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Friday, August 28, 2009

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[101 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer About Your Character]
(Must be in OC’s POV)

Character: Fluke
Affiliation: Police Officer

1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

Acton Gray Parr (the second). No one calls me this. Absolutely no one. It’s Fluke, and Fluke is all I respond to. It’s how I sign papers, it’s how I’m addressed, even formally. Despite the…undesirable pet name, it’s become a bit of an identification tool…I introduce myself under it…Strangely enough, it’s never quite bothered me the way it prolly should… I’ve had it since early childhood as a rather cruel joke from my mum…it was, of course, at first only a JOKE, yes? Well, it caught on a bit too well by my brothers…and my father. After all, I was the last born under the Parr name (I have half siblings), and of course, that meant I had to be the scrawniest of the bunch. So, that’s it. Born under a great name, accidentally fell out as the most disappointing scrap of tissue to my father. Eh. That’s how it goes.

2. How old are you? When is your birthday?

I’m 16. …My birthday is April 16, 1942 ((Time is way different there btw.))

3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic?

I was born uptown…on Brooksley. The same house I grew up in. ..No, mum didn’t go to the hospital even though we could afford it…those places can end up being a bit more dangerous than beneficial honestly…But we had a midwife (several) to watch after her…things turned out fine.
Now, I live closer to the actual sea, the remainders of wot USED to be called uptown. It’s now a filthy rats nest. I live in a two story , slowly rotting wood house…But, I must say, it’s quite lovely…I mean..from what my other options were. I get decent pay for my..uh..woll, my DUTIES, but it’s simply too HARD to find the same kind of house I was raised in…woll, not like I’d actually want to live in a place like that again, but….
Patriotic? Well…yes, I would like to say so. Right..I’m an officer. How can I not be? Well..that’d be treason, mate.

4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

My father: Acton Parr, Me mum: Nannette (Gray) Parr. It’s quite obvious where my original name is derived. My father was a war hero from the few elongated battles which promoted this civil war. So of course, the Parr name was not one to be reckoned with..we were highly respected, and in result, QUITE wealthy. So naturally, my mum took the doting roll as housewife. I’m sure that’s the reason she married my father anyway…for an easy future. Well, women are lucky in that aspect. They aren’t really espected ta be anything when they grow up. But with a name like mine, of course you can TELL I was meant to be the best. Well it didn’t work out that way. My father died when I was around the age of…uhh..yes, two after being deployed again into the ACTUAL war…naturally, this unsettled my family. It all became a mad rush between all the men in my family to avenge my father, and keep the Parr name strong…and I just kind of fell flat. Runt. Alright. That’s where my name comes in. Ironic that I happened to actually be the only one named after the legend anyway…That’s probably why I hate the name so much…I despise this bloody war. But my mum quickly remarried (not officially, but he lived with us) and gave birth to two more children, which are my unmentionable half siblings..I never knew SNUFF about them. They were sheltered from me. ..I dunno why.

5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

Several. One blood sister, and three brothers. Two half siblings, one female, one male. And A LOT of cousins. What can I say? We’re one of the few names PROUD enough to have a large family…not to mention wealthy enough. My sister…I loved her to bits, the sweetheart…Kat…she was the only one who really had any compassion towards me (a credit to her sex),and well..frankly, she refused on using the nickname Fluke the longest. Hah. Well, I deceided it’d rather well be that than Acton, so she consented. I’d return to her after taunts and abuses from my sexist, biased brothers, as I could never keep up. I was constantly degraded for this, and spoken about by aunts and uncles behind whispers…They all thought I was a bloody FAIRY. Of course, this didn’t fly unpunished, even if the bastards WERE dead wrong. I’d prove it to them that they were soon enough anyway.

6. What is your occupation?

Officer for the South Port law enforcement agency. ..I’m a policeman. They let me in at such a young age cause uh…well, first of all; the name, and simply, they’re running out of recruits, everyone being shipped off to war the way they are. It seemed like a good job to support my new family…my original family wanted no part in the out-of-wedlock birth, so of course…wanting no part in the military, I pursued the crime fighting career to not only bring in a paycheck, but to protect my family…it failed. I can tell you that for certain, it failed. And I’ve made my life a miserable hellhole by signing myself to this job I can’t get out of. And of course, I’d be called ‘UNPATRIOTIC’ if I ever left on ‘count that I’m a “Fucking Limey”. Dicks…

7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh?

6’2 and at 111 pounds. A lucky number indeed!

What color is your hair? What color are your eyes?

