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myOtaku.com: Ayame Sensei

Sunday, March 8, 2009

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1.) Perfect?: Hell no.
2.) Tall?: Rrr....yeah, I guess so, why not?
3.) In your pajamas?: Uhhh....yeah..I just took a bath.
4.) Left handed?: I wish. I mena, I WAS, but my BITCH kindergarden teacher forced me to use my right one.

1.) Friend you saw: :iconparisisforlovers: Sam.
2.) Person you talked to on the phone:Uh...grandmother, yeah.
3.) Person to text you: Kim...about two months ago.
4.) Was today better than yesterday or the same as any other day?: Uhm....that depends on when you're asking me....^^;
1.) Number: 16. I dun really know why...
2.) ColoUr(s): Orange, it's the best, I love it the best, its awesome.
3.) Fruit: Uhm....
4.) Place: Lying outside in the sun, preferably near a laptop. xD

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Brushed my teeth.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Right now? There's this itch on my shoulder I just....can't....scratch.

Q: What's the last movie you saw ?
A: Isn't She Great? on HBO.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: A Japanese restaurant for dinner.

Q. Do you smile a lot?
A: I like to think so, yes.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: .....not really......

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: That's kinda subjective, doncha think? xD;

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In my bed. =B

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: I can't remember the last time I full-out cried, but I come close to crying a lot.....usually while listening to a sad song or something.

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: "Ugh, I probably should brush my teeth, but eh. Screw dental hygiene."

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 7.5, I s'pose. I'm relatively content.

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Some TV ad for Lipitor.

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: Uh, no, not really....?

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: June......it's the month of my birthday, and no school.

Q: What did you do last night?
A: I had a short night out to eat dinner, then came home and did some homework while surfing the 'net.

1.) Are you missing someone right now: Um, no, not really.
2.) Are you happy?: I'm doing pretty good.
3.) Are you sad?: Eh.
4.) Are you bored?: I'm hardly ever bored.
5.) Are you nervous?: I guess not.
6.) Are you tired?: Kind of.....

01.) Real name?: Allison
02.) Nicknames? Aly, Kittyhugger, Kit, Spontaneous, Most Outgoing (heh, I won the title at 8th grade graduation, now it's my nickname)
03.) Eye color?: Dark brown.
04.) Zodiac sign?: Gemini.
05.) Male or female?: Shemale. 8D
06.) Smart?: I've always thought of myself as rather immature, ehehe.
07.) Hair color?: Dark brown.
08.) Tall or short?: I'm 5'2. I'd call myself short.
09.) Sweats or Jeans?: Jeans, all the way!
10.) Phone or Camera?: Camera. I love playing around with those things. 8D
11.) Drink or Smoke?: I like drinking strawberry smoothies. =B
12.) Tattoos?: Nope. Parents won't allow, and frankly, I'm a bit scared of getting one. xD
13.) Righty or lefty?: Righty-wighty!

01.) First best friend?: Agh, hard to remember....some kid named Abraham in kindergarten. He looked exactly like a male version of me, it was kinda creepy.
02.) First crush?: Cookie dough. True love.
03.) First pet?: When I was little, we owned a parrot named Woody that loved to squawk incredibly loudly. Twelve years later and I still have hearing problems.
04.) First big vacation?: Big big vacation? To the Philippines. I was seven.
05.) Eating?: Uh, baby food?
06.) Drinking?: ....breast milk? What kind of question is that? xD
07.) I'm about to: Realize that those previous two questions were asking what I was consuming right now, not what I first had.
08.) Listening to?: Wasn't I already asked this question?
09.) Plans for today? Slack off, and hopefully get a speck of homework done.
10.) Drank bubbles?: In mah soda. =B
11.) Lost glasses/contacts?: No, but I do get my glasses broken often.
12.) Ran away from home?: Once, when I was little, I got really fed up with rules and walked out of the house. Half an hour later, I walked back in as if nothing had happened.
13.) Broken someone's heart?: I'd like to think not.
14.) Been arrested?: No.

1.) Miracles?: EVERY DAY IS A MIRACLE 8D
2.) Yourself?: Heh. Well. Uh. No, not really.
3.) Heaven?: I'm leaning towards a 'no'.
4.) Santa Claus?: Hehe, when I was 5
5.) Love?: Yeppers, although I haven't experienced it myself.

1.) Do you like someone?: NO I HATE EVERYONE.
2.) Do you believe in God?: Well...uh...