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myOtaku.com: Azn Hunny15

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

FelixDeKat (01/02/05)

=^.^= Olleh! Kool siteness! I love ur avatar, so kawaii! Ur last name iz kool 2! I wish i had one like that! (seriously)
=^.^= Cho, hope 2 hear from u soon!

*-The Kat eats ramen**

msyugioh123 (11/21/04)

hey there i like your site and your background and your avitar good job

NaokoChan (10/19/04)

Hey Kristie. It's me... Um... Just wondern' if you've seen my pet box. He's missing. I think it has something to do with ketchup... I ran out of it. Anyways, keep an eye out for Boxness-chan the second please. Make sure that the spoons haven't ate his skin... if boxes have skin. Baii~

-Naoko-- Don't eat soap.

hunnixbunni (10/08/04)

konnichiwa! i like ur site. especially the avatar. imma add u. hope u visit my site.

ja ne


Azn Gurl (10/02/04)

tight site gurl, keep up tha workie loves tha colors well laterz...............

chickenburger (10/01/04)

just to say that i love the story about the monkey!
how r u ? i'm doing good thanks!
can i add u as a friend?
come to my site soon,k?
peace n cnickens!

Bokima (10/01/04)

Great site...blue is one of my favorite colors...don't see many done up this way. Good Job!

STuPId GIrL (09/14/04)

Hey Kristie it's Brooke! Come by my site some time and see hoe ugly it is!! I love your site!! =D Baii!

Sachiko (08/26/04)

Hey, thanks for comenting on my pic of duo. I'm glad to hear some people liked it ^^. I like your backround, very cute *hugs prety animals* I hope you could put some of your artwork here. I'll drop by some more to see.