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S.C. Umbi Jr
Gaia...(where else? xD)
Member Since
Tailor/Poet/Pickpocket/Sword-Swallower/ Alien Invader
Real Name
S.C. Umbi, yo!
Bieng borne! My life itself is an achievment! Ho! Without my very exsistance the world would probably shrivel and die like a rosebud deprived from water....except with lots of bloode....and gore...and maniacal laughter....(did that even make sense?)
Anime Fan Since
I was Borne
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket. I've tried several others, but that's the only one I like...wait...does anime include video games....? o.O?
To win a cosplay contest at AWA, to go on distant adventures with my party consisting of only my CLOSEST BFF, yo!, to become a renowned comic book writer, to lose 30 pounds xD, to someday cosplay as Yuna in her wedding dress (ultimate fantasy cosplay), to
Sword-Chuckery, yo!,guitar hero, Final Fantasy, comic book reading, flying,blowing bubbles, spaceship repair, checking foriegn movie's subtitles for grammatical/spelling errors.
I am the master of ALL talents.
| Ayame Sensei
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
oh, you touch my tralala,
mmm... my ding ding dong.
la la la la la la la,
la la la la la la,
la la la la la la la.
Oh, you touch my tralala
la la la la la la la,
la la la la la la.
mmm... my ding ding dong.
la la la la la la la,
la la la la la la.
Deep in the night,
i'm looking for some fun,
deep in the night,
i'm looking for some love.
de-de-de-deep in the night,
i'm looking for some fun,
deep in the night,
i'm looking for some (ping)
You tease me,
oh please me,
i want you to be my lovetoy,
come near me, don't fear me,
i just can't get enough of you boy.
Oh, you touch my tralala.
la la la..
mmm, my ding ding dong,
oh you touch my tralala,
mmm, my ding ding dong.
la la la...
Deep in the night,
i'm looking for some fun,
deep in the night,
i'm looking for some love.
you tease me,
oh please me,
i want you to be my lovetoy.
come near me, don't fear me,
i just can't get enough of you boy.
Oh, you touch my tralala.
la la la...
mmm, my ding ding dong.
la la la..
oh, you touch my tralala.
la la la..
mmm, my ding ding dong.
(ding ding dong)
mmm, my ding ding dong 2x
oh, you touch my tralala.
mmm, my ding ding dong.
oh ,you touch my tralala
(ding ding dong)
oh, you touch my tralala.
mmm, my ding dong dong.
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