azngirl K170
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Saturday, December 18, 2004

Isn't this cute :3
Ok im home alone right now & i have a whole lotta nothing to do. Well, least i am home alone cuz no one shall bother me. Everyone needs their Quiet Time. Well, i just heard my cuz Kevin is coming to our town tomorrow for the holidaze. Yay. If you remember that time we were left home & forgotten until 5mins. after, then yep, that's him.
If you dunno, i'll tell layta.
It's pretty boring. Ive been playing Yoshi'd Story with the new White Yoshi. & the Black one, too. I can also tell about how to get them too.
Anyhoo, my parents are at a party next door & my sis is at work so here i am. That's all anyways, so im gonna go cook up some mashed potatoes. Yumfulness ^^ Buh Byes
~the azngirl
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Howdy all!

I made this! I can't print it out though. Printer's all kooky.
Well, Christmas shopping is pretty tuff since i can't find the right stuff for everyone. Oh yeah, my dad got me Animal Crossing for Christmas. Yayfulness.
Well, i should be talking all about stuff & junk...when i wake up. Welp, have a nice sleep, everyone. G'nitey nitez!

~the azngirl
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Hiya Mortal Ones!
Hm, wow, haha i was gonna post yesterday but i didn't exaclt have time. I was a church(MAINLY!) for around 4-5 hours doing nothing but kneelin' & praying. It's like what Alex says when he has to wear his xylophones~
Pain, Suffering, & Agony...!!!!
It hurt like heck when i got up from that much of the kneelingness. My mom said she felt sick & wanted to die from all this praying & whatnot. Well, yay, after that, we went to the mall for some shopping. I didn't get anything, though. I don't like getting stuff when im with someone else. Neither does my sister(ironically). I found this neato InuYasha doll, though, but i didn't really want it. My sis though, asked if i liked it & i said yes-course i was kidding., she said that she would get it since she can't even afford Animal Crossing for $20...& she has a job...
She's been X-Mas shopping for friends though.
My dad getting me money 4 X-Mas so i'll probably get it myself. Also, Paper Mario 2 would be nice, but im betting im getting it on my b-day. It's gonna be cheaper in 2 months, of course.
Onward to today!
Today, i woke up at 5:40 buuuuut alas, my awful habit of falling back to sleep in a blink of an eye,literally, got to me.

Afterwards, my sis woke me up & it was...7. I rushed all through the house- Shower, dress(in those band T-shirts ew.) dry, brush, straighten & bada bing bada boom. I actually made it there a tad bit early. We didn't practice anything but our fight song & the National Anthem.(that's the trumpets, though) When we got out to the gym, we went to the center of the gym(percussion, miss detail there.) & we payed a few things, especially this 1 song we didn't know all season long TILL NOW. The pep rally though, was not ezactly as exciting as last time. Crazy seventh graders that is. About some time afterwards, they gone high, lol. It was fun, eeeeexcept for the fact that we pretty much sucked because of our lack of practice & so my friend Kelly was pissed off because the guys were telling him he was playing everything wrong. After all that happened, i skip onto 4th period because everyone is maniacal at this school, so i rather not say...ahem.
In band yet again, it was pretty much our free day. Why? Oh, she was handing out All Region Tryout stuff & in which i didn't go to. We also got to listen to a CD recording of our Christmas Concert last week.It was great, but in 2 songs, you can really hear oboey noises. It's weird, since there's only 2 of us but when we play, we outnumber everyone. Ehk. It was nice, all & all & my percush buds were quite oddly nice to mez today. All-around good pals, i think. Oh lastly, in English...guys were throwing paper at each other & stuff & i was thinking What's the point of throwing a piece of tree at someone? Throw gum. It's made of tree. & quite frankly, it's funny. But all so pointless. All my classes are filled with big ol' morons with no respect whatsoever. Ok that about wraps it up. Im waiting to have some nice breadsticks to come home & i guess that's dinner. I dun wanna eat DUCK. & i get an Inu Doll for Christmas, memba? Yayness. It looks all papery but it's still kawaii. Ok here's my breadie Sticks, so buh bye everyone!
~the azngirl
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
::Wakes up after one week of sleeping in a puddle of drool:: it morning already? Oh wait it's Friday.(no, Saturday!) Go figure.
Ok, in other news~
Well, this week has been inconcieveonably obscene.(Don't worry about that word, just made it up.oO) From now what my parents said, we aren't getting a doggie. Oh well, my sister got in a lil hissy fit & was pretty darn awful. That was Monday. The next was that i forgot to say the concert for us band nerds. It was good, but i screwed up a lot. No one heard me though, which is weird since both of us oboes are not hard to notice.
Wednesday was alrite. This week went by kinda slooooow. Thursday was the same. Took a nap after school though & woke up to watch
some wrestling, lol. It was nice, you might say...or not. Friday(which is today...or was...wasn't it? The System is weird.) Well, i was planning to post a tad bit earlier, but my dad was trying to fix our fax machine, so i had to get off.