I’ve got an orangey mop for hair. I keep it short enough so that it doesn’t hang in my eyes or get snagged in anything…but it’s not like I really care enough to do anything with it. Besides, it’s always covered by my uniform’s hat anyhow. I have grey eyes…that, along with the orangey hair was from my father.

9. What is your race?

Woll, I’m a Mexican Dog. xD

10. To which social class do you belong?

Woll..I’m not as high ranking as I used to be, as I’ve basically been informally exiled from my family, but, still. I’m respected by civilians well enough. It’s only round my peers, y’see. But…eh..all in all I’m doing alright, I spose…Financially anyhow.

11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others?

Oh, Jesus Christ. Who the hell doya think you are, waltzing up to me, asking for a fucking interview, only to give me yet another gibe at my my appearance?!D’aaawh, fer chrissake, give it a facking rest. I’M A BLOODY POLICEMAN Y’KNOW. Do you have any idea wot I am ALLOWED to do with buggers like you? HEH. ANYTHING I FUCKING WANT Yeah, that’s right, you call me a fairy again. No, YOU’RE THE FAIRY. YOU, DAMMIT, DAMMIT DAMN IT ALL! So wot, I’m SKINNY?!?!? I’m AGILE. It makes me FLEXIBLE. AND LOOK AT THIS FACE, LOOkiT IT!!!!!!! DOES IT LOOK LOOK THAT FEMININE, NOW HUH?!?! HUH?!?! ….


No…I uh…no, I didn’t think so….


12. What is your style of dress?

Woll y’know I only wear this godfersakin uniform because it’s regulation, These tacky boots…RRrrr. Too bloody long…And it always has to be pressed just right, the uniform I mean, so it’s always a bit uncomfortable…Y’know. Stuffy. And I always loose the hat. ..i mean…it’s just..who cares? It always falls off. Or is stolen. People never cease to bother me with it. Feh…not like I really like wearing it…In fact, I slip out of it whenever I can. Really, wot I PREFER wearing is just jeans and an oxford..eh..you really take for granted how good those things feel on you. Haha. Nice and breezy.

13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?

Well…uh..no. Not really. I mean, I have a few scars here and there..who doesn’t? Butuh…hmm. I dunno.

14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

Believe it or not, I’m quite strong for my size. This is because I haven’t an OUNCE of fat on me…well..okay, it bothers me. But its all muscle and you still can’t tell. However, I DO have just DREADFULL spring allergies. Just dreadful…

….And well…I’ll admit it at least..I’m a..uh, I’m an alcoholic.

15. Are you right- or left-handed?

Originally, I was left handed. Of course, this was considered unnatural and incorrect by my most proper schoolteachers…they quickly beat that out of me. So, why yes. I am right handed.

16. What does your voice sound like?

Wot a silly question to ask the OWNER of it. Tehct. Really.
Woll, as you can tell, I obviously have the English accent. This tends to draw more attention ta me. I think it’s petty. I still SPEAK the same language. Hell, I was born here. And as for the rest..why don’t you describe it ta ME, y’know? Aheheh…

17. What kind of vocabulary do you use?
Eh. I get a bit lax on it e’ry once and a while. Wot, with all these tarts and pillocks’s running ‘bout they way they do. It rubs off on you.

18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics.

Lets do this in a nice organized manner, shall we?
Defining characteristic one: My accent. People give me sideways look over this. ALWAYS. Even people I’ve known over three years.
Defining Characteristic Two: I…am a horribly…horribly upset drunk. Notice I am not laughing. And yet, I feel like laughing. First, I get quite riled up and am simply the voice of the party, ranting violently over the most trivial things, and then, this is where I crash, and end up saying just the STUPIDEST things, and I’m thrown back home. By this point I am probably all over a tart, or sobbing (yes, I said sobbing) for a bunk up with the nanny. I wake up tear stained and not remembering half of any of it. …Aheh…heheh…*ahem*
Defining characteristic THREE: In my station, I am actually known for my compassion, especially towards women, I don’t know where this came from…most likely got it from Kat, but being chief, I spoil a lot of the “fun” for my troop. And they call me a fairy for it. Heh. So be it. I don’t care. I’m the only godfersakin policemen whos still hanging onto their ethics round here.

19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes?

NOT AS OFTEN AS I WOULD LIKE. I do NOT have running water anymore, but you see, I have this tin bathtub. It just takes A LOT of work boiling all that water…so hot baths (at least for me) are a twice a year thing. Christmas and my Birthday…or something else formal. They’re bleeding COLD though..I hate taking them…and yet I cannot stand feeling dingy…Plus, baths are necessary when you come home with a bullet wound in your shoulder y’know..? The kid gets more baths that me typically. A lot more Hot ones anyhow.

