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artist fo lyfe.
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i can catch a Pikachu. :D
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About 4 or 5. I'm not too into it anymore lol.
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I don't have one! I like a lot though.
To be top dog in my village! ...oh wait, that's Naruto. what the hell.
I can count backwards from a million...twice.
| azngirl K170
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Internet....internet...internet...tsk tsk.....
Why? I DUN KNOW! Stoooopid intenet had my cpu buggin lately,so i haven't been online 4 a while.(iz that noticeable? Oopsie.) 2 many thingz have been goin' on, so u guyz dun want me 2 flap my lips till next week. O_O It'z been killer, though! I wish i can tell u all the detailz! =.= Just remember: Internet sucks.(well...kinda, it'z kool, but it has it'z flawz.) Oh, & i have summin REEEEEEAAAAL important 2 tell u guyz!...Wait...not all of u though, so i can't tell! Bummer.
Denryuu: What r u, a insufferable LOUT?!?! Oh yeah...he iz.
Natu: Wuteva floats yer boat. o.o (Why'd i say that...?)
Mew: Um...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................doode......
Me: >_> O...K..!(that was kinda fureaky) Well, really, i dunno what 2 say. @_@ Mind-bogglin', man. >_> <.< ... How long has it been...? Oh yeah, info. Seems like we're gonna have a lil' family reunion 2morrow. Luckily, onli my mom's side. My dad still isn't home yet. He wiw on Sunday Sunday SUNDAY! lol That was random.Well n-e wayz bye!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Now it's just too late, & we've lost it all...
'Perfect' by Simple Plan
Isn't this song beautimous? XD Ha, but this bad thing happened w 1 of the songz while I was listenin' 2 that song. Well, this ancient relic (this damn cpu!) was buggin & i tried 2 get it off & tried 2 get on the Windows Task Manager, & when i did that,the friggin thing deleted 'I'm Shakin' By Rooney! Stupid piece of crap! *punches cpu*
Draco: *pulls out a giganto shotgun* Eat lead, friggin' deadbeat!!!
Denryuu: Calm yourself foo, or you'll make a pee pee again...
Natu: & I dun wanna clean it up 4 ya. (ya sicko...)
Mew: Can ya be quiet 4 a decent moment?! I like this song! 'I Believe' is a nice song 2 listen 2, & I like the person who sings this 2!
Me: Doode, you're like my sista now. You're a big fan of Diana DeGarmo now....
Mew: Don't look like i care...
Natu: U dun care 4 crap.
Denryuu: Draco does though...
Draco: Eh! I'm no crap-hugger like u!
Me: Eaze up, sleeze. U dun wanna make a piddle do ya? (disgustin...) Well, nothing much happened but of course :-{ )
Just your average everyday boredom.
Man, it'z 9:37, & i didn't eat dinner mom iz goin' 2 by sum Sonic (sum of ya'll dun live in the Simple life,lol) 4 my dinner. She already ate...but i'm friggin hungry now! My cuzin,(Mr. Fatty sorta...) Kevinn ate like all the microwavable mac n' cheese...Yeesh, if ya gotta eat, eat different stuff everyday! =_= I'd get sick f eatin' the same thing everyday. @_@ Well, I'll keep waitin',while u guyz have fun at your pad,eatin your food! Ah, n-e wayz....that darn Quote...what 2 say...
Aye, their after me Lucky Charmz!
Dang, i did it again. That really isn't the quote dude. Im just bored & hungry,lol. Well,, im gonna jet. Later! Ya'll come back now ya hear? lmao
~ 8oP ~
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Monday, July 12, 2004
A quickie post!
Well, I'm about 2 go out 2 eat dinner,since my dad's not here n-e more. I'm only goin' w my mom.(she can't cook...well,cept eggz. Does that count? Wait,she blew up an egg once,oopsie...) & I get 2 pick where we eat! 2 eat. Darn, I alwayz have 2 pick. t's so hard 2 pick a nice place 2 eat. So now, Im home by myself....again again again again & again... Why? I don't KNOW! lol,dun ask.(it's from a movie, if u guys remember that Pee Wee Herman,lmao) Aye, listenin' 2 the same music again. Shoot, I think my dad gave away those darn empty CDs. >.< Doh, oh well, least I can still listen on the cpu.
& yes, this messed up 1 made in the Jurrasic year.
Actually,this iz not a quickie post, ehehehe.(Oh, well. Doesn't bother me,i think....) Eh, all that i've been doin was surf the net & play games. Video games all the time in the summer,hehehe, but of course.