Probaly one of the only Digimon i like. Their evolved forms are so ooglay. ^^
Today of all days, well, we learned this one song yesterday & one today in band. One is from the opera "Anything Goes" & the song is called...well, it's self-explanitory...ANYTHING GOES. & the one that rox my sox (& Rita's XD) is called The King Across The Sea. Dood, that song is so tyte, yo! I especially like the beginning where all the percussion start doin a lil battle march theme. 1st it takes place in a battle in the 18th century where this group(forgot where) want to conquer the King's um...everything & then a battle rages. Da-da-dan! after the battle is over the part of the song where one side is defeated starts. That part's pretty nice, too. The last part is the side which came out victorious. & it's all happy & cheery. I like the battle part-that's the coooolest of it all!
Oh yea, i thought percush were going to have practice since we have a pep rally on Monday.That's what someone said...
Oh well, no one ever tells me anything so i end up feeling stupid. Eh, i can live with that. Ok i have nothing planned at all tomorrow & they need to get some new Yu-Gi-Oh!s around here. I ain't waking up early do a morning walk! Hehehe ok well, i've been occupying my time drawing Mario stuff & my own lil creatures. Hm, ok that's all the useless info on my week! Hahaha i gotta go check some stuff out now! Byes!
~the azngirl
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Well, ive been making all these pics & greetings & avis that i forgot it's 12:35! ^^ :Yawnzzz: Ok im really tired now. & Tomorrow's another day. Cept im not doing anything because i already went to church today.
Ok so that's a month of missing the thing after mass. TNTT(Stands for in viet[& i cannot translate, unfortunately.] Thieu Nhi Than The. Ha, i'd like to see anyone who will try to say that! ^^ Oh yeas, i got some neato news, yoz! For Christmas, we're(actually, my mom's friend is getting it 4 my mom, which is giving it to my sis.) getting a teacup chihuahua!
Yay! & it's free, too! You know how much those things cost? Big load of money for something so lil'. Well, we'll probably get it before Christmas & she wants to name it an orisinal name~
Her friend said to name it Sunshine like her dog, then came up with SPARTIKUS.
o.O Don't even try to ask. Ok well, i need some rest now, so nighty nighters, all!

It's the death glare of the teacupness!
~the azngirl
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Ok, there were no new episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! today, & that pretty much sux. Well, i just watched the new epis of Kirby & Shaman King, & it was haha, amusing!
Today, i was just playing Super Smash Bros. Melee & kickin' the poo outta everyone in it. I finally beat the Very Hard level & it was,as it says, very hard. I got used to it though. I actually beat it with Jigglypuff, too!

Well, all im doing right this instant is just eating Ramen. Yay Ramen~

Welp, im pretty darn bored on Saturdays, so i'll be coming around the sites & oh yea, always forget what i want to say! I finished(sorta) the Santa Claus pic for the bulletin board, & it's covered up now. & i need to make the announcement of the quote quote "Secret Christmas Card" behind the puzzle. OoOoOo... O.O
Haha, ok that's it- Be back laytah!
~the azngirl
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Dunno...haha well, um i'll be back in the morn during the new episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! & such. I'm goin' to go sleep in a bit! Much to say, yes? Ok welp, i gotta go take a snoozer, so laytahs everyone!

