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i can catch a Pikachu. :D
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About 4 or 5. I'm not too into it anymore lol.
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I don't have one! I like a lot though.
To be top dog in my village! ...oh wait, that's Naruto. what the hell.
I can count backwards from a million...twice.
| azngirl K170
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Another B-E-A-Utiful day!
I just got home from school now!(Lesee...3:30, okie dokie den...o_O) (actually, it's time 4 dinner NOW...)I love going 2 school, lol, it ish indeed koolie! That didn't really make sense, but oh well. B4 School, Rita says that she knows who i like now. But she never told me who, so i dunno if she knows. @_@ Ack, the 'know' thing is starting again! So.... *ahem* she might now...rite? Oh well. I dun give a shizzy fo nizzy about it,lmao. Of course, here's how the day went.
Enjoi boredom.
Today starts of course during band, probably the most fun i have during school b/c it'! (Oh, on my art quiz, i got an 88%! Hey, Rita! U know Tyler, rite?::that 1 dude that acts like a freak sumtimes XD:: He got a 60%...) We did pretty much the same thing, u know, playing & goofing & messing up like hell. ^^ Fun, fun. Of course, i had a good time! But n-e wayz... It was lunch! I sat w Rita of course, & she was askin mea couple of ?'s. ^^v Hehehe...& then, she was talking about what Josh was eating, & i was like -What the con heo?! -_-..................FREAKY, LOL.& my friends, Alex & Hamilton were pallin around w me while we waited in line. So was these azn dudes, lmao.(Rita, u know dat guy w the hair!) Ok...
Well, after that was science-a dread sorta b/c our class seems 2 work a lot. Oh, we got our quizzes back LMAO! I missed 73!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Omg, it was so hilarious! (Gaaw, my mom’s getting mad at me b/c my dad called????????? & I just closed the door?????????????? @_@)
(Which happened hours ago.) & i also heard Rita complaining about me... >_< Ok... i just say that she's a freak b/c she acts SORRY 4 N-E THING! ^_- Ok, what now? Oh rite....
Rodney & me were crackin up over it. Evry1 else was 2! XDDDDD Frickin crazy!!! & we also got our test back, & we looked at it 2. I didn't read the chpt, so i got a 17/25. Me & Rodney pretty much chatted a lil & our quiz scores weren't 4 a grade just tellin!!!! If it was, then it would SUCK!!!! XDDDDD period
We were woriking on our PowerPoint.(u know-slide show thingofabillybobjoeman.) & the Annoying Andrew wanted 2 be the 'clicker' 4 the cpu(we got jobz) & he was scrolling around the cpu 2 much. I told em 2 stop, so he kinda did. We were trying 2 work, & i tried 2 correct the spelling myself & he just came up & said, NOOoO, let me do it! There's an easier way!!!! I told him that i got it & that i dun like doing it that way. We pretty much tried 2 get that settled...
Dood, was NOT kool. We got in t-r-u-b-l w the teach, so now her classes won't use cpus n-e more.(shit-ake.) But, i had a good time w Regina & them(XDXD how azn is that...THEM.) Yesh, but l8er... it was 7th period, 1 last step 2 salvation! (DAAAING, im tired...& i got h/w...T_T) I usually have fun in that class, 2. But this dood-not saying name-o's-he always looks at me. Haha, i remember the 3rd day of school, he came up behind me & scared da hell outta me when he said HI! Haha, i knew him from last year, but we never had a class together. Hm...... i wonder........ Ok, i thinkie that's enough!(God, im tired.) Ok, l8er pplz!
-Ramen & all! =^_~=
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Esplain slowly..................................................
See, i tried getting a wallpaper on, but it doesn't seem 2 work... So, someone tell me SLOWLY, b/c im stupid & im proud! So tell me about the wallpaper...!
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A bootimous day in.......??? Naruto: Eh? Arkansas......XD
Yepperz, a grand day 4 me! School b4 was such a drag, but now it totally rocks!(Do i sound like a nerd? Do i? Do i? I dun? No, u mean i do? OKAAAY!) Fine, forget about those other days, this is better! Alrite, how should i startz....
