dark moon fox (09/17/04)
thanx for signing GB! thankies for giving me a ten! UR AWESOME! i like ur site to the inuyasha background is really cute^-^ i give u a ten too! i hope u don't mind me adding u as a friend!^-^
cya later~
Vanilla Banana (09/17/04)
*cuddles the Inuyasha on your site* O_O MINE!! *fwaps* ...well tanks for signing my GB and stuff I'll add you
PS. OMFG Vanilla Banana just signed your GB.
goku162002 (09/17/04)
Hi thanx for signing my book , i love your site theres some really cool stuff on here , hope to see ya around
love ya
starryspanishgurl (09/17/04)
OMG! YOUR site is kool! and INUYASHA INUYASHA EVERYWHERE! yaaaii!! yay! more Inu fans^^ and how do u do that with the backround?Thank u so much fer signing my GB!
p.s.I give U 100 out of 10..
oh wait that didnt fitlol
shippo323 (09/17/04)
i'm amazingly jealous!!!!*sob sbo* so can you tell me how to put your background like that? please please please! your site is cool! well send it to me if your free ok adding ya as a friend
LadyRavenwood (09/17/04)
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my site and singing my guestbook! I really like your page a lot. I love the pictures and the music! InuYasha is my favorite anime because the characters are more than just the usual anime characters. They're so much more complex and Ms. Takahashi really knows how to express emotions with her art work. As you may have guessed from my fanart, I really dig Sesshomaru, much to my husband's disappiontment...LOL Oh well, I guess he's just scared that I'll dye his hair white and paint markings on his face while he's asleep...lol Wouldn't that be funny...lol Well take care and thanks again for visiting!
KinkyKittyMewMew (09/17/04)
Nice site thingy doodle anywhos I now name you a general in the squirrel army and you are going to be the leader of the three eyed doggie thingies. Nice avatar by the ways I likes it a lot anywho you art now being friend of the Kitty
KrazyAnime (09/17/04)
Hi! Thank you for sigining my guest book. You must be a REaLLy big Inu fan. ^_^ Your site's cool! I give it a 10 out of 10! *throws confetti* I'm adding you as a friend too. ^_^
Cutie Kirara (09/17/04)
hey i relly like your site too. i am a big fan of InuYasha. and your right when it ends it will be so hurt full, an i will have to find something else to worship to. i am adding u as a firend ttul. try iming me some time!
GoddessOfWinter (09/17/04)
omg ur site is waaaaaaaaay better then mine! *sits infront of u* teach me ur ways! k how do u get pics on ur site im sooooo comfused about this internet stuff!! i added u as a friend to.
C Ya