azngirl K170
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
ACK!, plz. B4 i die of insomnia just sitting here....waiting....zzz ::slams head on keyboard & sleeps::
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Hut hut hike???
Hey peeples! My compy messed up b-c all this tuff is installin by itself, which is FREAKISHLY ODD. So lemme remember, but it's okie doke b-c it was short & i didn't finish! Well, as u know, i went 2 the game yesterday. But b4 that was school of course.

Naruto: Indeed. <_<
Me: Ehhh.......yeah, sho. & it was pretty killa, cept 4 all the work. All this hw was piling up on me yo, & it was frustrating. ::sips on ice java:: Well, that's what it's called. U just add milk,lol. N-e ways, i turned in sum of my stuff 4 midterms, the evil stuff in school. >.< Oog, but i got it all, just have sum science down. But n-e wayz, school was great. Oh yeah! Almost forgot that i made a list that i got off of Will & Grace. Behold, kitten-
Job: Unemployed. School counts i guess.
Love: It's alrite. It's been really tyte 7 all...
Friends: Better than ever. Actually, better doesn't even compare. The greatest thing is really grand to say. Every1's been good 2 me. Specially our percush group-Luv u guys!
Ok....n-e wayz... school was alrite, even though it rained a million million droplets in 3mins. & Josh popped an umbrella in my face on purpose after i held the door 4 him(again)(actually, it was pretty darn funny-it reminded me when i did that 2 sum1, cept i acually hit them in the face...) all was well & i was ready 2 go.
Well, we all got ready at 5:40 with all of our stuff ready, & we were goofin off,of course, while Mrs. Steele was checkin roll. We just sit there & just chat & stuff, & Josh always came around & joked around & such w me. ^^ Well...not important, just ta let u guys stoooopid.)
Afterwards, it was time 2 go 2 the buses(& it was furicken confoosing.@_@) But all these ppl...::sigh: y i do it u ask? Holding's probably an instinct or summin like that,i dunno. No thx though, as Rita knows, since she forces ppl 2 say thank u sumtimes. I told her to go on though. So...i held the door, & just a short while after, Josh helped me. Well, he said in a joking manner-
U takin my job or summin?

Lol, & that expression again. Holding doors can be a pain unless sum1 helps u.(Like choo, Rita...!) & there was a lil note on the floor w my name on it, & he got it 4 me since it had my name on it in big letterin. We both looked at it & it said summin about if i still had the borrowed 1's. I think it meant my shoes or summin, but he tossed it & we went 2 the buses, cept i got confoosed about which 1 it was, so the 1st was wrong, & we(meaning me, & my 2 old friends-Jordan & Thomas.XP) went 2 the 2nd 1 & found out THAT WAS WRONG...! So...after runnig across the lane & almost wall-jumpin the bus(REALLY!), we finally got 2 the right bus.
Welp, when we got there...
it was the same as b4. Me & Mary had 2 get Mara's cymbals 4 her....she needs 2 help us sometime, i mean she's nice, but c'mon, just carry sum cymbals. It dun matter if she's a Charmer. Oh well...i better get used to it. We played of course, & we were all sweatin monkeys.
Even though it didn't really feel hot, we were sweating like there was no Friday. & to add all the trouble-BUGZ. Lotz of them evry square inch. To add more, there were even BATS! They came after the bugs did. I saw just like 3, then 15, then 50, then...a number so large, it's crazy. They were, indeed bats...i can tell b-c of that brown coloring & it's wings were so not...birdish. & at nite, eating bugs? Yep, Bats.
When we went out on the field, we played good. Getting off the field, well, we kinda sucked. ^^ Oh well, mrs. Steele said we did good. It was pretty much the same there after. & we played our Fight Song a lil bit 2 much, b-c WE WERE WINNINg THE WHOLE TIME!
Yeeeeaaayuh,lol, we won 34-0!
Afterwards, after a long, shhhhweaty day, we packed up.(i cannot explain evry single thing that day, TOO MUCH!) When we packed up & such...Alex(member, he plays xylo.) needed help puttin it up! So, i asked 2 help, being that kind of person i am.(Why did God make me this way?)
Naruto: He mad me annoying-whaddya think? =?_?=
Me: I think waaaay 2 much. N-e ways, when i was trying 2 help him, the thing pretty much smushed my thumb & it stayed that way the whole time, & i had 2 say-
Geeod, it hurt! It made a dent in my thumb, but it's good now. Well, we made it back(finally, ::singsong::after cleaning all,all this spit & sweat, now im sh-sh shakin sh-shakin im...) Put up our stuff & Hamilton, with his quads in his case was like-
Move Kimi, im gonna hit u Kimi!
Kidding, of course, but he was pushing it right in2 me, but, Park got in his way & he fell on his knee. He was pretty hurt, so i went 2 go help him up, & i tried,& he said-
No, your 2 small i dun trust u...!
Hahaha, i tried. Oh well, the thought counts. After he was helped up, he chased Park all around & was like-PARK! IM GONNA GET U!!!!
They r strange, but we all r. i waited 4 a long time...tired...broken..but koo. I finally got a ride home, cept b4 that, i saw Brandon chasin his bouncy ball & then, out of nowhere, Josh came & started chasing him, & it was mental. o_O They're STILL crazy. He lost the ball & that was it,lol. N-e ways, i dun wanna type n-e more, ive been typing 4 like 4-5 hours b-c i stopped at times. Well, here's a Kakashi pic & a quote from my cuz, Hoan!
~Kakashi pic 4 today!~

