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not having a life
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Not failing school
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Sailer Moon
Favorite Anime
Gravitaion, Cowboy Bebop, Wedding Peach, D.N Angel, FMA, Inuyasha, Ranma, Get Backers, Fruits Baskit, Chobits, Sailer Moon, Excel Saga, Samura Champloo, Pincess Tu Tu
to get a life
Writting, drawing, being on the computer, watching anime, playing video games
| Ayume Korishikawa
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
I hope you all had a great 4th of July!! I on the other hand was on the roof of my building watching them. It was cool!! Anyways on sunday I went to my cousin's b-day party.... Well it was more like bbq cause shes a grown up and all. But anyways I got to have a long and intresting conversation with my other cousin. A lot of my family doesnt like her cause she drinks a lot but they dont really know her. We talked for hours and she didnt treat me like a kid like most adults did. She like 30 something but she is so real!! She doesnt try and lie about things + she is real open!! I have a new respect for her!! Anyways I have to go to work tommarow!! I cant wait!! Once I get my first check I'm blowing all my money on mangas and DVD's!!! Yay for me!
Hey do you think my bg gives my site a summer feel?? Thats what I'm trying to get. As weird as it sounds the moment I saw it I thought her dress reminded me of summe. What do you all think?

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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Uh random stuff....
Yeah I really have nothing to say so I'm going to talk about random stuff. Why do i get stuck working the same hours with the stuck up girl who thinks writing on shoes is stupit!! On the bright side I met a girl who likes HIM and not to many like there music or even know them for that matter!! She is awesome!! She has all there cd's I only have 2 saddly. And she's a fan of Bam Margera!!! This friendship will be a good one!! My sis is cooking tonight and I have to make my own food now!! She cant cook.... At all!! Her food tast funny and not to good. I ran out of random stuff to say!! Oh yeah I'm going to work at a Barns and Nobels which is great!! Ok now I really have nothing to say...
The minute I saw this pic I fell in love with it!!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Summer so far
I havent updated in a while from pure lazyness i am sooo sorry about that but now you all have my full and undivided attention! School is out for me and this is my summer so far: I got my first skatbord lessons and even though i bust i butt loads of times it was cool!! It is worth putting up with being made fun of by my bros friends! I other news I start working at a book store as my summer job soon (next week soon) it should be cool.... I hope. I met a few people and they seem nice except for this one girl who thinks she's better then everyone else! I really cant stand people who think there all high and mighty compared to everyone else!! She said it was lame that I wrote on my shoes I dont really care what she thinks I'm only there to work not make friends with her!! Now that I said that I feel better ^ ^ I figure the 2 questions a day kind of bites so I'm thinking of something new to do but I'm feeling a bit brain dead right now.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
2 more days!!!
I only have two more days of school!! Yay yay yay!! I finnaly get to have some summer fun!! I figure that I'll watch anime all summer and try to learn how to skate board!! I tryed on saterday but fell soooo many times. The boy that was teaching me (His name is Fresh) was like "Dude you suck!!" *Sniff* Fresh is soooo mean to me!! Hes always been that way since I was 9!! (Hes my bro's best friend) But hes a good teacher (Even if he sucks and is mean to me!!)Oh I havent been on for a while because I have been have graduation practus!! I hate it so much cause it takes up so much of my time that I'll NEVER get back!!! Well thats it ^ ^
Now for my 2 questions!!
1) can you skate board?
2) uh..... hi? (yes I know its not a question)

