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Becoming a CHRISTAIN!!!
I have a list, but no one can EVER see it!!!
drawing, writing fantasy/sci-fi, jogging, weigth-lifting, video games, archery, kayaking, history, swords, shields, theology, and GOD!!
drawing, writing. I'm artsy, thank God! And my skills at Gollum impersonations has earned my the name Gollum, and the infamous Gollum walk. lol. My skills as Gollum are often called upon to make someone laugh.
| AyseoAydenRenewed
Thursday, March 18, 2004
 Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the army of God. Not always meaning that they are in war, simply that their job is to protect unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly with humans, but they will watch over them all the time. Humans say that when a miracle happens, thank your guradien angel.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
Yay, I'm a guardian warrior angel dudette person!
Anyway, I don't have much to say, so I'll go on a rant about something.
........................................................................................ I can't think of anything.
*Dead Silence*
Well, this is amusing.
I think I'm talking to myself.
Can you tell I'm bored?
I can.
Okay, enough of that. It was a little...erm, strange. I've been trying to get some of my writing stuff on my account thing, but I'm to lazy to type it up. Oh well, I can't be more bored!
........................................................................................ Ok, I've got some writing stuff, and I guess I'll start with an LOTR poem I wrote (that sounds soooo geekish-but, hey, whatever works! And yes, I've read almost all the books related to LOTR, like Silnarillion and Unfinshed Tales. Silmarillion rox!)
Ride to Rohan
Ride on Ride on,
Return to the fight.
Rideon Ride on,
Through the night.
Ride on Ride on,
Take arms, stranger,
Ride on, Ride on,
Follow the bold ranger.
Ride on ride on,
For the King Lord,
Ride On, Ride On,
and draw your sword.
Ride on, Ride on.
The end is slow.
Ride on, ride on,
A war to end, the horn will blow.
I've decided that I don't like that poem-to cheesy. And Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Mithrandir really didn't ride through the night. And Mithrandir was technically leading them. *Sigh*
Now something I'm more proud of, the first part of Dargonis, a story I'm writing.
A faded old photograph of a smiling boy was held in the strong, calloused hand hand of a fifteen year old boy, dressed in the simplest clothes. With a forever clenched jaw with the ends teasingly jerking upwards, striking black hair, and rustic skin, this boy could intimidate easily anyone twice his age. His dark eyes sparkled with intelligence, strength, and the burden of leadership.
This was Tzanaym.
The faded photograph bent playfully in the wind, out of the grasp of Tzanaym. His mouth formed a surprised 'o' as he reached for the picture. It fluttered from his grasp, and Tzanaym grunted and snatched the photo, sighing in relief.
"I thought you said Timothy Zantayas was dead," a blue dragon pointed out behind Tzanaym, eyes knowing Tzanayms thoughts and actions.
"He is, Xint." Tzanaym responded coolly, eyes fixated on the picture. "He's been dead for six years."
Sajikiy giggled, running a hand through her unruly hair. High in the branches of a tree, the same wind blowing Tzanaym's picture blew the purple leaves of her tree. Sajikiy grabbed a higher branch and pulled herself up, reaching the top of the tree. Sajikiy looked to the sky, stood on her branch and gave a mighty dragon-like bellow.
Thats all I'm going to write of that cuz I'm lazy. lol.
Get it?lol.
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