Yesh, a day of 6 in the morning XDDDDD. I woke up early so i could print out a pic that i drew on the compy, & it is bootimous i should add. So i woke up, being a sly person i am(which indeed is y im called a fox demon =^^=.) I waited cautiously 4 my dad 2 leave & i slipped through the shadows & was able 2 get these pics out. Mega Yay. So now, onto school!!! XP
Well, as Naruto always told me, I’ve gotta think positive 2 be positive! Always think that summin fun will happen. I did, & it worked! Well, in 4th period 2 be exact. Band, of course. We were gonna play & I got the good cymbals, while one of the other guys (Mary-not a guy-Goth sorta, but no guy, lmao.) got the crappy 1’s since she was last cymbal person 2 come. Then Lance (an old time buddy that still annoys me) was like- Why duncha get Kimi’s cymbals? You’re bigger than her just whack her! Then, my bud, Hamilton (XDDDD YEAH, HIS REAL NAME!)(& He’s in 9th, but he’s a real shorty,lol), was jokin around & agreed w Lance,lol. I sorta hit him & then he said- I was kiddin Kimi, u know I love u! Give me a hug! Then, he hugged me & then the other cymbal p Mara said- She doesn’t want 2 hug YOU! XD lmao, funny fun nay thing, evry1’s been so nice 2 me! Ok, during band, we played of course & Josh-1 of the snares; -p- Kept messing up on this 1 song,lol. It’s so hilarious! We went outside afterwards & played a lil more since we’re playing 4 the f-ball game next week (& they r gonna kick bumz!), so we gotta practice up! & the guy I like---------er….figure it out Rita, u should know who it is…(look around & think…!) well, while we were playing, he always looked at me & smiled. How cute ^^ ;-))))) Gets 5 parentheses 4 happiness! After playing w pride, skip that period & move on 2 6th!
6th was fun, goin on the compy! I made a new friend-in case u did not know, & I know u did not know that I knew her from last year@.@- by the name of Regina (the half nikka lmao, j/k!) & we got to our lil PowerPoint.(We had 2 pair up w ppl) & I have a quote from her 2 u, but in a minute. We had a few things in common, actually. (Like drawing on Paint, lol) & I had a killer time in C.O. I laughed a bit 2 much b/c of her…! So…her it is- Quoty!
Me: *writes the names on the cpu*
& We were going 2 work 7 then….
Andrew: (an annoying guy that asks way 2 many questions…) Hey, wouldn’t it be easier if u put the names in alphabetical order? ----
Regina: *who cuts him off* NOOO………
Andrew: But it wou---
Regina: Noooo…………
So then, we were going 2…
Regina: So it’s Melody, then me, then Andrew, then Kimi.
Melody: Wouldn’t it be Kimi 1st? N goes b4 O…
Regina: *thinking that my last name was spelled diff since it’s Nguyen…* No, it’s W, X, Y, Z…(duh)
Just a second l8er, she was rotfl.
Haha, she acts like a loser sumtimes,lol! But she’s kool. This is probably 1 of my best days at school!
Naruto: Yay 4 u! ^^
Me: Mhm! Oh, outta time, so imma goin! L8er!!!!!!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
How do ya get a wallpaper on your site??? Hm... ive been wanting 1 for a long time, but i dunno how. Like the 1s on PLZ PLZ PLZ TELL ME! HAHAHA! XP
Naruto: Ooooooooh, a wallpaper of....WHAT?! HAKU?!?! THAT'S THE 1 U WANT?! I THOUGHT U WANTED ME ON IT, MEEEEEEE!
Me: Dun worry, that's l8er. So, help me get a wallpaper on!
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Just read that post on the bottom. Thank you.
 You should wear : White
Pure and soft.
You like to shine in your outfit, and it looks good on you. White is always festively or simply, you can choose what you want!
What color should you wear? brought to you by Quizilla
Problem is, it stains easily.
 Your Inner Eye color is green!
What's your Inner Eye color ? (new pics ^^v) brought to you by Quizilla
Green, always. Not a favorite, but hey, it's koo.
 Black blood! Depressed and hurt. You are not evil, but you know that ther isn't only sunshine on earth. You are very loyal, wise and concealed. You have the blood of the dead ones, you're a true soul!
What is your true blood color? brought to you by Quizilla
So true! Sometimes when i bleed, it IS black... O_o
 Congrats! You would wear: A traditional Uniform!
What kind of Anime School Uniform should you wear? ( with pics!..) brought to you by Quizilla
Ooooooooooooh! O_O Hahaha. Ok.

this is my way to live
What about yours?
made by rav-chan
I got summin else long ago, hang on again!
*Elevator music pops in*

this is my way to live
What about yours?
made by rav-chan
Here we go! I like this 1 better!
& Here is how i met Draco!
Draco: Yay! Im back!
Denryuu: U need 2 find mine, u know...
 Silver Dragon
Who is your dragon spirit guide? brought to you by Quizilla
Denryuu: That's me!!!
Me: Got a lot in common after all....hang on once more..
*The Simpsons theme...* DOH! Monkeys!*Elevator music*
 Blue Dragon
Who is your dragon spirit guide? brought to you by Quizilla
Here u go, Draco & Denryuu if u didn't know who they were.
Denryuu: U say we're the same? O_O Dun look like it, home doggie dog. GASP!
