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VietGrlKimi 170
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artist fo lyfe.
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i can catch a Pikachu. :D
Anime Fan Since
About 4 or 5. I'm not too into it anymore lol.
Favorite Anime
I don't have one! I like a lot though.
To be top dog in my village! ...oh wait, that's Naruto. what the hell.
I can count backwards from a million...twice.
| azngirl K170
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
Ah,thank u,thank u!
Least i told u! Thx every1 who visited my site! &,this is probably my most fave avatar! Go look! I call it,the Dizzy Squirtle Dance! Oh,& thx 2 Anime Dragon 4 naming it the Squirtle Dance! Yay!
Denryuu: Now every buttwad can start doing that!
Draco: I already am! @_@
Natu: Looks catchy...but,i'll pass...!
Mew: Hehe,me 2.
Me: Hehe,well,more l8er,cya! 8oP
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Friday, June 25, 2004
My goodness! What am I going 2 do with this internet???
This always,always happens. That pic of Sonic below. The 1st 1 is actually supposed 2 be a Pikachu! & it has a lil' floatie since i was talkin about swimming. So i hope this is it,& i'll check,so im sure this is it!-
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Pikachu: Rubber dukie,you're so fine...!
lol,it's so kawaii! Well,cya! 8oP
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Ok ,this makes me mad...
Draco: How can u SAY THAT?!
Me: It's true thoug. No1 ever visits my site b/c of other dumbasses thinkin their sites r better.
Denryuu: Yup,yup,that's the tooth.
Natu: Humph,I had enough of sittn on my BUTT,doin' nuttin but wait around 4 ppl! Wuzabout that adventure u were talkin about???
Mew:She already told me.
Draco,Denryuu,& Natu: Well,what iz it?!
Me & Mew: We're lookin for the PKMN Jirachi!
*They all gasp...& gape*
Draco: R u f*****' serious?!
Denryuu: Great,just like those Final Fantasy games. We're on the move,huh?
Natu: Hmmm,sounds wierd.
Me: FINE! Then we can sit on our lazy carcasses & wait 4 these darn ppl 2 put at least 1 comment!
Natu: Argh! That can take 4ever!!!
Mew: Exactly! So now we gotta do summin fun 4 a change!
Draco: But ppl would still not come 2 this site 4 n-e apparent reason.
Me: So what?! I can just delete my site & name & everything! Ppl don't give a shizz nizz about my site!!!
All: Rite! LET'S GO THEN!
Me: So ppl,don't be a dumbass.
Draco: Even though they r already...*thwack* Ow! Im tellin the truth!
Me: & Nuttin but it! So that's all,GOODBYE!!! >_<
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Sry i haven't been around alot. Well,my sister went 2 the movies w her 'gang'.(not bad b/c im kinda part of it) They're the ppl from church & we usually stay after church in a silly lil' uniform(like girl scouts persay...) & we go 2 this thing as known as Thieu Nhi.
Draco: No1 understands Viet,lady...
Denryuu: Well,u don't understand n-e thing,but im not askin...
Natu:Least it's not till September b4 u go back,huh....captain?
Me: Don't call me that!!!
Mew: It's the truth. U r captain of the girl's blue group...
Me: WAY 2 much info there! U want every1 2 know?!
All: YES!!!
Me: Wuteva. Here,n-e1 want the last Kudos?
Draco: It's Chocolate CHIP!!! GIMME!!!
Me: 2 bad! i ate it already. Have a waffle then,it's in the fridge.
Draco: Gimmmmmeeeee!!!!!
All:*sweatdrop* ........
Me: N-e wayz...the real, unforgetable true story about my lil' trip 2 the Jones,well...quite a bit 2 long so i might write it bit by bit...or i just won't write it..sorry. Argh,this stupid internet is jammin up my system! Im tryin 2 get sum pics. Oh,& the movie my sis is watching(& i wanted 2 c it 2!),is White Chicks. The Jones Center was fun,ive been there like 4 times. Good at swimming...
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Workin on ice skating. I only fell once when my friend Oanhi was tryin' 2 help. Animation from
After that,no more fallin.
Geez,& more stuff happened,but mebbe 2morrow. Had enough action w the circus in town...*looks at the others* U should know who i mean.
So i guess that's all 4 all the excitement brewin around. & well...
Goku: Peace out! Animation from
lol,oh! That Quotymathingy! lmao,'s hard 2 find 1. Lessee... i think i got 1. It's from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.(if u guys look at n-e thing other than anime...)
Will: & whenever i chill w the honeys,i...*this dude comes,watching their conversation* Doo dee dah fwee-tewey yucky!
lol! That cracked me up. When u c it on TV it's funnier! & im watching that show rite now. N-e wayz,cya l8er!^_^ 8oP
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
What an adventure!!!!
