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artist fo lyfe.
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i can catch a Pikachu. :D
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About 4 or 5. I'm not too into it anymore lol.
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I don't have one! I like a lot though.
To be top dog in my village! ...oh wait, that's Naruto. what the hell.
I can count backwards from a million...twice.
| azngirl K170
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Friday, March 25, 2005
Here a quizzes for you people who have nothing to do on Good Friday~
Your Brain is 66.67% Female, 33.33% Male |
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! | is true, but i am more likely 55 chick & 45 dood. Least what i think. ^^
Your Brain is 66.67% Female, 33.33% Male |
Thank GOD i don't look like that! Hahaha it's sorta true.......but thank God i don't look like that. ^^
Hahaha, i got stooperpoweers already! oO
Ok more 2 come later!
-the azngirl
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To Fast!(Again!)

Hahahaha, im so stupid! I forgot i was offline & i posted. ::gonk:: Miraculously, i copied the post, but the only thing it saved was this picture. That's kinda weird, & creepy, but cool 2. @_@ ...
Nothing much happened today. Im supposed to fast today. It's not very hard, & i know someone at school fast for 1 month. & then i watched her eat...& it was !
OK, here's the thought 4 today~

Coco: Kimi, it's the little things you do that really pay off in the end!
Little things.....(think teeny tiny!) oO Not THAT tiny. ::braindead::
-the azngirl
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
A quiz.
Yesh, i am azn, thank u very much!No, im not chinese or japanese to those frickin' ass-hats who think i am!(Sry!)
Hm...the white thing, i think the black & white should be split. Im just like any other race u see on your block ^^ through.
 | You scored as Winter. You are WINTER. You're more introspective, thinking deeply, feeling deeply. You love nothing better than to enjoy one on one time with those who are important to you. You are cautious, and sometimes second guess yourself. Dreams, though you have them, are a luxury, because life is not a plaything.
Winter | | 85% | Spring | | 80% | Fall | | 80% | Summer | | 80% |
What Season Are You? created with |
Woah! I almost got them all! WEird, though, i was born in the wintertime. & this is pretty damn true! Hence thy result~
Ok that's all 4 now!
-the azngirl
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There's a place in Heaven for a Pichu...if it only had it's wings...

This Spring Break is quite the boring one. Mhm, there's just these soaps on right now & ive been playing games for an eternity. SSBM, Animal Crossing, & Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4. I haven't really gone out with friends cuz i usually don't. It sux. Im even getting sick of sleeping! I hope that's natural...
So, i was just wondering about the new anime Lagoon Engine Einsatz. They need to get it done soon, i know some people want to read it real bad.(like me) Hm...i forgot what else the person wrote besides this anime...(i forgot the name...)
Ok, well, here's Cheri with her thought oO-

Cheri:It feels SO super good to give something to a friend! That smile on your face is like a million bells!(um, dollars.)
So, give your friend a nice gift! (i should call mine, cept he'd be like WTF?! Who are you?! heheh, b/c i got caller ID so i kno the #. hahahahha, it's so good to have caller ID.)
-the azngirl
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Hm, well, yesterday, we planned to eat out again. I did my nails 1st & then we went to McDonald's. XD When we got there, they were packed with kids & the only toy they had was Mr. Incredible. Me & My sis got one too, but i don't remember where i put it...(i think it's still in her car.)
Today, my sis is goin to Little Rock. She took the cam where it had my pics & i was so bored i a few random pics. Now they're gonna laugh at them. Oh well, her friend is literally dumb. My sis even knows that. (Hahah! She didn't even know what limeade was!!! XDDD) My parents got me Sonic today & we watch some soaps.(i dunno why, that was the onli thing on...) My mom's at work now, & my dad's home. Im pretty much home alone besides my dad, but i have nothing to do... o.o I really need to get out more. I kinda wish i had a car now. BUt i do though actually...(confused.) My mom said that i own her car now, but i don't drive it yet. ^^ It's one of the most awesome cars ever. Just a little cramped up, especially in the back.

