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I finished my first Ayame+Shigure pic!!! (PS I am NOT a slasher)
Anime Fan Since
third grade baby!!!!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket............and Saiyuki, DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, xxxHolic, Tsubasa, Alichino, Angel Santuary, Dragon Knights, Redmoon, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Inu Yasha, Legend of Dragoon, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Game, Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, Wish....
to do more Fruba art!
art, acting, singing, DDR...the usual
gaa! I suck at DDR........
| AyameAndShigure
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Lookie here, y'all!! I beez myshteecal an' shtuff.
Cool, huh? Anywho, our opening night went well, as did our school matinee yesterday (as in during school where other schools come and watch. Not whole schools you understand, just classes.) No one from my school was there, so I felt put out. Ah well. What really sucked was I got back JUST in time to take a math test. Damn. Anywho, I have manifested a new obsession with the character Count D from the manga Petshop Of Horrors. HE CRACKS ME UP!!!!! His love of sweets and candy is HILLARIOUS. Love him.
Lately I've been revisiting my early childhood days by watching all the movies I used to as a kid. You wouldn't believe it, but I'm so juvenial to the point of still being obsessed with Disney and Free Willy and Little Nemo and Fern Gully and The Last Unicorn..........*sigh* *gets a far-off look in her eyes* Oh, the memories. I used to know all the words to the Batty Rap. Siiiiiiiiigh. What movies did you guys watch as a kid. I'd love to know!
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
gaa! no time!
Wanted to post since I have time. Time is never something I'm granted anymore sadly. It's always Girl Scouts this day, or play rehearsal that day, or a steel drum performance or a singing competition or Aikido or some other afterschool activity. Hmm, I wonder how things will be when I get to highschool. Not that I'm complaining. If I had to much time what would I do with it all? There are only so many things you can do in a day. I think that's one of the curses of humanity; that we are so wrapped up in ourselves and our lives and the TIME it takes to do everything before we're too old and feeble to do anything that we've developed this system of clocks and numbers and hours and minutes and seconds. Time (and especially being ON time) is of little importance when you look at the grand sceme of things. Like that old Japanese proverb; "You can't see the forest for the trees". Well, maybe not, but it means something like that.
Anyway, what I originally was going to say was that I'm excited because the opening night of the musical I'm in is tonight. Mayjor excitement. And I've started on a manga based on a twisted Cinderella story my friends and I thought up while in England. AND that I'm sorry there aren't any new pictures up only because I've lost my inking pen and haven't had....time to get another one. There I go again. *Sigh* It's an endless cycle, really. Now I must got eat a sandwich. Ciao!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
hey weirdos........
It's a sleep deprived me again. Had a 7 hour rehearsal today for the show. Went pretty well. I was at a friends house and she showed me a tape of her school's talent show and there were like lotsa people attempting to sing and only three didn't hit one flat note. Although I really shouldn't be judging because they had the right to sing even if they were tone deaf. Anywho, we recorded ourselves freestyle rapping. It was pretty shnazzy. I got to be the master of beat and Emma was all messing up but I kept that damn beat. KEEPIN THE BEAT MAN!!!!......................The moral of this story: don't make fun of your friends' puny attempts at singing/rapping/making a perfect dosage for a vinegar and baking soda explosion.
Now excuse me while I fall into a coma. Wake me up in a century or two.... Oh and more fanart coming soon!
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Me Back!!
Whoooooooooooo boy was that fun!! Got back yesterday and went right to bed. Wow, you wouldn't BELIEVE how much like Seattle London is! Usually overcast, cold, slightly more windy (especially in the underground with all the tunnels.) Wow. I felt like I hadden't left home. Got to eat in a pub (BEER!) The chaperones wouldn't let us drink, though. It was cool anyway. Next time I'll post a list of everywhere I went.
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
I'll be leaving tomorrow right after school, so this was the only chance to post before I left. Wish me luck and I'll try to post while over there!! Ciao!!
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Monday, April 4, 2005
This is cute! I'm all lovey an' shtuff! Haven't up dated in a while. I'M LEAVING FOR EUROPE ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!! I'm goin' to England, Scotland, and Wales (I gets to see Stonehenge WEEHOO!!!!) I'll be gone for awhile, but I'll try to post while I'm there!!!
 You are the Spirit of Love. You think around romance and are extremely compassionate. Whenever you want something you can get it due to your fiery passion. You can make friends quite easily, because peopole are attracted to your obvious good nature. You will have no trouble in finding a life partner and will be very happy.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
*grin* I recieved a veeerry interesting picture from my friend today (she printed it off the internet) of an extremely unclothed bathing Sesshoumaru (of course, his hair was covering him.) @_o Me and my sick mind...... *does Numa Numa dance* Thanks to everyone who commented on my art so far.............Can't think of anything, *glomps Shigure* *POOF!* Ehe. That amuses me to no end.......RANDOM INSANITY!!!!!!!!@_@@_@;;;;;;........ blargh. I need sleep; ciao!
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Hey ya. *sag* GOD I'm tired. I was sick with food poisoning last night. Real pain (literally.) Anywho, I haven't posted in a while, so BOO! *cries* I'm just to tired to care.......... *snoremuttermuttersnore*
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Monday, March 14, 2005
*groovying to techno*
Boo.....Ahh! Wow, I'm tired. BUT, listening to Eifle(?) 65 makes me feel better....*slumps out of chair* *ouch* Techno is my new obsession. And they have this great song about playing the Playstation.......yep. It's wickity wack groovyness. *laugh* I feel high on life....*random headbang.*
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Howdy! I'm very happy to have recieved such wonderful comments on my first posted art. I promise to keep it coming! *dances to Techno CD*
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