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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Well, Happy Christmas Eve everyone and just for the occasion I made a drawing. ._. and got a new bg! *smiles* Yay, I know, you're all just ecstatic... well heres the pic.

XD Jim Carey is ecstatic, see?

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Friday, December 23, 2005
Holy Crap-ola people! I have now got 50 guest book signatures! I'm so happy! n.n Yay for me... and almost 250 visits....I know thats not a lot compared to most of your awesome sites, but to me, its really neat. Later!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Well, today was pretty cool, I got picked for the smart kids team again, makes me feel cool. n.n' Its the same kid who keeps picking me too! D= and I only answer like 5 questions the whole game! Anyways I went to the dr. today to see information on my finger....and we waited and hour and a half.....and he told me. to take. steroids. -.- IS HE A F'ING RETARD OR WHAT?! -.- thats not going to help you idiot. =D Anywhos I get to go frost cookies at Miz's tomorrow, see you on the flip side! ...ok, no more of that! Later!
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Well, I decided the change the look of my site....does it look alright? or should I change it again? Let me know what you think!
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Friday, December 16, 2005
w00t! Two hour delay babeh! Its awesome....well....I slept in.... and then got on the computer...and soon I will go to school...and HOPEFULLY MISS ALGEBRA AND LITERATURE! ._. even though Literature is my best subject....toodles.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Ok folks (ha.) this is what happened. n.n Yesterday in basketball (for PE) I went to catch the ball, but instead it ended up hitting the tip of my left hand middle finger... ._. it is now all purple, blue, yellow and I do see a tint of green in it. n.n Not to mention the fact that it hurts like an SOB to move. =D I'm so proud of myself...not really. ._. it hurts. n.n Hope you all had a good day!
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Friday, December 9, 2005
Well, it's been snowing a lot here lately, and everyone hopes for a snow day, or an two hour delay, but no. *rolls eyes* we still had to go this whole week... thats ok, this week went ok I guess. So tell me how your week was? n.n
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
X3 Alright, yesterday I got this cool little Skannzers YYH game. I love it! I got Hiei on a can of skettios! X3 and I got a new background.....and....I posted a new bg too. n.n Hope you all had a nice weekend.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
X3 Looky! *points down*
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Alright! X3 Miz and I have come with full proof evidence that Tala and Max are gay! (Together <3333333333) Alright, first off, first piccy.
Next piccy!
*laughs* and this has brought us to the conclusion of them being gay. =3 Together. *heart**teartear*
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