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Monday, December 13, 2004
Well the good news is that my Bro Sachi(my junior bro)proposted to his girlfriend Kaiee today(Yah!) because they found out that she was 2 months pregnuat!, can wait 6 months just for my niece or nephew to be born, aniwaise the weeding is next weekend, the Yu-Gi-Oh season will be after X-Mas so vote if u havent already, Atem or Marik, okaii thats all fro now if i dont make it to your MyO im so sorry i just have lots and lots of homework. Im currently working on another X-Mas layout, PLEASE be patient.
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Hey guys im changing my layout theme again, i decided that it should now be either Atem or Marik (the hottie Pharaohs ^-^)instead of the lil pixy i had to enlarge to fit the screen on my MyO, so its either Atem or Marik, u guys vote, u dont have to if u dislike Yu-Gi-OH, well my Saturday was okay i just stayed at my house since my aunt and uncle came to vist, my parents talked and talked (u no how old folks are o.o these days......) well thats all. Have a nice Sunday. Well heres a list of my next layouts, its Yu-Gi-Oh Season after Christmas, which i created ^-^
1. Marik or Atem
2. Bakura Ryo
3. Joey Wheeler
4. Sho Marufuji
5. Judai Yuki
6. Ryo Marufuji
7. Asuka Tenjyoin
A Total of 8 Yu-Gi-Oh Layouts, Oh! I sumitted One Yu-Gi-Oh:GX wallpaper Who is Judia Yuki.
thats all for now it may change, so dont get your hopes up.
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
| | Post Hey guys im real tired now its been a hell of a Friday (Afternoon), ive been in/at school all day watching my friends, Kayla, Jamie, Johnny, Sarah sing in the chorus concert, and the band concert with friends (their in band) Gary, Mindy and Alex, those concerts were good, it was worth $16 ^-^, and i just stayed for the Basketball game to cheer my buddy Aaron and Kasu on, but they/we lost it was a close game though 18 to 16 by 2 POINTS!, and the wrestling we won though i think the score was 67 to 62 i duuno i wasnt paying attention to busy talking to friends ^-^, i also quit softball *shrugs* the coach was being such a Bitch, and all, she said that if we dont win a game by Christmas break,(its because we never won a softball game before itll be a miracle if we did, i guess thats why we have to practice the day after we lose to strenght up for the next game) well aniwaise we have to run around the bases 5x and then practice trowing balls to each other back and forth, thats why i quit, the softball team sucks, the left fielder cant catch GOOD!, the 1, 2, 3 base people are to freakin slow and suck at throwing, i for one am not good at catching as well, yes i admit it, well thank god its tha weekend i finally get to rest, have a nice weeked guys see ya, sorrie for such a boring post today, i didnt get to any ones myO TT0TT, and here is a sneak peack at my next layout, heres a pixy, i loves it muchies ^-^

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Thursday, December 9, 2004

Hey guys weve been takin mid-year tests just in case you guys were wonderin where i was for the past 3 days, will im still busy and under alot of stress until the christmas break, okay gatta go before i miss tha bus, have a nice day everyone.
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
hey guys, i could have posted sooner but i had to go over to a friends house (Kasu Lau) and help him on his math homework, will aniwaise some pplz miss understud my post about the friend thingie, u must at least post something, anything!, so ill at least no u visted my page, and it dosent have to relate to the post, i dont kare!, okaii now that thats over with and done with, im sorrie if i dont make it to your myO, im sooooooooo busy until the next couple of weeks untill i get my head straight so i wont have alot of stress, and yes im under alot of stress rite now with school and stuff, well have a nice sunday everyone.
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Okaii im no longer adding friends anymore so if yer on my friend list consider u lucky, mainly cause u vist more than 9x a month or more, so thats it for now, im very tired today ive been studying and doing homework, i miss my favorite animes Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, DNAngel, Kenshin, Naruto, ive havent seen anime in such a long time, no im not grounded, i guess cause im busy, but lucky its the weekend so i might have time to watch 3 animes, or less, but i still have to study *BOO*, aniwaise i just got back from my friends house from watching Spiderman 1 and 2, part 2 was okay they could have worked harder on it, instead of using computer graphic most of the time, okaii have a good and safe weekend.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Okaii guys im getting very sick and TIRED! of pplz saving/adding me to their buddy list and never ever ever ever ever visting AGAIN,if u no yer one of those pplz who vist very often, your okaii ^_~, im talking about those who vist once a month on my site, so if yer one of those say BYE BYE, and one of those who vist less than 9x a month or so also say BYE BYE!, cause im getting tired of this shiz-ne-aut everyday, Ill also be changing the layout very soon, itll be either a Chritmas One (which im working on 4 the moment) or a Dark and Daisuke from DNA layout, okaii now that pplz have pissed me off for the moment i have to get back to doing my homework and studies, also i decided to quit softball, and try out for MATH COUNTS, because last year we sucked like HELL, we lost like 10x in a ROLL, pityful i noe. okaii thats all OH! and go to BMG's MyO and Congrat her for 2,000 HITS!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Hey guys i've been sick for a couple of days, just in case you guys was wanderin why i wasnt at myO, and didnt vist your guys MyO, and sorrie if i didnt get to her myO on Monday but I'll try to get to evryone's today or at least tomorrow at the most, okaii rite now I have some bad news i might be shutting down my MyO or maybe just turning it off for a while, since I have to catch up on my studies cause rite now I'm failing all of my Classes, execpt math (my best Sub.), will thats all 4er now have a nice Wednesday Night, afternoon, WHATEVER!
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