I always liked this pic!
~Quote 4 today~
My thoughts were so LOUD,
that I couldn't hear my MOUTH.
Good quote, eh? Thank my cuz 4 that. Welp, gotta go.(& today was great 2!)
~the azngirl =^_^=
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Wild Thang!
My mom was singing this song! It was on the radio this morning, & it was very....what's the word? Oh yeah, ODD! Oh, um sry if my posts r long indeed! Um... I dunno what 2 say right now...just another splendrificous day at school, & my mom knows sorta who i like. Hahaha, oh well, it's alrite, as long as father doesn't know 2.
Or he will be as mad as those cows in Washington.
Mmkay, i dunno what 2 say, but i gotta finish my homiework & i have 2 wake up early 2marro 4 snare sectional(im not a snare-i have 2 hold the cymbal....) But, life has been goot, love life is goot, lmao! & friend life has been grand! ^^
::singsong::Happi happi joy joy.!happi happi joy joy...!
'Happy Happy Joy Joy' from Ren & Stimpy! Dood, that show rocks, i watched it since i was 5! XP & Tommorow it's us, Chaffin, vs. Darby(which no1 knows cept Rita,lol) at the same place as last time. Whoopdeedoodah!
So,'s the Kakashi pic 4 today! & imma gonna put the John 3:16 in Vietnamese! & if n-e 1 wants me 2 translate 2 a diff language(if possible), then go ahead & ask!

(No symbols can be used 4 this, so some words can be misleading...)
Vi Duc Chua Troi thuo ngyeu the-gin den noi da ban Con doc sanh cua Ngai, hau cho he ai tin Con ay khong bi hu-mat, nhung duoc su song doi doi.
~the azngirl ^_^
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Feel the Love, yo!
(Actually, that's a ll phrase i got from Yami Loni! XP) It's a perfect day to say that. But 1st, a lil Yaoi pic i found on the way! (No, it doesn't mean i like Yaoi, i like the illustrations & such, but Yaoi's alrite...i guess!) Hail to Marik & Bakura!

