azngirl K170
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Feel da hyperness!(must be this Mountan Dew...what do they put in it, heroin or something?)
Today was nothing of the ordinary, well, i didn't have to stay after this week, so yippee skippee. Oh yes, yesterday was my parent's 18th anniversary, too, so a pile o' people came around to stay & party. A whole bunch of kids...too lil patience. One was not a kid though, if you remember previously backa while ago my "bud"(if you would like to say) Jackson. He's alright, i guess, but evryone can tell he likes my sister. Kinda shows it well...
Welp, i can't explain all the details of the party(because im lazy that way, so thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart!X3) Today is sadly the last day of our Thanksgiving break. I have to get all the work i didn't turn in well, turned in by tomorrow. Then, after that, the dreaded mid-terms... They're not always bad, but my dad always forces me to get them & work harder & stuff. Pressure's on me, dood. I have my ways of negotiating & slippin' through stuff easily. Like Joey-
"& it's all thanks to my brilliant idea...!"

Well...uh, oh yea, i got new music. Since it's going down as a Paper Mario theme here, i think it's appropriate. If you go to a place i think called Super Mario RPG Legacy, then it'll come up. you can find info on characters, a few pics & the soundtrack to the music from the actual game. If you get to that point & listen to the song you like, go ahead & copy the shortcut & go to the hyperlink url thing on your intro stuff (you'll figure it) & put it down & that's it. Ok, well, i better be going, folks. Laytas!
~the azngirl
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
So, how are the changes? Im probably making a few more to TWEAK IT. Just a lil'.
Oh yea, my sister told me to make an anniversary card for my parents. Well, so far, I got nothing. Im trying to find the right pics for the card. So, if anyone would like to show me a pic, that'll be nice ^^
If not, then i'll have to shoot you in da face. 8D Course, im kidding.(i do that too much...)

(^^;; Ok, this was just plain random. Too much Mario stuff, dood.)
Ok, well, im going to change s'more of the site & find some pics! Ok buh bye evryone!
(Oh shit, forgot that the "lil' kids" are coming, too! Must this be my job now? If it is, someone's gonna have to pay me...)
I need a lil salvation...with the random thought of~
Fried Okra & Corn!
Haha, i must be high or something...
~the azngirl
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Time 2 Change!(once again!)
Ah well, I'll shall be changing the theme real soon. Mebbe now, since im bored. It's gonna be a Christmas theme with a bunch of pics all wrapped into one...if possible. Mebbe keeping the snow theme here too. ^^ So, how was evry1's TG? Good, eh? & all them sales goin' on...twas crazee evry1! If anyone was out today, you'll probably tell. I just bought a nifty lil' giraffe-like-leopard-like-something watch. Only 5 bucks, yo. Five buckeroonies. ^^

(Ok, nothing more needs to be said...ahem, in other news...)
Hey, well, hope you guys went out & got some nifty stuff too! Welp, im just bored as heck these days, & things couldn't be any suckier..
Well, anyhoo...i GOTTA GO! Buh bye, evryone, you're all dolls. (Im just playin!)
& here's a random thought 4 today~
Fried Okra & Corn.
~the azngirl
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I must be going, so buh there. I hate ppl sometimes.(actually, a lot.)
~the azngirl
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
What are you thankful for?

Me? Hmmm...not a lot, exactly, since things change here & there. It's all mainly to my buddies all around out there. & more, but i don't wanna name all this. Well, this week has been alright, nothing more than average. 'course, Im starting to hate people at my school. A truck load of them are rude, racist, & not to mention, all-around asswads. & no, Im not thankful for THAT, fortunately. But i guess not everyone's perfect, but still...
Ive just been playing games & the pianerrr this past week.(Can you tell it's something called boredom???) Oh yea, my sis is making our TG dinner today, so it should be grand ^^
These days, i haven't really felt like i wanted to post much, since i already did the other day, so we'll keep it all short, methinks.

