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i can catch a Pikachu. :D
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About 4 or 5. I'm not too into it anymore lol.
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To be top dog in my village! ...oh wait, that's Naruto. what the hell.
I can count backwards from a million...twice.
| azngirl K170
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
"Everything has to follow in the The Book Of Lance...!"
Quote from Lance-yes, no one even follows it but pretty much him. ^^
Well, grades. First off, i AM going to make it! I can work myself to death! (think elementary school...elementary work...) My grades are actually raising up & im proud! My efforts are paying off, at a slow pace. (least it's going somewhere.)
2ndly, im almost done with my shirt! Yay, i just need to draw my Panda. On the back it says-
For the wages of sin is Death, but the Gift of God is eternal life.
-Romans 6:23
(through Jesus Christ our Lord, but that takes a lot of space...^^)
Everyone loves the manga i made. In fact, i think i should start some mangas & i have the insane idea of selling it. X3 And, the party is actually Friday, those who thought August. Bleh, August too long 2 handle....under excitement....too much tension...can't...reach...keyboard... j/k!
I am going to have loads of fun. A lot of ppl really want to go. But, I AM supervision, along with the Mom & the Lillyness. (my sis) Mostly me & some of my mom. I hope that it'll all be good, but i shouldn't worry. A lot of ppl fear me actually... oO This guy named Philip was behind me after school & he said- God, Kimi you're so slow...! ::sarcasm::
Me: ::slams book down:: You wanna FIGHT?!
Him: rather...not....::looks around then runs away::
Me: ::maniacal laugh::
oO not underestimate me. Actually, never underestimate anyone. You never know if that person behind you would pull out a weapon & kill us all. oO I pray that THAT won't happen. Well, sry i wan't around. Busy...^^

Nate: It reminds me of what my uncle told me in a village far, far away. "Sometimes you can communicate in a letter better than a conversation." I wonder if that's true...What do you think?
It's easier to say things written sometimes than face-2-face. YOu can express more as well. Teachers need to know why kids pass notes. Well, nvm, this is getting obscene. oO Byyyyyyyyyyyye
-the azngirl
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
"Hey, I just got this insane idea of pulling out my hair..."
Quote from Hamilton-yes, he is so crazy, i have to say a lot of things about him. ^^
Hello hello! Although it's nightime, im bippin & boppin like crazy! & my mom is gonna get me a iced mocha! We are literally an insane family. Im still home alone, but that's no prob. Im just bored, but that's pretty normal for everyone.
Hey, & i got this great idea of a party! Again, i will have a party & my mom said for August. Wellllll, August is pretty far off & i dunno all my friends number & this & mom & i planned to have it this weekend. A lot of ppl will be here & my dad won't even know! Yessss, so it's a secret! Well, from my dad anyways...~_^
Nothing is going on. It's so sad to hear that Pope John Paul II died yesterday around 9:30 AM. A lot of awful things have been going on, & it's been around here as well. Well, i hope that everything that is ill will become better! Ok that's all! Here's the thought!

