azngirl K170
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Eh................................................I got nothing. >
I really dun have anything to say. Im waiting 4 my sis to come home from the game.
Fun indeed.
(Like im serious... Z_Z)
I have my posts from yesterday, & i have a question down there u guys need 2 help me with. & all the quizzes u can take. Have fun with yesterday's stuff, while i slowly die here with spiders & badgers....watching me...
~the aznchick.....yeah...ok..... z.z
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Friday, October 1, 2004
A quiz...or 2...or 15...what else is new?
 Blue Eyes Toon Dragon
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Moohaha, the Blue-Eyes Toon DRAGON! Fear the cuddly dragon that laughs maniacly!
O_O Ok...
 Your eye color is dark blue. You rely on your logic solely, and may have more mature interests than many of your friends and family your age. You can sometimes also be interverted and lonely from a lack of understanding with people, and can be rather frustrated with some types of folke. Some may describe you as cold and distant, and you are honest with how you feel about things.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla
KOOL! I rather, screw it.
 You are the color turquoise. A fairly tempermental person, you're either upset or tranquil most of the time. You can be as calm as your color. You're a mysterious person, yet somehow outgoing. You're balanced, simply put. You're somewhat bold. You're generous and sophisticated--but never ever snobby. You're lively and rich in personality and attitude. You're a beautiful person, aside from the fact that you're a perfectionist and painfully honest. But life is good to you!
What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
This is a good 1! It is quite the accurate quiz!
 You're in love!!! Doesn't it feel wonderful?? It feels like when you're on a really fun rollercoaster but you kinda wanna throw up but you don't want to because it's so fun. That's what I feel like you.
Are You In Love? brought to you by Quizilla
How rolla coasta, though...@_@
 u r crazy, u really agree with all that crap i wrote, or did u just put that there for the fun of it. well u r a cool person anyways!!
The quiz to do when ur hyper, or insane!!! with happy bunny pics!! brought to you by Quizilla
This was weird...
Well, that's all- the others SUCK.
G2g, bye bye kids!
~the azngirl
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I now see a wall in front of me....
This is such a hard decision. I know i talk about him a lot, but i sent a note 2 my friend Nicole, & she asked if she should ask him out 4 me.
Eh...not that bad but...
I've never had a bf in my entire life, & i dunno if it would work out alrite.Sometimes, these things sound easy, but they are o so hard. I feel all tingly now...what do u guys think, eh?
To ask, or not 2 ask...THAT is the question...
& what would others think? Rita knows how it is, & she hated her bf, he is such a stupid punk. HE FLUNKED 7TH...! What a loser... But, y'know, Josh is really different. But...i knew yesterday, that his bro is in 12th grade...& is friends with...MY SIS.
Small world indeed. O_O It was shocking. But, what would my sis say then? She would definitly get enraged with me. Why does it have to be hard?
Eh...screw it, i'll try to find a way, but help me think plz!
~Pic for today~

~Quote 4 Today~
How can I express my graditude?
Shall I visit you wearing a pretty ribbon?
The Japanese artist, methinks. It's a simple lil quote, but it's cute!
Well, tell me what i should do, friends. I should be writing my bud back now, so i must go now. Bye kids!
~the azngirl
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Struck the fitty-0 button!

500 hits!
Finally I got a 500, but i need another 500! (like THAT would happen...)
Well, thanks to the ppl who REALLY come around here. U guys know who ya are, of course. Well, um, I dun wanna talk about my day,'s been VERY VERY VERY GRAND these days...cept, b4 the concert, & b4 school was sectional class.
Oboe is hard 2 play, & that darn reed was brokeded.
& Mrs. Steele made my mood swing into uh-oh mode. It got worse as the day progressed, but-Band made me feel a whole lot better. We got 2 play our Alma Mater & I whacked with fury.
But, y'know, it was Monday. Today was very good! Lesse the....LIST! (Probably see this evryday...!)
Job: I bet my teachers think im stupid. I can hardly get things done at that time, but it's better...methinks.
Love: Not in like-in love. ^^ I sound stupid, so mebbe that's
Friends: It's all good. All i gotta say!
Oh yeah, tomorrow's another game!
It's us, Chaffin, vs. my friend's school, Butterfield. Sounds like some place filled with butter. Ew... sounds disgusto...
But, sounds kinda good...if it was CAKE...
& we have 2 play with our bug-ugly uniforms. Well, not so ugly, but frickin dorky. But other than that, I have a pretty big part in our drumbreak during our march. Yeah, I got it all memorized at least, & the funny thing is is that I play the loudest & i actually know the part thru & thru. Weird, since im usually the "SILENT TYPE."
Well, i need a lil faith for this & LUCK! Hope i do good, i mean, GRAND. Well, anyways, here's the pic & this quote is good! From my other cuz, Kevin.(ifin chu remember the story of us being left behind...damn
~##KakashiXXahem, Naruto... Pic 4 Today~