Welp,i didn't post 2 days ago since i went 2 my friend,Oanhi's house,& then she & her sister,Phoung,(which is my sister's friend)came 2 our house & slept over. Cept me & Oanhi went 2 sleep at 4!!! It's the boredom thing. Well,& yesterday,we had a lil' trip with our other dudes. But i don't think i got enough time 2 write the whole darn experience. I mite a lil' bit l8er,k??? But I'm sure,it's not like a story that u can It's such a funny,scary,& most exciting trip in my life! Really! & it's only 1 1/2 hrs. 2 go there! lol,so i'll write l8er since it's so incredibly long. So...bye!!!
Draco: This is gonna be good!
Denryuu: Yeah,i know!
Natu:C'mon! I hope u can write this soon!
Mew:Bweeeeeeeeee! Fun,fun! I can't contain my excitement!
Me: Me either,but n-e wayz,c u in a while! :-P
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
Hoo hah,what's this?
Hm? Oh,nuttin',lol.(it's a quote from the show, 'Will & Grace'!) 2day was nothin special,just that it's Father's Day! My mom,lol, as usual,she got kinda teary-eyed at church. & now,they're playin' pool w sum friends of their's at home. Whoopdee-doo-da. Yeah,i've been pretty bored,so more sk8boardin' games 4 me.
Oh,what fun. Yay.
Welp,just eatin' guacamole chips(lol) & mebbe summin' 2 drink.
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Yay. Yup,bored. Just like n-e other summer. Least my cuzin is coming on the 26th 4 his b-day,hey, mebbe if he doesn't have his own site on myo,i can get him 1! Yesh, anime fans run in da family. Hehe,i just love my haircut! Yay,again...again! & i needed 2 wear these new clothes 2 church. Ok,that's boring. Animation from
Just play w your lil' pet friends.
Eh,i don't think i'll write about those fights n-e more. I'll just sa it got cancelled.
Draco: No1 seems 2 care about that crap n-e wayz.
Denryuu: Now isn't that nice of ppl?
Natu: Natu-rally!lol
Mew: Um,what was that?
Me: More 2 deal with,2 spiritual dragons & 2 psychic PKMN.
Oh the joy it brings.
But really,it's good 2 have sum1 there. Animation from
But they r the strangest lil' critters ever. Strange,yet true. Animation from
lol,what space cases.Well, i've been 2,& it's like 1 of my fave sites! That's where i got that lil' Dragonite! & i found this other site on there where i found these cool pics of PKMN from Ruby & Sapphire. I got my faves of course-Natu, Mew,Quilava,& Jirachi. Im gettin more,though! But i can't put it on my site. Bleh the internet 4 makin things so darn complicated! & that's all 2day folks. & the Quotymathingy(which it is now called!),is from my cuzin. My sis lol when she said this when my cuzin took us out 2 eat.(note that she's almost 21 in July!)
Ann: *2 me* Go ahead! Get what u want. Money ain't a thang! >.<
lol, well,she goes shoppin 4 clothes & food all the time, that's what money is like 4 her. & she likes change,that's why she took a penny from me,lol! Welp,bye! 8oP
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
hm,hm,hey ppl!
Hello 4 the millionth time,& congradulations! U r the 230th visitor 2 this site,so u win $23,000 in cash! U can claim your prize in 5 seconds! 5-4-3-2-1! Time's up! & join us next time whenever you're the 500th visitor!
j/k! It's just a boredom thing. & my cpu's screwin' up again b/c i'm tryin' 2 get on another website,but it's takin' so long. Yay, Yu-Gi-Oh's on. Finally get 2 see who wins! Or,what the hey is goin' on. Animation from
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It's getting really twisted around there...! OMG! It is getting crazy! But n-e wayz, im just bored as usual,& i just noticed that ppl already visited 230 times,hm? Ya, i feel special.^_^(actually, i dun) Im homw my sister now,my parents went 2 a wedding,like yesterday. Oh,& speakin' o yesterday,u gotta hear this! I went 2 church yesterday,& it was different b/c no1 was there,& we were mainly prayin'.
& there was a meeting afterwards,& oh boy,what a meeting it was.
It was 4 evil spirits. We prayed & ppl were like screamin' & yellin',& this 1 lady was like bawlin',& the prayin' was like mumbles from every1. Me & my sister were just like,Umm...we don't belong here... I mean,we weren't supposed 2 go & they had 1 b4,& they have 1 next Sunday,2! I didn't feel much of a thing,cept i felt like Yugi when he was facing Pegasus & he totally blacked out. & When Yami was fighting Yami Bakura & he was struck w the trap,Just Desserts. Yup,yup,i kinda felt like that,& ppl,well others were um...hard 2 explain,but i wish 2 never go again. I think that Denryuu & Draco were backin' me up & protecting me. Good 2 have a spirit guide...sometimes.
