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Out of my mind
Member Since
Real Name
actually having two friends.
Anime Fan Since
er...1996...I think...whenever Sailor Moon debuted...
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Beyblade, Gravitation, Yami No Matsuei...(the list goes on)
er....none at the moment.
drawing,writing,hanging out with my friends, being mean. ^^'
....I don't have any.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
O.o I kept getting him as a date....and I am him...thats awkward....
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
Hes hot... :)
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
*glomps Hiei* I LOVE YOU HIEI!
Hiei: -.- Get off of me before I burn a hole in you...
me- =o=''''
 You're Hiei neko!You're so awesome!Anyone/anything that tries to get in your way is beaten to a pulp in no time!That part is the best about you!But no matter what you do you remain oh so cute!
What Anime Neko Are You?(Many outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
<.< >.> ninja Kitty! :D w00t!
 Neko Ninja! You are one of the Neko Ninjas, the elite stealth fighting wing of the Neko Hordes. Silent, deadly and fearless, you strike terror into the hearts of non-nekos everywhere.
Which member of the Neko Hordes are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
^^ yay shiny things!
 You are a kleptomaniac Neko!! You probably steal lots of shiny things that aren't yours and pounce every single bishounen you can get your freaky little paws on. Bad kitty, but who can stay mad at you, you're so cute!! =^_^=
What Kind of Anime Neko Are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
<.< >.> meow?
 You're a mixture of an ordanary neko and a wild neko! You have the ears, tail, fangs and claws and have a laid back, adventuress carefree neko attitude. However once you get angry you show you feirce, wild neko side, no one had better get on your nerves or they'll be sorry. ^_^ Go you!
What kind of Neko girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
This is a hot song....FLCL! =)
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
^^ Shes the coolest character off that show.... except the retarded cat....:) THAT CAT IS HOT!
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
=o= real planet is Mars.... =3 I love my planet!
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
w00t! cool....
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