~the azngirl
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Hey, yo!
Oy, it's freezin in herr! Well, anyways, today, i got my math test back, & suprisingly, i pretty much got the best grade in the class! I got a 96%!!!
Yay!:applause, applause:
& also, in 5th period, i got my voc. Science test back, & i got a 100, yoz!

Ok, well, im almost done with that pic, & i gotta finish by tomorrow too. It's berry berry neat, & no one will be able to see it either, because we're gonna lay out a puzzle over it, with each teacher's name. Next week is the toy drive & whoever's class hits 100%, their piece will come off & part of the pic will appear. Neat, eh? Oh yeah, almost forgot the spelling bee.
FOTUNATELY, i didn't win. I can't spell out loud very well, so heh, i missed annexation because i forgot the n. Oh well. Won't die from it...possibly.
Hm...i dunno what else to say now...Ok then, i'll stuff now! Buh Bye!
A silly quote from my lil cousin(he wrote this in his journal & it was so funny, but i can't memba exactly how it was...)
How to kill a fly~
First, i would get the spray. Then i would get a swatter & hit it to make sure. Then, i would burn it.

~the azngirl
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Teh Yoness!
Hey, everyone, how da heck is everyone???
(Mountain Dew kicked me into hyper gear!) Today was all fine & dandy, yesserie. Oh yeah, remember that random thought i posted some time ago about....fried okra & corn? Well, the silliest thing happened today.(besides moi.)
In English, we did this EOC practice & it was oddly about...okra.
Funny, neh? one say anything....o_O

Well, anyhoo, the spelling bee's Thursday, & i really don't wanna go, but eh...i gotta. Oh well, i shan't die there.(Shan't is a funny word...o_o Just a thought.) Oh yeah, in 2nd period today, my art teacher asked all of us which person would like to help out on the bulletin board.(well, a person who can draw reaaaaaal good while looking at the picture.) Well, apparently, everyone was making hemp necklaces & bracelets & it was pretty silent. So...i just waved my arms maniacally in the air & everyone said i can do it. So, i went to see what i was drawing. Yay, Im drawing Santee Clause! Hahahaha~No.(See the hyperness?)
I have until Friday to get it all donez too, & i gotta draw it really big.(which i can't really do...) Hah, but i got time to do it all. Oy, it hurts my arm drawing on a wall, though. But, it'll turn out grand, yup.
Ok, well, haha, getting too hyper now, so i bettuh go, mmkay all? Yeokay, nuh bye!
~the azngirl
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Hey, evryone! Methinks im crazy for staying up almost all nighty-o working Luckily, i got this Mountain Dew. Gets ya amped up. ^^ Haha, well, i got most of it done, but even if i don't get a very pleasant grade on the mid-term tomorrow, i still got until January, & today feels like my working day. Lesse, right now it's 6:34, but im not the least bit sleepy. Hell, i can do this all the time. 6_9 Don't worry 'bout me folks, im all good.
Oh yeah, i visited yesterday to a few of you guys & damn, i need to know what less detailed is, since i make such long posts & comments. Hah, ok, i'll be back probably in 8 hrs.(if no math was drilled in your head, that's 7. Hey, math doesn't drill much in mine ^^;;)
Wow, today's weather is pretty darn awful. 90% rain...45 the unpleasantness haunts us all. Ok, well, i gotta go get ready to go to school. I didn't even dry my hair. Guess i don't remember that it can drip off & fall on the keyboard & spark all around. Wheeeeeee, isn't electricity a load off gigglios?
Now someone wants a SPECIAL gift.
Welp, that's all for now, homez!(That must be a new thang im saying!) Buh bye!
~the azngirl
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