This pic is bootimous...! Love it. gone.~
Shit, his profile went away.
Oh well, lesse...ok, back on! Yay!
I know you'll never love me
so why do i try?
i know you'll never care
so why cant i let you just pass on by?
I'm going to forget you
i tell myself that lie,
i know I'm going to love you
until the day i die
Hey, kool huh? He made it. It's not gonna happen 2 me, no. I know how to make my life heaven & hell. Besides, u guys can buy the book, How to Make Your Life Miserable by Ben Stein aka the Clear Eyes dood.
Well, um, i must be going!
Love ya Josh!
~the azngirl
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I was there! XDDDD
Yesterday, I couldn't post because... I was at the Switchfoot concert! Yeah, it rocked HARD!
I was deaf for 2 hours & my voice sounded like my old oboe, but it was so worth it.
Hey, I bet some of u guys sre like....Who the Hell is Switchfoot???
Well, you'll see. I went with my sister, along with her friend Tara, & our bud Charlene & her sister, VyVy. Of course, i cannot forget my old friend I haven't talked to since like I was in 2nd grade, Julie. We're in the same grade but she's eh....
Not to be rude or anything. She's about 3 days older than me, but she's a lil bit short & skinny. But hey, she's pretty strong...don't mess with the lil people!(also meaning ME! Well, im not THAT lil...)
Well, everyone was pretty much there at the concert. Evrybody was all yellin at me. It was like
"Kimi! KIMI!!!!!"
& Im like "WHAT?!" ::looks around like an idiot::
I saw a lot of my buds there, so it was keeowell.(Cool, doods.) It kinda smelled like dead guinea pig though....WORSE ACTUALLY... It's because it was at our lil fair. We didn't go on rides or nothin, no time...which kinda sucked.>< Well, what sucked a tad bit more was our seats. I knew it was far though.
Hm...39 outta 49...what are the ODDS???
Well, as long as we are there & rockin hard. Too much to talk about in that fact. So, afterwards, we went 2 Taco Bell & had ourself a beana dinner.
Eh...well, anyhoo...we came home around 11 & i couldn't sleep at all. Too much excitement & hyperness, dood.
My music smiley!
Hey um...this week has been great. So...the list!
Job: Im workin on it!
Love Life: Has been grand. It seems to get better all the time. He's one of my best friends now! Close enough, eh?
Friends: all whacko. In the fun, cosmic sorta way!!!
Well, i can't say EVERYTHING, or else you'll be dead & decending to the other world & back if i tell you everything. So, here's the pic!
~Kakashi Pic of Today~

Quality time with his....magazine...
~Quote of Today~Almost the same, it's some buddy info from my cuz, Hoan!)
i'll be just fine pretending i'm not.
i'm doing better than you think i am.
i'm easy to get. =)
haha i'm a hardworking motherfucker.
So, um I must be going! See you later.
& i shall still be a rockin'!!!
~the azngirl
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Oh frickin duh

I forgot to say that I changed the site!(Well, u can tell...) Does it look good & all? Just a thought. Well, today is the same, nothing much at all. Just thinking as usual of stuff. Ok, this is REALLY stupid...
I'm bored right now, of course, but at least I get a break from school. Wellz, I just went 2 Wal-Mart today. & Im hungry. That made me remember band. All the time when we go march, we lways say we're hungry.
& yes, im aware that we are very odd.
~Kakashi Pic 4 Today~

The chibiness!
~Quote 4 Today~
When in doubt...
Eat a muffin!
That's a weird 1...
Ok, I shall be going! Bye Bye!
~the azngirl
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Tomorrow we have no school...but I wish we did for that 1 obvious reason.