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Saturday, June 4, 2005
Akuma De Sourou!!
Yesterday I told you about this new book I have fallen in lve with called Akuma De Sourou. I believe its more of a romance book. A good one at that. Its about a girl named Kayano. She writes a letter confessing her love to this boy she REALLY likes. Only problum is she accidently gives it to Edogawa Takeru the schools delinquent. She askes for it back but he tells her if she wants it she has to be his slaveor else he will show the whole school. Knowing he will probly really do it she says yes. That same day her mom tells her she`s getting married Kayano is thrilled and gets to meet them that same night. Come to find out her mothers boyfriend is Edogawa's father!! It gets really good after that!! But eventually they fall for one another. If you are intrested in romance then you will like it, of course like any good book there are a few twist to it!
Gee I hope I didnt tell you too much of what its about. *Re-reads post* No I just scratched the surface of whats it about!!
In other news: You are all right! I wount let some jurks who laughed at gum on my butt get to me!! I mean it really wasnt funny!! I just noticed a lot of people finised school already! I still have two weeks!! There sooo lucky to have finished!!
a pic of Kayano and Edogawa the two main characters!
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Stupit Gum!!!!!
Hey! I just want to thank you all for reading my last post and letting me know I'm not the only one who feels that way ^ ^ Well anyways today I went to the movies with a friend. I was enjoying it but when it was over I got up and left the theater. We were almost out of the theater when my friend Kim said "Uh Share you have gum stuck to your butt." I started freacking out cause those were my fav pair to!! Then these jerks started laughing and pointing at my butt!! It wasnt that funny!! I just read this great manga its called Akuma de Sourou. Its a great manga!! heres are two pics just if you want to see what it looks like:

This are my fav!!
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
My confession!!!
I called this my confession because it sort of is a confession. Ok you may not really care but I have to say it!! My friend was like 'Why is it that you NEVER talk a lot about yourself??' i said 'Why do you want me to? I mean what does it matter?!!' i felt bad cause I yelled at her for no real reason. I never talk a lot about myself because I dont want people to get close to me. If they do for some odd reason I feel as if they are trying to use me and thats the only reason why they want to be my friend. I know its not true but I can help the way I feel. I'm soooo sorry if this post makes no sence but to be honest I really cant put the way I feel in words. I'm also sorry if I wasted your time with this pointless post. *Bows head* May this pic make up for it:

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Sunday, May 29, 2005
I'm sorry I havent been on for a while to add posts but i did try my best in the short time that i had on the computer to answer p.m's!! So how many watched Samura Champloo?? It was awesome!! Now I cant wait for next saterday to see the other half!! In other news I acctually passed a test with an A!! I'm sooo happy! Now I dont have much to say sooooo heres my 2 questions of the day!!
1. How is your weekend so far??
2. Did anyone see those two new shows on adultswim lastnight??
About that question asked about Haru well uh...I cant really answer!! You see I never really thought trough how I would answer. *bows down shamfully* I'm soooo soory!! But hopefull this pic will make up for it!!

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Sunday, May 15, 2005
So hungry!!
I'm starving!! My mom went food shoping but is taking forever!! Anyways yesterday I was window shoping with my friend cause she likes to do that. We sat down and reasted then my stomach started to grumble. We started to laugh and went for some food. I ordered and reached in my pocket for money. But guess what. I had non. I forgot I brought 3 DVD's and 2 mangas (with my stached away money) I was so embaressed and asked my friend to pay for me while blushing because I hate borrowing money!! But hay atleast I got some food!! I'm going to start doing this thing called 'Ask a Charecter' this is when you ask your fav anime charecter something and they answer (them as in my trying my best to be them) so please ask away ^ ^
2 quistions of the week:
1. Do you have food cause I'm starving!!
2. Anyone saw that awesome new anime on Adult Swim called Samurai Champloo?
Samurai Champloo pic ^ ^
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Friday, May 6, 2005
I have to get a job!!
Today I went out looking for a job. It sucked!! My mom made me, she says if I want to buy anime and mangas I have to use my own money!! I guess its fair in some ways.... Anyways I'm trying hard to get a job at this cool book store! I figure if I work in a book store that sells mangas then tada! I can read them on my brakes!! But I'll still bye it even if I read it like 1,000 times. I have to have to own it or else I'll cant live with myself! lol! Anyways thats about it.
Now the 2 quistions of the day:
1. How are you today?
2. Fav band or bands?

I love this pic of Kyo-kun!!
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