It looks like this, but white.( i can't take a pic of it bc SOMEONE took the cam. coughLillycough)
Welp, im full of fewd now & im on the um......bleh,thing now. Im pretty tired out & crap. Ok, well here's a thought from my new neighbor-(after Bitty left town...o.O)

Valise: Don't worry about what others think, tadder. Just do what you want to do.
Yesh, indeed. If people got a problem with what you do, then just make them be silent because they aggravate the hell out of you. ;-)
-the azngirl
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Me hair ish evil!
Ok, well, hello!!! Today i got my now it's really short. I look old style-ish. oO My mom & sis said i look like some chick off an anime schtick. ^^ Least my hair grows fast. & at least now i have some other style...(that looks kinda ghetto...:O )
Afterwards, we went out to eat breakfast at...1 PM. Yesh, it's kinda late, but we were hungry for some bf.(um breakfast...) I had double blueberry pancakes(actually, there were what's w the double???) w sausage links. It had an over load of blueberries AND blueberry sauce. I swear im gonna blow blueberry chunks... <-vomit "bleh"berry here. After eating & having some insane convos with my sis & my mom, we went to her store so my sis can get a wax 4 her eyebrows...(mine are as big as heck, but hey, i don't need it. Besides, i look retarded & i look like im gonna murder some1 when some of its' gone.) & then.........i played SSBM with my sis some. (haha, we kick monkey ballz. o_o)
Annnnnnnnywaaays, i went to the dentist for a lil cleaning. (scrape scrape bleed ow.) & my old cavity from long go needs ome protection b4 i get full braces so i got another appointment sometime later. Oh yea, ferrgot 2 inform, i get full braces again so that my top will move back & my jaw moves forward, hopefully making it look GOOD. & for 1 year & a half. (they say Invisalign takes 3 years...ok, to Plan B...)
OK, well, i have nothing more! Oooog, that pancake's taking full effect. Bleh...never eat blueberry pancakes w/o knowing what it's like... 8-& That's pretty nuch it today......nothing more i here's My Neighbor's Thought-

Bitty: Here's a lesson you might learn: If you drive a hard bargain, the bargain might drive YOU! Straight to the poorhouse, my dear! already hit her in the back of the head with my axe... ) Ok!
-the azngirl
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La la la lalala la...
Oy, well...ahem, i am tired. oO It's officially Monday! (12:19) I did great on the test at church! Yay-thx 4 wishing me luck.(i had last minute studying...) I only did bad at morse code's...Hard.
Other than that, my day was alrite. Nothing much happens on a weekend for me. That's why i love Friday. You go to school, actually learn SOMETHING that day, hang with your best buds, & go home & play games till you pass out. Oh, & homework later. iD
Meh, i need some coffee or something here. I feel the need for it... o.o & so here's one of my neighbors' with his thought for today-

Y'know, Kimi, you've got one strange name, yip yip. Yup, i've been thinking about that since last night...that doesn't make me some kind of freak does it...?
& here's a thought from That 70's Show-
Red: STEVEN! Im gonna kick your ass SO hard, your NOSE will BLEED!!!
Hahah!(i say that a lot now...) Mmk, g'nite everyone! Have a pleasant rest.
-the azngirl
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
How u Doin'???
It's onli 11:35-Im just watching SNL & i got a load of music from...the internet. Im getting AIM too. God, i hope i don't get viruses... ::needs antivirus protection:::
Nothing much going on right now. Im very borededed....
Hey, there's a dead spider. Im gonna go poke it. ::runs to poke it:: Muahaha---(i sense the boredomness...)
-the azngirl::poke::
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Ok, im almost at the 800 mark, even though ive been here for alomost a year.( i guess that's my fault...!) Well, i got some new music & all this other stuff & yeah & shit &, yeah. oO
Since it's Sabado, (um, Saturday...) i have a lot of time to go to everyone's site. Ok, i'll go make haste & run to your sites & stuff now. Ok, well, that was pretty much it! (& i got a test tomorrow at church. Bleh! i didn't studyyyyyyy...oh well. Must run along now.) Alright, i go. ('.')
-the azngirl
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Will Sleep 4 Food~
Ok im just being gay now! Im getting pretty tired now, but at least i dun have insomnia or anything. (actually, it rocks cuz you can finish a hell of a lotta things at night. Yay)
Welp, i need to ask my sis to learn how to transfer my pics from the digital cam to the comp. If anyone knows, give me a ring-a-ding-a-ling! oO! ...different...
Ok, well, i need to get going to bed now. G'nite! ::snooze::
-the azngirl
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