Thanksgiving poem for all~
Thanksgiving 8000 calorie poem
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
and your pies take the prize,
and may your Thanksgiving dinner
stay off your thighs!
So, what are you thankful for? Right now, im thinkin food. Heck yes, the almighty food, yo.
~the azngirl
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Ok, hello! I forgot to put a lot of stuff last time, eh? Oh well, not gonna kill me...yet. Ok, well, nothing really going on, & yes, I heard the spelling bee's on the 2nd of Dec. right after school. Gah, I HAVE to be in it because my parents told me so. :sigh: Better just study up some!
Oh yes, to make me feel better is a nice, crispy, BURNED Pop-Tart. Left it in too long, ehehe. Burned is better...occasionally.
:chomps: Hoooooooooo, that's good pastry.
Ooo, let's not get into that, ahem. Today was pretty average. But our math class is the stupidest & most annoying class I got. All the um...preppy chicks are stupid & annoying & the guys are too. & what were we learning today? Rational, irrational, regular, whole numbers, & integers???
How da hell is that supposed to help us when we go out to eat or work in our office.
MD Cashier: That'll be the regular, rational number, & integer of $5.45, ma'am.
Me: m-...ah screw it, im goin' to Taco Bell.
I don't get why they tell us this stuff. Well, onward, people. In band today, Megan was gone, so i was a lone oboeist. At least people got to hear me play & give some praise for it. My band director never listens to me play really since i don't practice a lot. Ergh, i don't study, practice, or train or nothin' for my stuff. I do things by experience. That's the way to do it. (like on my science test- a 90, baby! ^^)
Today was fun in band, since my buds in percussion were being silly & i can see them a mile away. Especially Alex(xylophone dude!) & Kelly(f-ball player & bass drum dude!). In 1 of our songs called "A Cartoon Christmas", at the end, we play Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Kelly was playing sleigh bells & singing at the same time...oddly enough. But to make it more odd, Alex was waiting for his ONE cowbell part, so he amused himself by dancing like a dog on steroids. Hehe, i really should get back into percussion soon.
That's why we kinda took a poll-sorta.
What is better, Orchestra or Band?
Band all the way. Besides, the Orch. director was going mad at the concert out of town, or so i heard. DoOoOd, i would've gone to see that! Hahahahaha, ok im getting all giggly ^^ Well, anyhow, today was quite entertaining. Tomorrow, i hope to wake up in time for those YGO's. Yami was soooo frickin out last time...the evilness, yo. I bet we'll see Leviathan real soon. Muhaha, & other people think YGO is gay. (it's not like Power Rangers or something...EeEWww XD) Well, i better go now, & oh yeah, i might not get online on Sunday because i have to go to Oklahoma. Since i can't stay home by myself(stupid!!!!) & my sister will be at work all day, i have to go with my parents to get nail supplies & stuff. I get kinda tired when i travel by car, but the thing i like about going is something all who enjoi~
Oh yea, the food is delicioto!

Food is the source of all goodness.
So...welp, I must be going!
" Look up for inspiration, down for concentration but don’t look side to side for information".
~the azngirl
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Aha! Ok, just pure random stuff. Hello, how is everybody doing today? Mmkay, good te hear, yo.
Well, anyhoo, i forgot what i was gonna say...
Oh, today, I got in the Spelling Bee. Ooooh, how nerdy ^^ I only missed 1 word...some rat poison called i think arscnick or something. My parents want me to be in it, so like I HAVE A CHOICE IN HELL.
Today was the usual day, cept the rain made a beauchious lake on the field where we used to march. Yippee Skippee. All the seventh graders were flippin' out about it. They have a lot more to go through here. It's just a humungtious puddle or rain is all.
Days could be better...a whole butt load better. Heh, I heard from Brandon that he said I should be in percussion.(he's the 9th grader{da nigga, yo.}that plays snare,memba?) He said i'd probably be really good at it. I should try out next year or summin. Ok, that's later though...

I have stuff to say, but I forgot & my compy's acting up & being weird. Pop-Ups....
I hate when you have something you wanna say, but never remember, forget about it, or yu just can't say. Oh well, I'll think & check back then! So, that's all today...methinks. OK, buh bye!
Ack, I dunno what quote to get!

Ok, that's all, ppl! Buh bye!
~the azngirl
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Well, dun wanna report of anything today...typical me.

Seto: All right, Honda!'re not Honda! And here I thought no one else could possibly have a worse hairdo...
Well, for some weird reason, this week has been feeling all lazy & stuff. & tiring. Anyone notice that, or is it just me? Time's been going pretty slow, too. I justgot up from my nap & I have the urge to puke.(& I said that out loud....stoopid! ><)

Ok, I would think he would go in a rampage & kill evry1 by now...
~Quote~ From my good friend Hamilton~
"Save a drum.
Bang the Drummer."
Hehehehe, ok, well, I gotta go watch some Smallville & stuff & eat & stuff & stuff & stuff &, eh, screw it, Im goin! Buh Bye!
~the azngirl
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Sunday, November 14, 2004

AAAA, He's bald! ^^
Poor Shadi.
Well, today, I didn't go to church b-c my sis was at a job meetin', so my mom told me not to go.
Yay, she's gotta job!
Well, um nothing to report of really. Today seems tiring & boring. & I've been practicing the "elbow" for a while.(aka the oboe. We call it the elbow, haha.) I finally got it & I'll start to make up all them sectionals Tuesday...probably. What a load of gigglios.
Ah, well, I better get going to practicing & stuff, so buh bye evry1!

Yami does not like to read nor does he like books and libraries...
(He's just plotting something....^^)
When they put unknown at the end of a quote, that means they probably don't no how to spell anonymous" -unknown
~the azngirl
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Ok, for a weird reason, that Gundam Wing pic didn't show. Oi, I hate when that happens. Well, anyhow, I have another 1 made by...someone...^^. I just found all this on Google. Thank you, Google!(Cept on that 1

These pics are way 2 weird. But, hey, it has our favorites in em', right? Ok, nooo....
Well, Im gonna hit the bricks now!(it doesn't hurt-Wanna try?
Naruto: Coughpsychocough...
Me: Have you checked yourself lately? 'Cause I see a psycho mark here & here & Oooo, a whoppa there...
Naruto: WHAT?! WHERE???!!!
Me: Oh...they're stress marks...Omg, that's weird.^^;;)
Have a pleasant day, guys! Z-.-Z
~the azngirl
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