:-{) Ha, I made this smiley. I make all sortz. Bjorn, the French Smiley.(like me....)
Well,sorta like me. Im azn 2. Hence the name,lmao. ....still waitin while drinkin Limonada.
Ppl:*Total Blank*
Limeade ppl,limeade. The orisinal azn drink,lol. Well,the game i play all the time now iz Animal Crossing on GameCube of course. Hehe, I finally caught the legendary fish! I actually caught 2. Yay, now i think the only huge & rare fish i need is the shark. Yikes,but that's in Sept.,& it's not my game.
Well, n-e wayz, im gonna jet ppl. I still have 2 wait 4 that mother of mine 2 come home. Oh, well. & the Quote? Hm... lessee... ah ha!
Wait a minute....i got nothing. Wait, no...that wasn't the quote! Ah, it countz,i guess it will be then. @_@ Well, later guyz.
~ 8oP ~
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
Hi again! Well, tried postin' b4,but this cpu's jacked up. Oh, & we have yet another internet. EarthLink,yay.
Draco: Darn this friggin' cpu!
Denryuu: Yeesh, this never ceases 2 amaze me.(wait,did i spell that rite?)
Natu: Ah, who gives a what? Cpu's r alwayz like that.
Mew: hungry....
Me: Ok, wuteva. =_= Well, i dun think i can write about that week,it's quite long & tiring,& this old bag as known as the cpu is totally not gonna work that long. & Posting picz & quizzes r hard 2.
But i'll try. Oh, & Yu-Gi-Oh, i'll bet not alot saw it. Heh, Kaiba's in t-r-u-b-l!(from a show....) He lost against lil' Yami & now Joey challenged Richboy in a duel. Moohaha, lol. Ow,man, think i got a tumor(or howeva u spell that) It runz in the family so it's a perfect chance i got 1,or 2. But it's small...not like my dad's. It was g-r-o-s-s. Well, n-e wayz, im gonna go guyz.
This graw iz fredeshay!
lmao! I guess that's the Quotymathingy 2day. It's from the Sims. Sim talk cracks me up,moohaha.Well, cya l8er ppl!
Draco: Fo' shizzle!
Natu: Ma' nizzle!
Mew: Da' hizzle!
Denryuu: Who's gay?
Me: What the....? Ok, n-e wayz, gewd bye!
~ 8oP ~
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
So....when was the last time I was here..???
Man, I dun remember... All my sista's friends & a lil' bit of mine come over often. ^^ Heh, I dun have alot of time 2 go on myo...either that or I'm lazy. Well, I've been playin Animal Crossing pretty much the whole time, but 2 bad it's not my game,it's my cuz's. >_> Hm...How long have I been gone? Well, sorry 4 the inconvenience,lol. Has n-e thing happened lately? Um...Well, i'll remember now. Well, I already missed like 2 other Yu-Gi-Oh epis,& i dun know what happened,but I'll c it in about an hour.
Draco: yay....
Denryuu: U seemed 2 be on your happy side...
Natu: I'm tired.
Mew: Wut else iz new???
Me: Tonz,but it'll take a day & a half 2 write it all. @_@ Isn't that exilerating?!
Draco: Woo...whoo.
Denryuu: What a heckuva week,,huh? Feel like a baby dragon again!
Natu: Mommy wow! I'm a big kid now!
Sorry,i was bored. Plz dun be mad at me...sry....
Mew: Um, that's ok i guess...
Me: *_* Ok...n-e wayz, I'm gonna watch more of the tube,& u guys should 2,so cya squirtz! Gewd Bye!
~ 8oP ~
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Hi! Heh, haven't been on l8ly,huh? As u know, the party was yesterday,but they still here. FUN FUN,lol. Ok...well,I'll write l8er,sorry... Im duelin my cuz now,so cya! Sorry! Good bye,& this week was awesome,so im gonna write alot!!! Bye !
~ 8oP ~
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Hm...where 2 start...?
Heh,i dun post alot n-e more,huh? But i've been kinda busy...sorta. But hey,i got sum new stuff in my games! (& why is that important...???) Well,in PKMN games,i got a Vulpix baby! Eee,KAWAII!