Ah..cologne? if it’s a formal occasion (or if I’m tomming, heheh) yeah, I’ll dab some on my collar. Heh. I still got that streak in me I spose…

20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (DOUR (VOCAB ROCKS!!!) glare, wry smile, etc)?

I’ll admit I look rather cold…heh..most if not all of the time. I’m not that bad though….no, not really. I’m just busy. Pensive, or steely…Would be fitting words if you’re looking for something descriptive like that.

21. Do you use body language? How?
I try NOT to, honestly. I try to be as concise and understandable as possible when I speak. Its something they taught us in training…rather, something I learned in training. I’m good at this sort of thing, eh? Of course…in stealth attacks, body language is necessary, needless to point out..

22. Do you have a commonly used saying?

"Fer chrissake!” or ‘Bloody hell!”

23. What is your earliest memory?
(EH?! Back on THIS subject again?)

My earliest memory would have to be playing with Kat….I believe I was just about three years old.
It was a rainy day. Actually, more like sleet…It was frigid, but yet not QUITE cold enough to snow. So, of course, no skool...(although I did have a private tutor...) I remember I was crying, because no skool meant my brothers were home all day...and I remember Cole had stolen my socks that day, so I was in the parlor, whimpering in fear of a beating from my skoolteacher...She was like that. ..Or my mum...She could be like that too. But Kat had walked in, and as always, she managed to cheer my spirits by distracting me. Throughout the house, I ran, enduring threats of tickles from my older sister. We ran into the kitchen, where father happened to be eating. ...We bumped into mum, who was carrying his food. ...We both got punished very thouroughly for that....Father had a bit of a temper.

...Yes, but..me and Kat were laughing...yes we were.

24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it?

All my childhood I've had private lessons. This ended at the age of thirteen, where as it continued for Kat. She could afford this learning business. apparently my parents decided I had more impotant things to be pursuing.

25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill?

...Well...I figured it out by myself...I never had anyone teach me anything usefull in my whole bloody life. ...I mean, I learned it the hard way. ...

26. How would you describe your childhood in general?

...It...it was strained. Even a bit torturous at times. Yes, I grew up with my mother, but none of us ever had a mum. ...We had eachother, our own little juvenile society, and the adults had their own senior society. We were devided up like castes. And in our castes, we had caste systems. ...And I was the one everyone spit apon. And when delivered into the adult's presence, heads were turned, stares were recieved, pitying tousles of the hair. ...I don't really get it. My brothers hated me all the more the older I grew. I was too passive. I was the runt, y'know? ...Well...they carried it too far...interfering with my...with my girlfriend like that. I'll never forgive them. I hope they all rot on the battleground.

27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a fisherman, hahah!! I did! ...Yeah, I had an uncle who fascinated me with his tales on the sea..It sounded so much fun!

28. When and with whom was your first kiss?

Nel. I was fourteen years old. She was older than me, actually...maybe by obout 2 years..maybe even three. It wasn't a suddle thing...no, it wasn't. Heh...Nel was like that. I barely knew her, we were out, about a block away from my house. I was delivering a few bottles of milk back home. Of course, this was just an excuse to get out of the house. And I got what I wanted. A chance to see 'er. Hmm. She waas looking a bit rough...her clothes were dirtier than normal, and her hair was in dissaray. ...I never really knew what happened with her that day...I dunno, but she was..looking pretty rough. We talked a bit, as I enjoyed talking with her...and frankly, I sympathized for the girl. Heh. Woll, I admired her too of course. So, anyway. I ended up handing the milk away to her rather than returning it to my family. She thanked me, and we seperated.
Well, naturally, I was hassled violently by my family with the lack of any milk. After a nice punch in the gut, I slunk out to go retrieve a few more bottles. And of course, who else is there, in the same ally but Nelly? It was a quick, but a strong kiss. And it was sudden. ..Heheh. No, litterally out of nowhere. I took my time bringing back that milk, despite the beatings I'd know I'd get.

29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

No, I'm not...I made love with Nel at fourteen, soon after the incident I just described. Y'see...I truly was a big-girls-blouse if ya know wot I mean...heh. I was a wimp. I cried alot back then. ...Well. I cried alot to Nel. And...Nel....didn't cry much to me...no...she actually genuinley seemed content enough being round me. It was after one of these crying spells,she unbuttoned my shirt...and well. Y'know. We had sex. ...We had Maggs shortly therafter.

30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you?