It's Bootimous, huh? Marik's hair had some tubby trouble there...he lost his gel....JOEY....
Joey: Hey, i ran out. Besides, he's gonna need like, 16 gallons of gel for THAT hair...
Me: -.- Whateva, Joey-boy. Go sit on sum newspaper or summin.
Joey: Im not a lab dog!
Me: Sit! ::InuYasha falls::
InuYasha: AUuUuUGH! What the hell was THAT FOR?!
Me: I didn't mean YOU!
Joey: ::watches us argue, then sits:: 
Me: Oh, dear. These guys... N-e wayz, the love thang, right? Ok, ::ahem, cough cough, HACK:: Um...i just choked...on air. Ok!!! ^^v ---
Today, at school, was, ::sniff cough:: Argh, darn these colds & allergies! Today was kinda bad, kinda goot. (Hahaha, goot.O_o)Working was a drag, i was tryin to work in 1st period, but i think i hate note-taking now...we do that 2 much in S.S. But, i have to write a paragraph & imma......flea. But, it's not due until Thursday, methinks.& that''s the Chaffin football game!(again!) I wanna see us kick bumz!
But, going on folks...
2nd period, i finished the CABBAGE! YEaAaAh, she put it up on the board the other day so others will learn. (Not like some ppl do...) I shall get the grade tomorrow! ^^ It shall be good, yes? Ok, 3rd period was... the same pretty much, cept more quiet than usual...which was wierd. Me & Charlie were annoyed by that 1 dood, Andrew.(the dorkus who asks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many questions...) Rita told me that he gets from his dad, since she had to experience that the hard way...seeing him on open house at school. (i didn't go-I was at Wal-Mart, the place to be, ehhh, sorta.) I had a nice time in math w Charlie, & the 3 doods that sit behind me. Football players ive known 4 part of my life. They're wierd though, & they always greet me by asking if i have gum. Of course, i give it to them, & 1 said, of course, sarcastically, i love u,lmao. (it was Brandon, Rita.) Moving on up, ppl.
4th band! I held the door 4 ppl as usual, & my friend from percush, Brittany(9th grader) said thx & she said she liked my shoezys. Some nice Nike shoes from Vietnam. Didja know that Vietnam kinda made Nike? Ferr sure? Ferr shizzle!(Gawd, i said that.) N-e ways, it is band,haha, so Another place to be, where i saw a monkey fly across the room wearing a helmet, screaming in the air. LOL, NO NOT A REAL 1! (That'd be awesome though...)It was a fundraiser, where this guy told us about it, & the prizes. His favorite?
The Monkey.
It slingshots itself & screams during the process. I wanna monkey now! We're supposed 2 sell(or i mean, renew) magazines that ppl have bought. I can negotiate with my mom & she probably would buy 10 or more, which is good, b-c i would get my monkey & a phone & stuff....& especially-MONEY!
MOOHAHA, cake will be mine now!
It took him about 1/2 of the period to talk all about it & so...i the back...watching flying monkeyz. We played soon after. I didn't get 2 crash my cymbals again... T_T I love doing that now! Fun, & i can whack ppl w my cymbal, 2, if i want. Playing was alotta fun today, even though we, the percussion, kinda sucked when we played the Pink Panther, lol. We usually didn't sound like that... Afterwards, it was lunch, but let's say nothing about that...!BUUT! My buds from band-Alex & Hamilton,lol!-just were standing closeby the gym door after lunch, & Rita said she wanted 2 touch Alex's hair...again. He looked at her wierd, & Hamilton came up & said " Give me a hug, Kimi!"
So, i pretty much did! I like huggies! (My sis does that alllll the time.) & Alex came up 2, & he said "I wanna hug, 2!" He hugged me, & sorta hugged Rita, then Rita touched his hair & laughed. Lol, good times, good times. I just noticed i have quite a lot of friends in the 9th grade. ^^v Ok, anyhoo...!
5th. We had to get our ID card pics taken, so we went to the library 2 get our piccys all done. I hope i dun look wierd, like in my other pictures ive taken. I always look funnay in my pictures for an odd reason. The ID cards are 4 the cafeteria, for another odd reason. ^^v Sum1's jacking fooooood.....
That period was kinda...ok, just looking at density & stuff. & we got a notice that we had to take pictures next week. Argh, picture day is stressful. It's like, do i look good?-No, my hair's messed up in the back!-Where's my blush...& my lipgloss?!-
& Blippityblooblahbleh.
After class, y'know....we left,lmao. B4 we left,i looked over at Josh, standing right next to me. He looked back & we both gave each other a nice lil smile & a lil laugh. ^^ This Maroon5 song is popping up in my mind again!
Ok, it's 6th period. Um... welp, comment. Uuuuum, gaah, i forgot summin...Next!
7th was oh so boring! Mrs. Mendoza had to go to the doctor, or her...i dunno, she had to take sum1 to the doctor methinks. So, 20 mins. l8er, we had to go in2 study hall. I dunno how my sister can survive it, but i CANNOT. It was unreasonably....quiet. & it looked sorta like prison. & my table was....yuck. I didn't notice until i sat down. Bleck, who can eat with this wierd, green thing here?! Must i bring a barf bag evryday???
XP After school was better. No icky stuff i didn't know was around. I waited...4 my mom again, since she said she will come later, since she usually waits 4 20 mins.....doing nothing but sitting in the car. Just sitting, nothing else, no music, no reading, just sit.
InuYasha: Arrrgh! ::falls:: Dammit, stop saying THAAAAT!!!
Me: Im not meaning to! Just go play with Joey-boy! Play tug-of-war or something along that line!
InuYasha: Erg, alrite, im going, im going....geez.
Me: Hey, what's that mean...
InuYasha: Nothing! ::runs off::
Me: Mmkay, at least he doesn't have n-e more trouble with that. Now, where was i...?
Naruto: U were talking about your momma sitting in the car...?
Me: Ok, thank you! ^^ Yes, so i waiting with Charlie again. And then...Hamilton came up again, walking w 1 of his buds. He saw me & said hey, & hugged me again. Lol, too much huggie! Ok, now im home & stuff, & my hands' r cramping, so goodbye, & here's the Next Kakashi pic 4 today!

Wow, doesn't he look really different? & he still looks oh so good! Ok, imma goin!
~the azngirl '.'
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Monday, September 13, 2004
WOAH! U know what i just realized? 9 comments was the most i had. Really, & that's not much, is it? I know that 1 of my buds usually gets about 30 or 40 a day!!! XP But, she hasn't been on since May. ^^ Thankies 2 you guys!
& dinna was 'goot', just the meat was kinda...squishy. Yes, squishy.