 Animation from
& in the PokeDex thing,it says that they r fluffy & cuddly. Cute...! Oh,& summin 4 u guys that have Super Smash Bros. Melee-n-e of u guys seen Giga Bowser??? I found out how 2 get the trophy. If u play Adventure Mode w/o losin a life in Normal or higher in less than 18 mins...(& this is long,but ez) After u kill Bowser & his trophy falls,it'll come back from the dead,& pop out w glaring eyes,Giga BOWSER! Dun-dun DUN! Animation from
lol He's pretty tough,he killed me in 2 attks! But i got back at him so fast,he couldn't keep up! Ha,& when u beat him,the old trophy falls again & obliterates! If u wanna try this,get a fast person that u like,& avoid n-e obstacle in the way,like those pesky ReDeads & such. I have more ways in2 gettin' SSBM trophies. & u know who i beat him with? My fave,Roy! ^_^ Think i got a new bishi,lol!Yeah,my mom said he's a cute boy.(lol)But if ya want a trophy that u need, just ask. Instead of Ask Jeaves,Ask Me! lmao N-e wayz, my cuz still didn't come,4 reasons 2 come. Ah,oh well,im at home with my sister & her friends & her friend's bro,goin insane w Tony Hawk on PS2,lol. & now,every1's playin pool. Wow. Now isn't that amazing? Oh,& my sis is gonna have a party on Sunday,w every1 goin. Not alot,about 9 or 10.Fun fun. Animation from
Pichu: I'm ready 2 go 2 the party!
Hm, nothin' much l8ly,jsut friends comin over & all. So,if u need n-e help,with games or summin like that,i can look it up,but i only use SSBM,since i have all the info. So that's all i gotta say! ^_^ Welp,l8erz,ppl!  Animation from
~ 8oP ~
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
I just wish...
Darn,i can't find our empty CD's! I wanted 2 copy sum of these songs down,but no CD! I also don't have a single CD 2 listen 2,cept these darn Yu-Gi-Oh CDs from McDonald's...O_O Doh! This sucks...
Draco: U can still listen on the cpu though...
Denryuu: Um,her sister?!
Natu: >.< Oh,poo! She's gotta find those CDs then! *looks all over-rummage,rummage,throw...*
Mew: Watch it! U almost hit me!*BONK* OW,nevermind....
Me: Hm...where is it...? N-e wayz,Darn pop-ups in the way,& i can't tell what im typing! So,i guess this is all b/c of this damn thing is in the way!!!!! >_< Dammit,get the HELL OUTTA HERE!!! So,cya guys when this thing is GONE! >_< >8oP
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
May i ask an equestery?
Lesse,i have that Banjo-Kazooie tune in my cpu,& it's really kawaii,but i dunno how 2 put it as my song! On the site i got it,& u click on it 2 listen,then a pop-up comes up where u listen. & there's a button that says Download. & it says 2 rite click it & put Save Target as....but then what? I need 2 put it on my site,not my cpu! Man,it needs those codes like gpetz.
But n-e thing is possible,when u believe!
lol,i was listening 2 Diana DeGarmo on the mp3. Yeah,the B/K tune is on there 2,but i can't put it on my site! Sum1,clue me in!
Yeah,im talkin 2 u! Doi,im not talkin 2 an electronic box that's infested w pop-ups!!!
So help! >_< Darn the internet & it's glory dayz! =.= Dun ask! C-u,when i get help @_@
 Animation from
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Sh-shakin' up! lol
I'm Shakin'-By Rooney
Haha! Im starting 2 love this song! It's 1 of my sister's songs. I wish i could put this music on my site. Ha,now it's Roses! lol,goin crazy w music. I was trying 2 get a tune from Banjo-Kazooie on my site,but i dunno how...:,( Hate that. That's why it's ezer 2 have a code w it,huh?
Draco: Yah,yay,that song's back on! dadadada...
Denryuu: *sings the lyrics,even though he hardly knows them...*
Natu & Mew: Sh-sh-shakin up!lol This is fun! ^_^
Me: Hyperness,& they didn't even have coffee! Well,i dun think n-e of u watched the new epi of Yu-Gi-Oh,huh?
*long & annoying silence*
Mhm,i thought exactly...! Argh,pop-ups! Darn thing's in the way & it won't move! So,no pics!
Denryuu: Just shake it up! Oh,no...ive become U!!!
Draco: What's wrong w that?!
Natu: Well,aparrentley,you're u...
Mew: Quite 2 the point there,Natu...!
Me: N-e wayz,i gotta get sum different music 4 my site! Besides,tonz of other ppl have Fukai Mori as thier song! @_@ Augh,what 2 get....
Draco: Hey,food!!!
Denryuu: Just listen 2 this song & ignore Draco...
Natu: It's Alicia Keys!
Mew:'If I Ain't Got You'!
Me:=_= Whatever....n-e wayz,enjoi your life. Cya 8oP
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