Nothing today. ^^ I ure do miss school...& him. Kinda weird, huh? Well, I must go!
~the azngirl
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Sry but i can't say all this stuff & I don't feel like posting at the moment. It's school,doods,it's takin up all this time. ^^ But at school, things keep getting better & better.
Now lesse...
Job: School-Could do better but is 2 lazy but still gets some pretty good grades.(that was a long sentence...)
Love life: HA! I crack with this question. Ok, that wasn't funny...
I should say it's going on swimmingly. Y'know, things are getting better evryday with him.
Friends: Still the same. ^^ Dood, friends are life. Ok...i must go now...
::achoo:: Darnit, what's with all this sneezing & coughing? Allergies...
Ok, that wasn't funny either...but U can see the point. Well, im going now since my post would've been super long today, so be glad. & i got new internet, so all my stuff should be able to work & nothing's low quality! Speaking of quality, here's the pic! & Of course, the quote!
~Kakashi Pic 4 Today~

Holy cheese on crackers, that looks so different, but it's still really cool lookin!
~Quote 4 Today~
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not!
I'm far from lonely
& it's all I've got!
Ok, all I got, unless you guys want a 200 page essay about 2 days at school...then I suggest I don't. Ok, goodbye!
~the azngirl
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
This was meant 4 yesterday but SOMEONE...
Dun ask-I will post summin else l8er,ok? -
Ow the pain.Um...well, sry. I meant to post much earlier, but eh....difficulties. & i had some mood swings...& i fell asleep. Ehehe, anyways... Dang, my feet & arms r killin me. First off, it was pic day today, & y'know, u go & look all perty & such. & i wore these shoes from Vietnam & they r oh so cool, but oh so hurtful!It's those high shoes. & I got blisters on my lil toes my skin peeling!Oh the pain. ow. Hahaha, just kidding. Ok, that wasn't funny.I walked around hurting, & i had to take em off & slip & slide to class & such! Tis fun. Especially band. We were doing....marching "fundamentals". How is it fun? It's a bore, actually. Not fun, & it's totally mental. x. I confused myself, & us percush were wanting 2 play summin. & Josh here was cracking up about stuff with Brandon, & it made me laugh 2. Me & Mara were oh so stoopid, not being mean because::ahem:: Im talking about myself 2...,& we were confoosed & very, very hungry. I finally got the hang of it, w/o my shoes (thank God), & barefoot & all. Josh always looked at me & laughed 4 odd reasons. Brandon was laughing because he kept screwing up. Eh...screw marching anyways. Marching is so boring, & what's the point in it...? We just look stupid in our uniforms & we mess up & evry1 in the crowd's like OMG THAT WAS SO AMAZING! :B Ow, damn my feet. It hurts like doodie.But moving on- Lunch was pretty hectic. I waited in line 4 such a loooooooooooooooong time, & they extended lunch because we got our ID cards. Whee.Naruto: ::throws confetti:: Oh, OWWW! I GOT 1 IN MY EYE! ACK, MY EYE!!!!Me: Just...go to the bathroom,geez my man. Don't have a snickerdoodle about it. (Snicker doodle is a word from my friend who moved last year. Miss u, Ash!(ley, Ashley,not the dude from Pokemon.) & so, i didn't have much time 2 finish. Oh well, i was hungry, but is like that, y'know what im saying? Haha, well, soon as i was gone, I saw Rita doing my job(& Josh's,lol.)-Holding the door. & the ppl of course never really did say thank u. What wrong with the world now? No manners. I guess they'd expect us to slam it in their face & they yell & scream & chase you around, covered in blood. Ack, revenge of Bloody Mary...Oh no. XP Well, we held the door for what it seemed like an eternity.& Rita was always like-WHAT? No thank you?!Calm yourself Rita. I think they were afraid of you enough, huh?You may agree...or not, ok, now what now...