Truffles: You looooooooove the nightlife, huh, snoutie? You looooooooove to party, huh, snoutie?
Uh-Huh, im gonna party like there's no next week! Well, my sis came home & just left to get some candy. Woot, teh Candy! Ok, byyyyye!
-the azngirl
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Hey, well, nothing going on right now. I hate Saturdays now. There's nothing ever to do anymore. I actually like school more than home now. oO I think it's b/c im with my buds & being insane. I never go out anywhere. I stay at home, locked in the study room, sitting on my ass with my electronic thingys. Amazing.
::sips coffee:: & yes, i usually drink coffee on Saturdays. I woke up at 8, finding my mom exercisin' to a video. oO It's from Asia, a a viet comp. that has all these famous singers in them. Then why do they have an exercise routine? Strikes me more than a tad bit odd. But anyways, im home alone, yes, quite again, & i have nothing to do. :-| None of my friends ever come over. They only come at parties & stuff. Buuuut, i was thinkin' of making an End Of The Year Party this month when my sis goes to Chicago for a band trip. ^^ I will have to FORCE my friends to come. I hope i can make a party though. We'll just be the random idiots we are at the party. Especially if everyone comes. 1 person can make all the ifference, especially Hamilton...he makes the party extremely crazy. Like i went to my friend's skate party & he was about to tackle Lance.(if u remember him.) Well, Lance bent done to buckle his skates & Hamilton missed & tripped over & fell on top of him. Hahaha, they're a crazy pair.
Well, well, i was gonna say something, but i'll save it for later. :] Hrrm...ok, finally, here's a thought 4 today! neighbor Bones was happy before i saved & turned off the game & i turn it back on & he's STILL happy...a lil too happy... oO It must be some glitch or something...
Limberg: Well, it's spring, isn't it? Time to start something new. A fresh start. A new leaf. Have you started anything new yet, Kimi? making manga, shirts, & many other that considered new? (sorta-kinda. ^^) Well, let's get out there & start something new! ...mebbe i'll take choir next They probably wouldn't let me play & i would probably break my 1st bone, or 2, or 53. oO
::thinks hard...::
-the azngirl
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Friday, April 1, 2005
Happi April Fool's Day!
Heehee, well, i finished some of my manga & i turned it in & got an 80 right? Well, i gotta color it & turn it back in for her to hang up. & Apparentely, all my friends think this manga is da shit. ^^(i had to say that.) Everyone who read it thinks it's so funny, but i just made it into written nonsense! oO & my friend Rodney wants to take it home & scan it & post it all over the internet. I was just like ...Ok. & BAM! (Bus...oO) Anywaaays, my neighbor(which also goes to school w me) Nick said i should've earned a 190 on it. 'Course...i didn't...& the grading process doesn't work that way. I may be lazy, but people look at me as the smart insane kid. Yays.
Welllll...i bought paint markers the other day & now 2 are missing. I swear, Jesus must be mad or something...either that or i dropped them & sum1 took them & started siffin' them...oO (they really DO do that...) I haven't started on my shirt yet, but my mom said it'll look cute, even though it's a Dead Panda. (Sry, it's ME! Moohaha-ok, randomness & hyperness.) I haven't been on cuz ive been busy lately. I wouldn't worry too much about grades. Im just like that one dude Yugi, who always comes upu with the unthinkable in the end. I manage to go through situations like that. ^^ My friend was able to go through 3 Fs & go 2 8th grade. (it is a looong & terrible story to see how they dropped so low. I promise u that u don't wanna know what happened 2 her)
But anyways, I had a wonderful week. & besides that...Happy April Fool's! It sux that i don't have school today, so i can't pull some sneaky pranks. (Oh, darn. ::swings arm::) Well, actually right now it's around 1 AM & im um...well TIRED, so im not gonna say much. (even though i already did.)
What Not To Do On April Fool's Day~

Don't Fool someone in high places.
OK, sry if i can't go 2 your sites! I'll try in the morning!
-the azngirl
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Behold...Thy Doughnut!
Yep, my dad brought home 2 donuts home today!(Funny how i spell it both ways...) I think i microwaved it too long. It's kinda burning my mouth & it's all squishy. oO
In other news folks... Hey! Sry, i've been busy! Y'know, after Spring Break & this new lil' equinox, ive been refreshed & restored! Ive been a workaholic since i came back to school. My crazy friends are still...crazy. ^^ Lots o' fun, though. This whole week is warming up a lot as well! The weather has been great, 76 degrees with an extra dose of wind.(comin' at your face at 25 mph...>.>) Like my cuz Hoan has said-
It's impossible to have fun & have good grades at the same time.
Heehee, welp, that's gonna change 4 me! Next year is gonna be kinda sucky, though. Most of my buds are moving on 2 high school. XP Gay.
But...this is my best year yet, even though my grades have been dying here. (i need to remember to bring the Cam to school in the last week of school. Who gives a flip if i get in trouble? It's the last week of school! ::One of my buds pop out::
Corbin: Awesome! Let's get suspended!
Me: oO It could actually work...the last days of school wreak major havoc.(Teh Awesomeness, yo.) I will have good memories...but it's 2 early to think of this! ._.
Oh, yes, i am making myself a shirt as well! I have this black Polo shirt & it's letters have been peelin' off.(it's cheap i bet.) & i shall put my Dead Panda face on it. (& yes it is ME. :]) & i turned in my manga, though it wasn't done, i got an 80 on it! I would've gotten better...but it took me too long to do it...but, my teacher really liked it! I just need to color it & stuff & she'll hang it up! Awesome. Haha, well...nothing else has happened since then. Ok...well here's another Thought for today-