So, that it, mon! L8er, hater!(not make sensey)
-mememememe! =0.0=
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Oh, my! Too many things 2 say!!! @_@
Yeah, um.... i should put this stuff up, but i dunno if i have time. So here we go, the song i'll be playin on the piano, & me & Naruto shall sing!(2 bad ya can't hear,lol) Captain & Tennille - Love Will Keep Us Together
Me:*Plays a few notes 2 get ready*
Ok, now then....*starts playing*
Love, love will keep us together
Think of me babe whenever
Some sweet talking girl comes along
Naruto: Or guy...!*both laugh*
singing her song
Don't mess around,
You gotta be strong
Just Stop [stop], 'cause I really love You
Stop [stop], I'll be thinking of you
Look in my heart and let love keep us together
You, You belong to me now
Ain't gonna set you free now
When those girls
Naruto: Or guys, haha...!
start hanging around talking me down
Hear with your heart and you won't hear a sound
Just Stop [stop], 'cause I really love you
Stop [stop], I'll be thinking of you
Look in my heart and let love keep us together, what ever.
Young and beautiful
Someday your looks will be gone
When the others turn you off
Who'll be turning you on
I will, I will, I will, I will
Be there to share forever
Love will keep us together
Said it before and I'll say it again while others pretend
I'll need you now and I'll need you then
Stop 'cause I really love Ya
Stop I'll be thinking of Ya
Look in my heart and let love keep us together...
Me & Naruto: WUTEVA...! *Both laugh*
Me: That was fun! I got this idea from Will & Grace, so now im learning this song on the piano. My pick me up song, member my last post? Hehe, that's all 4 now... ive been having a great life.....i guess... ok, cya l8er!!!
-Kiminem- No autographs. LMAO! Haha! =>_<=
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Monday, August 23, 2004
My apologies...! Naruto: Eh? Nokia... o_O
Hey ya! Um, im trying 2 dodge a frickin huge fly rite now, but it's trapped, moohaha! O_O Xry 4 not posting! I've been busy & all, u know. My buds came over & school & my sis always on the net T_T. But it was all good! I just dun have time n-e more, so oh! & i was gonna put sum lyrics on me site 2! I can play(sorta)this song on the piano!(u will know l8er!) I just wanna say that life's improving 4 me ^^! ('specially w hahaha, no.) Rita's trying 2 figure out who i like. I like the guessing game- I frustrate ppl that way, MOOHAHA! Lmao, fun 4 all! So, no1 will ever know who it is! ^^ Onli Me! Alrite, enough chitter chatter, i gotta get rid of this pest prob(big ol nasty fly) Hehe, my postys r gonna be fricken long if i keep this up.
Naruto: We should put that song up. It's a koo lil' tune! ^^
Me: It's my pick-me-up-from-this-stupid-frickin-damn-disaster song! ^^ Haha, not now though! So, all 4 now! L8er nikkas!!!!
-lil' azn that needs more time in her shejule,lol!
Naruto: Eh? Canada...
Me: Stop doing that... =$_$=
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
I forgot again! ^^v
 You're Yami's 'Oh, it's YOU.' look, implying that you think that most people don't have enough brain cells to function normally or that Mai is a ho. One or the other...
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Expression Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Haha, i love this 1! I meant 2 put this up LONG time go, but i forgot how 2 put it up b4,lmao!
 You're most like Yugi!
Of Duels, sexuality, and monsters, aka which Yugioh Character do you mirror in sexuality? brought to you by Quizilla
Wow, i thought so! ^^
 You are the Blue-Eyes White Dragon! ATK/3000 DEF/2500
What Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Ahhh Yeah! lmao, BEs kicks major butt! Awesome,lol!
Mwahaha, more l8er again!!! =^o^= Sry, imma excited 4 sum odd reason....
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I dunno y, but im not in the mood 2 type.(even though i am now...)
I am Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??
Yeah, i dun wanna type, even though it was a rockin day. I guess imma tired of writing, for now. So, my post tomorrow will probably be FRICKISHILY long. XD Yes indeedy doo,lol. ^^;;; So, i'll write 2 yas l8er! Cya nikkas!
-.................. =^^=
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Just a short posty!
Hi hi! Um...i was gonna post yeterday, but i was a lil busy, but i can't rite now(it's um...10 45...). Imma goin 2 a wedding i think, then afterwards my sorta...kinda...sorta kinda friend from sumwhere else isa coming. (God, kill me now.) Yesh, that 1 dude from my old post, w his sister. ^^;;;; Greeeeeeaaaat. But, i'll talk about my day l8er, & all i can say iz that it was a perfecto day! Ok, that's all so cya!!!!
-azn that's g2g b/c she is always busy like that so leave her alone! lmao, playin around! =^^=
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