(You guys are getting bored because im talking nonsense,but it's a normal thing & i suggest you get used to it, & sry if i sound harsh, but that's the way i am, da!)Yes, many people cross by, & then Josh came along, & he looked at me & smiled, then laughed because he stayed right at the door, w/o coming outside. Rita was getting all uptight & was like-Fine, make us suffer then!Mwahahaha, i laugh. XD Yeah, & Rita was also like-I wanna hug from someone else.Give me a hug or (summin along those lines)I didn't though,because i wanted a huggie from my other friends(ahem, mainly Joshy,lol.) & then Alex & Hamilton came along & stayed where Josh was, & she was like-I wanna hug from SOMEONE...! I mean, Hamilton always gives you hugs.She totally confused him for that fact, & that was enough of holding doors.Heh, all this typing about doors...Afterwards, in science class, we took pictures. I hate takin pictures-I look stupid. I always look kinda funny in my pictures. >< I wonder why... Well, nothing much happened afterwards...oh snap, i forgot.Lance(one of the snares & my "old" friend in it's way.) He saw the side of my binder(in which i decorated my binder with my drawings from my compy & some off the net,dood.) & He saw my lil Badgers! Hahaha, go 2 plz! & we were talking about it just a lil in English. Badger badger badger badger Badger badger badger badger Badger badger badger badger England-ENGLAND! Moohaha. Ok, that was an awkward moment...Badgers...who thought of that?(No, i don't mean the animal, duh.) Well, i don't have much to say n-e more, all mainly about doors. Oh yeah, geeod, why do i keep forgetting sommin? I didn't know i had sectional today!But i made it, & me & the other oboe & friend, Megan, kinda got in a tizzy with our notes, so we sounded pretty funny.Oh well, i still have time to practice up. I mean, it's hard enough to play cymbals, do my homiework, & get all this tuff & go 2 my lil slice of paradise known as MyO here. & now, after i took a furikin long nap, I AM SICK!Well, i must go now. I am tired & i must take a pukey. Welp, l8er my people!& Here's the Kakashi pic & quote!~Kakashi Pic for Today~Well, im gonna go n-e ways 4 reasons unknown..ahem so goodbye!~the azngirl ><
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
How 2 cure boredom by Kimi-
Chapter 1: I have no clue-
The End.
Argh, my eyes r burning from allergies. I was outside mostly today after church. It was a group thing 4 church,yo, & my friend Pricilla just got in it. Yeah, it was alright today, im just hot & tired from the games of mass destruction. Dood, viet ppl make up some brutal games. ::pulls grass out of hair:: Ew. There's a bug 2...::flicks away::
Church was alright 2, im just tired from all the excitement. Whee. Ok,im not excited...^^.
::listens 2 that song again:: Yeah, my feel-better-&-reminder-of-sum-person-&-friends-song.
Well, i had an ok day & curing the boredom is not working.
It happens. Well, my mom totally loves that vacuum we got from ppl...selling it? That's a good way 2 put it. it's a fortune 2- $18,000.
::cough cough::Black::cough::markeachoot. Hahah, kidding. Black market...what was i thinking...? Well, i wish it was Monday, home is so boring now. I miss all my friends. Oh yeah! I forgot 2 put the other day!
Well, it was 4th period Friday, DUH, i mean so bored that i cant focus right...
X. Focusing....focusing....
.....there. I am now calm & focused.
So, it was band, & we were playing our Alma Mater. & at the end, it's a cymbal part. 4 beats. I never got it exactly great. But that day, i was sure i can do it.
Naruto: U can do it! I mean- Dood, just do it! hahahhaa, im all giggly today!
Me: So i have noticed! It's all good. N-e ways, when it got 2 the point, i totally hit it w alot of might, but not all of it. But.. all of the percussion ppl looked at me w that totally-omg-that-was-freakin-crazy-how-did-i-do-that-look. & Park was like-
That was u? THAT WAS ALL U???!!!
I nodded & said yep. & they were all like Great job w those pats on the back & claps from them. ^^ Hahaha, i have become probably the best cymbal player in our band! ^^ Although i suck...!
A wallpaper,yes?
Well, n-e wayz, i ran out of things 2 say, & i g2g eat!
~the azngirl
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