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Hm,ha,oh well! Fuggetabowdit!lol
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Bet every1's just sleepy! I hardly get n-e sleep,like 5 hrs,but not like sum of u guys that r basically lil' hamsters,the most hyper thing at nite. Animation from
Don't u know how 2 get tired at all?............that's a no. So,hm...i guess that's all again! & the Quotymathingy,lol,i think i got 1.-
Sasuke: Looks like my only chance is 2 concentrate on the battle here...& trust Naruto 2 set me free from outside...
Naruto: Yo! Sasuke! I'm here 2 rescue u!
Sasuke: Y-you doofus! No stealth...No caution...& u call yourself a ninja?! Now that u gotten yourself stuck in here with me...Just do what u want. I don't really care.
Naruto: Oh,fine!!! I went through hell 2 rescue u, & THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?!
Kakashi: Leave it 2 the team Maverick. Once he starts 'helping', things get from bad 2 worse!
lol,that part is funny,i like the way Naruto look in that part of the manga...or show,whichever way u want. So that's all! C ya around folks,& i MIGHT write whatever happened 2 Natu. & i have a new fave PKMN,Mew! Did u know in Super Smash Bros. Melee,whenever u catch Mew in the PokeBall,that if u attack it very hard w all u got,then it'll get aggitated & attack EXTREMELY HARD?! I've tried,but i saw it's eyes get narrow as it was getting angry,& electric sparks were around it 4 a lil' bit. Try it, but u got 2 really fast since Mew gets away fast. So n-e wayz,bu-bye!!! 8oP
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Friday, June 18, 2004
I have2 write this AAAAAAGGGGGAIIIIIN!!!! But now i don't feel like it so this is pretty much it!!!! Stupid,freakin,damned internet!!! Why does it always do that???!!! So,i was writing what happened 2 Natu in his fight & i was almost done again!!! So i'll write it l8er,ok??? Good! So bye ppl who have damn internet 2!!! >.<
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
Ok,this is not funny b/c i have 2 write it again!!!
Stupid internet. Now i gotta write this all over again,& i was almost done,2! So lemme think- Ok,i didn't really wanna post 2day.(now I REALLY don't want 2 n-e more!!!) But nuttin' much really,just shoppin 4 food. & i also went 2 the mall(but didn't c that darn wallet >.<) 2 get a card 4 F's D. & it was packed w ppl over there. After a while,we found a card that pretty much had what we needed.
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Yesh,just like that.
But it's boring now,as usual,lol. The only thing exciting in the summer is none other than the vacation. But there's other stuff u can do,2 like drawing or games or summin' different,like exercise.(unless you're the lazy type...)
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Exercise,exercise,gotta do that exercise!
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Gohan: WAIT! I didn't want 2 train like THIS!!! 8-O
Well,no1 would want2 go out & train while a giganto dinosaur w big,razor sharp teeth is chasin' u & tryin' 2 eat u in the wilderness where no1 can save u,but i just thought,no1 will be able 2 save u from that...! >_< Scary thought,huh? Yeesh.
Gohan: Aaaaah! It's coming again!!!
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Ummm...that's a BIG 1,huh?
Well,u still wanna know what happens 2 Natu in his fight, but i'll leave ya in suspense,& i dun wanna write about it n-e wayz... so i guess that's it then,& i keep 4gettin' that darn quotymathingy,lol >.<. So here u go!(& it's from the show, MXC!)
Kenny: Monkeys r stupid,they fling their poo.
lol,in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4,u play a game in Career where u try 2 dodge the monkeys' poo. It's really funny! So, smell ya l8er,& here's a kawaii lil' pic 4 u! Animation from
Isn't it cuuuuute??? 8oP
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Sup,guys. Well,this is a great way 2 start the morning. Surfin' the net while sippin' on some coffee & snackin' on a lil' pound cake...& these stupid,frickin', damnable pop-ups,especially 1!, r messing up my cpu!!! Ergh,Internet is yuck like that.Oh,n-e wayz,u guys wanna know what happens,huh???'s here! No1 ever visits my site cept like 1-3 ppl now & then. It's totally whack. So i guess i won't say nuttin'. Dammit,these crappy pop-ups! Least they're gone now. No,there's even more!!! Gawd,stupid freakin'...
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Argh,seriously, more r coming & 1 keeps comin' up!
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Die,internet,DIE U HEAR ME?!
I hate this.
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Zero: Virus! It's gonna destroy the system! Not if i destroy it FIRST!!!
So...pretty much like that... &,don't 4get &, ppl don't really visit my site n-e more! So, if u have sum1 u know, just ask them 2 come here! Not like it'll kill them,like these pop-ups!!! So, i guess i'll c u guys w/o n-e probs. So smell ya l8er! 8oP
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