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S.C. Umbi Jr
Gaia...(where else? xD)
Member Since
Tailor/Poet/Pickpocket/Sword-Swallower/ Alien Invader
Real Name
S.C. Umbi, yo!
Bieng borne! My life itself is an achievment! Ho! Without my very exsistance the world would probably shrivel and die like a rosebud deprived from water....except with lots of bloode....and gore...and maniacal laughter....(did that even make sense?)
Anime Fan Since
I was Borne
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket. I've tried several others, but that's the only one I like...wait...does anime include video games....? o.O?
To win a cosplay contest at AWA, to go on distant adventures with my party consisting of only my CLOSEST BFF, yo!, to become a renowned comic book writer, to lose 30 pounds xD, to someday cosplay as Yuna in her wedding dress (ultimate fantasy cosplay), to
Sword-Chuckery, yo!,guitar hero, Final Fantasy, comic book reading, flying,blowing bubbles, spaceship repair, checking foriegn movie's subtitles for grammatical/spelling errors.
I am the master of ALL talents.
| Ayame Sensei
Saturday, April 5, 2008
(Oh gAWD, i HOPE NOBODY'S READING THIS...^^; ...I don't really know why anybody WOULD, since like, no one goes on here anymorem so I'm using that to my advantage! xD)
Marrow--The most inexpeirienced of the group. It's not thAT HE'S LACKING IN ABILITY, JUST TECHNIQUE. He simply hasn't gotten it all down. He has trouble dechiphering bait from pure luck. Instinct drives him onward, and instinct alone. He's not BAD, just not as GOOD as the others. xD He HATES what he's gotten himself into, and no matter how much he struggles, he cannot pull himself out of it. Mar pulled him in a LONG time ago, back when he simply didn't have any choice if he wanted to survive. Personality wise, he's rather quiet, always flanking the group, secretly involved with other things beind their backs. He's seemingly rather depressed, although it's simply years and years of poverty have kinda hardend him to be rather cold, although it's evident that he's still desprately trying to cling to his own severed rope of sympathy. He's best at pilfering and stealth. Tries to avoid combat, as he's uncertain of his abilities.
Ire-- The only female member. She's quite expeirienced, acting as "second in command." She joined at the same time as Mar, thus bieng one of the oldest members. She has an almost protective instinct regarding Marrow. She has somewhat of a soft spot for him. She refuses to show partiality, however. Regarding her personality, she tries her hardest to maintain her reputation for being cold, a model example for how all the members SHOULD be.
Mar--The leader of he gang. Not too much info on him, but out of all of them, I think that he may be the most sociable, although he can be extremely difficult to approach, as he's so easily fussed. He can switch from grinning happy to "I'm gonna f@%*in murder you" in the blink of an eye. Not often seen, as hes oftentimes busy involving himself with other dangerous missions or something. When he's in a raher relaxed mood he'll be in one of two moods: Good natured, and fairly chillaxed, or stone faced and morbid. All I know about his appearence so far is that he has raven black hair to match a pair of cloudy black eyes.
Onyx-- Specializes in ambush and attack. Works best with Marrow, as he specializes in his lacking quality: Stealth. Marrow often is often confused with his relationship with Onyx, since at some times, he'll treat him as his equal, and at others he'll blatantly display his disdain for him. He's constantly supplying their gang with supplies, and (if he's lucky) sometimes a gun or two.
Ungh....I need like, a couple more members. I don't even have anything on their personalities. Hmmm....(thinking)
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