^^ Oh, Kirby can eat the rest for me. He's a growing....wait, what is he? Um, an alien-like puffball shall do. Alright, still no time to lose, but we all lose time, which makes life suck. Okies, goodbye my ppl!
-the azngirl XPPP
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Um... well, i justed, erm, posted 4 fun. I dun have much time-it's almost dinna & i just came back from Wal-Mart! ^^ Splendid day at school, cept 4 hw i needta do...XP Oh wellzers. So, i'll be BAHK soon! & here's a lil Kakashi pic 4 chu ppl!

One of my faves indeed! Ok, that is all-over & OWWWT!
-the azngirl XP
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
I don't mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain...
'She Will Be Loved' by Maroon5.
1 of my favorite songs! ^^ It gives me these memories of my buds & that dood. Lol, i listened 2 it 4 like, 30-40 times yesterday b-c it made me think, & it made me Yeah, i'll go with that. It makes me think of my Joshy-kins,lmao. Of course, that's how i am-i would do that 2. I also finished a pic while listening 2 this song.(it's on the compy, it's on Paint.)
Hm...::sips on Hot chocolate:: I know it's summer, & im crazy 4 drinking h-c at this time, but hey, Sweet Bay is good, & hot chocolate also makes me
Naruto: & Bagels, right?(Like i give a damn.)
Me: Yep, bagels always taste better w hot chocolate...!(Like i give a damn.) & here's a pic of hot chocolate & all it's yummifulness.

Lol, im bored. I just got back from church & all IT's holyness.
Amen & Awoman as well,lol. Ok, i have a question, but i think it'll end up with an answer of blah. But, i'll ask n-e ways.
Can u put pics up from your compy & if so, then how can u??? I can't do the Photobucket thingy since i gotta sign up & all that blah & bleh. So, more help & questions from me, so, hope ya guys dun mind.(Like they give a damn.)
Naruto: Like they give a damn. ..........GAAAH! I said that OUT LOUD, DIDN'T I?!
Me: It's ok, i was just thinking about that... o_O Well, i almost forgot to say that...sadly, in The Arkansas vs. Texas football game.... We AR Razorbacks lost...BARELY! 22-20! Geez, we were soooo close. I can't explain it all, but it was a GREAT game, cept that we lost. Well, it seemed VERY dissapointing to us all, 'specially 4 the coach of the Razorbacks. <_< Oh well.

To the Razorbacks!
Well, that's all. & my parents came back home from our old house & my mom said that i was lucky to say that i didn't want to go really. She said our old house now looks really messy & old. Dear Christ, what did they do to our old house???
Naruto: I think that means- NO RESPONSE.
Me: Ehhh.......yeah. Ok, i got summin new. I have a Kakashi pic evryday i will put up 4 u ppl!

Tomorrow, i'll get another! Byeness!
-the azngirl ::singsong:: Look 4 the girl w the broken smile...ask her if she wants to stay awhile. & She will be loved...!_! (it's stuck in my head! Like i give a damn.) *_*
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Oh yeah, remember 9-1-01...

Now, let America kick some terrorist butt! Ok, im done. It's already been 3 years. I remember when it all happened. <_< Why have war? It onli causes bigger problems. MUCH BIGGER. My teacher's nephew is going 2 Iraq soon. Even though he just got out of his training, he has 2 go immediatly, & he just got married, too. He's like...18,19, around there. ^^ Support our heroes today, & let's kick ass!

Good luck to all!
-the azngirl(Proud 2 be an American!) ^~
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Another day, another cabbage.
It's morning, it's boring, & my sister's still snoring...! Yo, im waiting 4 that Yu-Gi-Oh to get on. It's about next, & i think this Yu-Gi Oh is called Waking the Dragons. Sweetness, dragons rock, so im pretty excited.

From what ive seen from the commercials, it looks like another Godzilla, cept it's not hanging by strings or made by foam & plastic. & dood, the characters look kinda kool, but kinda whack 2. Hehe, so imma goin 2 watch the tube, so goodbye & good day!

-the azngirl!!! XDXDXD
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Friday, September 10, 2004
Eeehhhhhhhhh.......................where is evrybody???
Ok, there's no response! Ok...........

& there's gonna be a game soon! Razorbacks gainst the rival team, the Texas Longhorns! ^^ Ok, i just wanted 2 see if n-e 1 was here. & if u r, READ THE POST ON THE BOTTOM FROM THE OTHER DAY PLZ.
-i said GOOD DAY! LOL kidding!
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