “As you wish....master” He practically spit out the words in disgust.
Now let’s go find some shelter before anyone notices we’re here.” She said stupidly, as Gigglebot watched a car pass by.

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   Invader Zim

Well, I found this little exerpt from last summer, when I was poleplaying with some people. It's an Invader Zim RP, and my charactar was Twinkie, The awesome one.

Lazily wiping stall number 3, Twinkie stared at the Invader and his S.I.R robot as they walked out the door. "Woudn't that be great..." she murmered to herself unknowingly. Suddenly, reality snapped back as the Frylord shouted "Twinkie!, Go prepare the food!!!!" Frowning, she scratched her head, covered by that demeaning hat of thiers. It was itchy and made it hard to hear things. She scratched once more before preparing the next order up. "Fry,entertain,clean,repeat." She sarcasticly thought as she cooked. She tasted the food and decided it needed a little more salt. As she reached for the top shelf,she knocked down sevral spices and ingredients. She bared her teeth as she picked them up again.

Carrying the poorly prepared fast food in front of her, she shouted, "Order Up for number 46!!". Rising up out of his chair came the very same invader Twinkie had seen earlier, along with his S.I.R. robot. He had a dull pink color for his eyes, and was wearing a red uniform with a jet black cape. She had so many questions to ask him!!! Suddenly, it all blurted out. "What's it like?"

Both bieng intregued by eachother, the invader (whos name turned out to be Skarch) agreed to let Twinkie come along with him.
Settling in the rather large ship, Twinkie began jabbering on excitedly about random things, for instance, her favorite color. As Skarch replied, he seemed to be getting drowsier, and drowier, until he completely collapesed on the wheel. "Skarch!!! Watch out!" She yelled while noticing a nearby planet. But Skarch didn't move. She shook him, and he rolled on the floor, unconciess. ......From the food, poisened with some kind of ingredient. Cursing herself, she took the wheel. Unknowing how to controll a ship, she just sped up the process of crashing. So, there they were. On this strange planet.

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The King and Her Friends

Okay, second of all, you must know that I am in love with this show called Invader Zim. If you have not heard of it, DOOM ON YOU!!!!!!!!! I love zim,he is AWESOME!!!! I've watched every single episode at least twice. No joke.

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   King Of Everything

Okay, since I am new, I am posting all of these random things so you can get to know me better.

First of all, I have two best friends, one Arch Nemisis which I pretend to like (Which I shall leave anonymus) And a couple more REALLY GOOD friends. And about a gazilion aquantinces (as well as admirers.)

My Two Best Friends Are:
Serena: She is awesome. She's got a GREAT sense in music, fashion and movies. But at the same time, she's kind of shy and depends on me to be the one to introduce her to new people.

Briana: She is so energetic and altogether great. If I'm like Ayame, she would be just like Gure (Which she is like). We are always laughing and bieng all dramatic. She's almost like my twin soul...

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ah, today I got a million compliments on my hair. Everyone loves me. (Okay seriously, I'm NOT trying to talk like Aya, here.) I rocked at badmitton in P.E., made three new friends, and was dubbed as the queen in our skool play. Ha! It was great!

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   I am so sexy

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