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S.C. Umbi Jr
Gaia...(where else? xD)
Member Since
Tailor/Poet/Pickpocket/Sword-Swallower/ Alien Invader
Real Name
S.C. Umbi, yo!
Bieng borne! My life itself is an achievment! Ho! Without my very exsistance the world would probably shrivel and die like a rosebud deprived from water....except with lots of bloode....and gore...and maniacal laughter....(did that even make sense?)
Anime Fan Since
I was Borne
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket. I've tried several others, but that's the only one I like...wait...does anime include video games....? o.O?
To win a cosplay contest at AWA, to go on distant adventures with my party consisting of only my CLOSEST BFF, yo!, to become a renowned comic book writer, to lose 30 pounds xD, to someday cosplay as Yuna in her wedding dress (ultimate fantasy cosplay), to
Sword-Chuckery, yo!,guitar hero, Final Fantasy, comic book reading, flying,blowing bubbles, spaceship repair, checking foriegn movie's subtitles for grammatical/spelling errors.
I am the master of ALL talents.
| Ayame Sensei
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Part 3 and 4
"Whee!!!!" squealed Twinkie as blue fames trailed out behind her. They were flying. Looking up into the strangley blue sky, Twinkie spotted a large, metale figure floating above them. "Oooh!! Look! Look, Gigglebot!!" she screamed into his grimacing face. "They have flying machines too!!!" She waved vigorously at the plane flying above. "But of course they aren't as advanced as our Irkin equipment." Twinkie added unnesassarily. Once again, Twinkie started to wave. "HI!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!" Thrown off balance by this sudden movement, the SIR unit known as Gigglebot tipped over, throwing Twinkie into the smoggy city below. She let out a little yelp before hurtling to her most certain doom. Gigglebot on the other hand was glad to have all that dead weight off of his back, but since he was programmed to, he half-heartedly flew after her.
Wham!! Twinkie had somehow, miracolousley, managed to survive. Once more. She was behind a human mailbox next to a strange building, with5 human hyrogliphics engraved on the top. All of a sudden, an ear-peircing bell rang, and small earthlings came pouring out. Twinkie was shocked to see that many children could fit in there. Suddenly, her sences slammed back to her. She clambered into the mailbox next to her. Twinkie was so entranced by this strange planet, she didn't even notice that Gigglebot had landed, and already climbed in. Feirce red eyes glowed, faintly lighting up her surroundings.
"There are other Irkins coming out of that "Skool" as they call it. "
"Really? Who are they?"
"Zim and Jos."
Zim. Twinkie strangley enjoyed his company on foodcourtia before he escaped back to his mission. Though Twinkie had never really been propperly introduced they exchanged a few complaints once and a while. Her cofidence was somehow boosted by the fact that she knew someone here. So she opened the flap on the top and peered out, blue and green eyes obviously glimmering in couriosity. Gigglebot did the same, uncaring if they got caught.
"See that one right there, Twinkie?"
"Thats Zim, and that other one next to him is Jos."
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