Kiki: Once March rolls around, things start to heat up pretty quickly, kittycat! The snow melts almost overnight, & spring starts to show its face. Now I'm just waiting for the blossoms!
Indeed, we have a Cherry Blossom Festival each year. I actually never had been there, but i heard there's a picnic & u get candy & treats & u watch the sakura bloom all around. Too bad i can't do that for real. Ok, well, i g2g! Buh Bye!
-the azngirl
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter!(againnnnnnn!)

I would like to wish my cuzzin Chu (or...his real name, Toan ^^) a very Happy 16th Birthday! oO He won't see this though...
But the thought counts! Happy B-day, cuz!
Today, i went to church. Yay. Again. As usual. & let's not fail to mention that our church has a volleyball team... only the Viet ppl that go 2 church here are in the team. Just a few...& they wanted my sis to play... ^^ Our church is weird.
OK i g2g! Bye guys!
-the azngirl
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::cough & coughs:: Easter...
Um...well, it's late. oO 1 summin i think. My clock on the comp is jacked up. ::clears throat:: Well, my sis coughed in the air(on purpose...) & i think she got me sick or something. I'll sneak up in here room & throw a easter brownie on her face. ^^
::cough:: Anyways...this is a fast post & i'll post later maybe. Just to say happy Easter! I was at church 4 2 grueling hours. >_> Must...find...exit!!!
Here's 2 pics to get us into the happy lil' Easter-ish mood!

::huggle bunnies:: ....ok, well, for those who can't see the pic i put up, it's down therre with yesterday's post! ^^
Ok that's all 4 now! G'NITE!
-the azngirl
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Well, here you go.

I know you guys can't see the pic, so here's what it kinda looks like...except mine looks a tad bit diff. Especially Kuriboh, he says ,"Congrats on 800 Hits!!!"
& then snuggles & a nice border...sorta. Ok, that's all! Bye bye! oO
-the azngirl
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800 HITS! (Wonder how long it would be to 1000?) can see it, right? I hope so. ^^ It's a cuuuuuuute pic of Yami & Kuriboh! ::huggles both::
...likewhoamans, it's raining here. It's weird cuz my dad & his pals are playing the rain....totally DRUNK. embarrasing. They're hopeless. (you know us. Not really...nvm. oO)
Anyways, i got 800 hits! Thank you all for being here. It's also almost been a year now as well.'s not that much in a year. I have a friend who's off now, but she had around 10,000 in less than a year. Whoo...i'm waaaaaaaaay behind. ^^;; That's ok, though. It doesn't long as im here & your here, it's all good.
._. Double you tee eff(haha wtf), those drunkies are weird. They laugh in a screechy kinda way... Well, nothing much is happenin'. Im just watching this funny movie called 3 Strikes. & i just missed the end...(stupid.)'s raining pretty hard down here, but hey, our bonsais & tiny ferns & trees are growing in. Heck Yes. Ive been playing way too many of the same games, & my sis told me to buy some. WE should've thought of that THIS Spring Break. But's too late know. :-|
So here's another thought from my insane neighbors-

Curly: Y'know, Kimi, I've heard it's good to use your head every now & then! ::wind blows:: So...I guessed I'm doomed now, nyoink.
It's always good to use your head! He's just a bodybuilder kind of person... Well, thanks for 800! I hope to expect more in the future...! oO!
-the azngirl
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Friday, March 25, 2005
Dooood! It messed up! My 2nd quiz is gone! Oh wellllllllllllllllllll...
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