Umh...well, I guess you could say so. ...My father kinda rubs off on all of us..Me and my brothers, I mean. He's the reason they all feel obliged to all be military dick-heads. He's the reason they don't respect women the way they should. ...Basically, e'ry male in this family is encouraged and strives to be a carbon copy of my father.

31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

Being a father. Certainly. ...That...changed everything. ...In a way...I regret ever having Maggs. ...In a way. I love the girl to death...I'd do anything for her. Well..yeah, isn't that obvious? I'm a bloody officer for her sake. But...but...I mean...Nel would still be here if she was never born. ...Having her made Nelly's life miserable. The way she drooped. ...And that was only when she was pregnant. But...being pushed into my family...I...I know that was a horrible thing...Beyond horrible...I--I dun even know. My brothers tore her apart when I was away...she told me once. They were the death of her. ...I dunno. ..She didn't even want to leave me with my baby girl. ..What an awful father.

32. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Heheh. Having Maggs. Yeah. I do love her. ...I do. I love her so much. But sometimes I feel this pride..this joy I share in her is selfish towards her mum...

33. What is your greatest regret?

...I regret alot of things. Alot. But...if I had to choose the one thing which eats away at me most..which places guilt on my chest. ...By far, it's about Nelly. I don't regret loving her, I don't regret having her by my side. But...I do regret pulling her into this mess. And I regret allowing her to suffer the way she did.

34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you?

....Waking up in bed with a girl and not rembering what the hell went on. ...I'm a horrible drunk, I am. ...this has happened more than a few times, unfortunatley...

35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?

Woll...I mean, I keep that kid in my house. I menah, I adopted him. He's..kinda technically mine now. Butuh...yeah. I'd be severly beaten by my troop if they knew this. I mean...he came from the streets.

36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

...I hate how this interview is begining to feel more like a fess-up column...

Shooting a pregnant woman. ...Yeah. I'm that horrible.

37. When was the time you were the most frightened?

...Oh dear...this interview certainly is getting to be a bother.

God, but really...I'm a bloody POLICEMAN. I've been scared...I've been terrified so often, that it gets to the point I'm not terrified at all. Well...at least not for myself. God, these days, I get shot. Feh. Just take a few bottles of Ale, and theres your remedy. It hurts. But thats IT. ...But...the time I can remember my fear most clearly was...was when someone got suspicious about Stan. ...It frightenend me alot. ..Anything concerning my family, it concerns me.

38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where?
No...I mean. Like we're allowed to...The only way you can get cross the ocean is if yer bein shipped to the battleground.

39. What is your alignment?

I'm a coward. I'm a voiceless good guy.

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
I'm fuggin pessimistic. I dun care. ...It's not MY job to be happy. It's my job to keep working anyway.

41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why?

Y'know....I'm sure there is one somewhere. Which one? Feh. Oh I dunno. It doesn't matter. ..But..y'know...maybe not here, but there's peace out there somewhere. I mean...what is life if it is only chaos? If that really wot it is, and all it is, why bother placing this conciouss in me, y'know? ...Why bother sprinkling hell with little drops of pleasure? I do beieve that these things come from somewhere.

42. Do you believe in an afterlife?
...I....I gotta.

43. What is your greatest fear?

I'm scared of getting out of hand, and I'm scared of hurting people. ...No, I don't give a fuck about hurting men. They are the pain inducers, so one less of them would be fine by me...but..I'm scared of getting drunk and I'm scared of hurting Tuck, and I'm scared of hurting Stan. ...I'm scared of having another kid.

44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why?

Nothing makes me more angry than the brutes I have to work with every day...Abusing women, throwing away children the way they do...bloody sadists. The war. It makes me fucking angry too. How stupid...What an exceptionally idiodic society we support...

...I'm feared by my household. ...And...I really cannot stand that. I deserve it, I realize. But..thats it. It's so fucking depressing. ..I can't stop. I keep em safe by scaring the shit outta them.

BUT. Stan makes me very happy. Very much so, he cheers me up. I love playing with him, I love having a lil boy around. Hahah. and even if he is scared of me...well...at least hes good at hiding it.


45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?

I don't think people are "BASICALLY" anythin. ...I don't think you're born "good" or yer born "evil". I think...thinks shape you up. ...I think things beat you up into wot you are. ..>But at times, there's a person, who can defy the things which nailed them into this alignment...and...well, those people are the only people worthy of being labled "good" or "evil". ...Cause those are the only ones who do it out of willpower.

46. What are your views on politics?
Politics are corrupt and have no place in this society any longer. Hell. I AM government. I rule this town. I make the rules, and therefore I can also break them.

47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing?

These are the things that make us human, y'know? These are the things that make us flawed.