fox sister (12/25/04)
wowies!! i'm honored that you stopped by my site!! *bows profusely* i've decided to add you as a friend, if that's okay with you. *glomps* i LOVE glomping my peeps, so if you're anti-hug, i apologise! wishing you a very merry x-mas!! *glomps again*
Broken Wings (12/25/04)
I love your stuff and added you as a friend.Okay wid you?
Musicisonlyme (12/24/04)
^_^ I like your site, it's just so awsome. XD. Lol, you are my random person of the day. ^^; I hope we can be friends.
angel kat (12/24/04)
Hey I like ur site. Come visit mines sometime k? Can you private message me too? see ya later!
Shinkiro (12/23/04)
Wow totally love your site. I found my way here via my random site of the day. Nice Xmas theme! I like your taste in anime too. Most of my favs are on your list.
C-ya around the O!
Diz Azn Grl (12/22/04)
Hey, awesome site.Im gunna add u as a friend,come visit my site someday,and hope u do the same.^^
Fallen Guardian (12/19/04)
Hey thanks for signing my gb and thanks for the compliments on my site. lA LA LA LA .......ure sites cool well l8ter days
Conneryalexis (12/19/04)
Hey! Thanks for the visit and the 'specially nice comments! You're super! And hey, way to tell people what's what in your intro bit! ^_~
WyomingSama (12/19/04)
WOWIES! Nice site you have here! Thanks for signing my guestbook! I really appreciate it! I love your music, font color, and your site style! I added you as a buddy! Thanks~
Merik Ishida (12/19/04)
thanks fer stopping by ^-^ i like you site! its cool ^-^ ill add you as a friend